My desktop... I have it set so that it says "Heeerreee's Johnny!!" when the computer starts up. I love The Shining.
Awesome as always. [/b][/quote] Hah, thanks. To see a visual style different than 'Inspirational Royale (Carbon Blue)' [the dark one im always using] is rare. Normally if I change my visual style, I end up changing back to IRCB within hours. Foton just passed the test.
Either it's just me, or I'm a perfectionist when it comes to theming my computer. Everyone else on this forum just seems to put on a wallpaper, and leave everything else alone. Meanwhile, I'm changing my VS, changing the wall, skinnin my MSN, changing the icons, organizing my [docs] folder...
i just realized that Will made this thread on my birthday last year. sorry, just a random thought about this thread.