Feelin' pretty good today, despite my allergies really acting up. Got my last exam of the first round of exams done today. This week is gonna be a breeze. [thumb]https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12088215_10201104451809108_3848051549216603576_n.jpg?oh=d3467a53894f620f414d2a1483976c2e&oe=5698D0AA[/thumb]
Yeah, damn it, Gibs. You look more like you sell lemonade in front of your house on weekends for $.50 than like you worship the dark lord. :idontevenknowifkappa:
I wish I could grow a beard. I really can only grow a shitty neckbeard at this point #WhyCantIBeOlder