Me and my new guitar, Abbey (as in Road). It's an Ibanez Artcore and I freaking love it. Super versatile and fits me well overall.
Fuck, that' a cool looking stage performance up there!! Ah, my clever face after 2 months of Finland Forest.
I picked it up without much thought and fell in love with it. Got it half off too since it was used. I highly recommend it. Really versatile sounds, really comfortable for my stature (5'11"). If you want to hear how it sounds, my band and I have an album coming out soon that I'm recording with it, so stay tuned for that. While I'm not religious at all, I was asked by my brother to play at his church with him. It was crazy professional as you can see. Here's a video of that if you want to see the stage in action
Shiiiit dude, some of my favorite bands don't have nearly this production value. That was awesome! Is that your brother singing?
Nah, my brother was the one playing lead guitar. And right? It was awesome to be IN that level of production and to get a little taste of that