Hey Lorn....none of your pics. are working Hahaha...hey Rinkin, you do look like Ross! Also I have gone through a self make-over whenever I find my camera I'll post a pic. of the new me....
This is the newest one I have. All the GB's with scanners are lazy f*cks and take forever to scan pictures. I just got a couple sent to me earlier today and this is the only one of me sent so far. Of course, it's my least favorite and it sucks hardcore. Soon i'll have some better ones of me. http://members.roadfly.com/bryanlpa/1.jpg
that's a sweet trick. I want to try that style of biking... I mountain bike but I've never tried anything in the city......
Get one of you on your bike just balancing there with you looking at the camera and smiling. Your bike isn't that special Bryan.
Oh you are so, very wrong. My bike means everything to me. Not many things are more special then my bike. In fact, I can only thing of one thing. LIVE TO RIDE, RIDE TO LIVE baby!
Oh you are so, very wrong. My bike means everything to me. Not many things are more special then my bike. In fact, I can only thing of one thing. LIVE TO RIDE, RIDE TO LIVE baby! [/b][/quote] Bryan, I can see your future and your marriage. "Do you Bryan, take you McNeil to be your happily wedded bike..." Then You make love and have baby grips, which will eventually mature into fully sized McNeils and then you will be able to sell them for cash.
Bryan, I can see your future and your marriage. "Do you Bryan, take you McNeil to be your happily wedded bike..." Then You make love and have baby grips, which will eventually mature into fully sized McNeils and then you will be able to sell them for cash. [/b][/quote] *clears throat* MacNeil As for a pic where i'm not on my bike - It will never happen.