Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by withnoapologies, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. #1

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    after i read the masturbation thread, politics was mentioned.... i think we should have a political discussion. when i say politics, i mean the USA, because right now there is lots of controversy about their president, George W. Bush, and most of us would know some things about that.... obviously, with all of the wars and stuff.now it is obvious of what i think..... but i want to know what you guy think about Bush and the war on Iraq. so.... what do you think?..... to the batmobile!
  2. #2
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I've always thought Bush was a total idiot, I hope he loses the 2004 election.

    I never did support the war in Iraq either, and now with reports coming out that there are no WMDs and the CIA is lying, I hope it becomes more obvious to other people who did support the war that the war was a mistake.
  3. #3

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    But after the troops captured Saddam, Bush became more popular, so Operation Bush Removal 2004 may not work because he did what he "set out to do."
  4. #4

    Here in Europe, Bush is pretty unpopular so I hope 2004 is the year he goes. The world will be going downhill if we have to endure him for another four years. Bush is possibly the worst US president ever and I find it ironic that Clinton was impeached for his adultery when Bush is getting away with war crime.
  5. #5

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I think I'm the only one who likes the job Bush is doing.

    People claim that he's only in this for the oil. Well, I hate to burst your bubbles, people, but you can't get oil in Afghanistan or Korea, and those are two countries he has gone after. Sure, none of this would be going on had it not been for 9/11, but 9/11 was the wake up call that was needed to get rid of terrorism.
  6. #6

    9/11 was the pretext for Bush to start a war that has increased terrorism. Since the war, there has been the bombing of the UN HQ in Baghdad, bombing of British embassy in Turkey (to coincide with Bush's state visit to Britain), not to mention countless other suicide bombers setting themselves off in Israel. If you ask for the opinion of young Muslim men in the Middle East, some will tell you they are more willing than ever to join fundamentalist groups and wage a "jihad" against the West. I don't see how Bush is going to get rid of terrorism. He's not taking the right approach. Even if he eliminates this generation of terrorists, there will be generations to come. From the way things are going, terrorism will never stop.
  7. #7
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    What about Iraq though? There aren't WMDs, there is oil. Conincidence? I think not.
  8. #8

    TeMpEsT Live To Thrash LPA Super Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I live in the U.S., and all my life I was hoping to join the Marines when I turned 18...my future feels as it's starting to die out as I go on listening to the news. The problem is, there is a more corrupted scheme going on behind CNN and the News, maybe beyond the War on Iraq. Anyway, I found a beautiful article about the war here.
  9. #9
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    How is Bush gonna end Terrorism by invading other countries and killing thousands of innocent people? :rolleyes:
  10. #10

    TeMpEsT Live To Thrash LPA Super Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    We can hear about 2 U.S. soldiers dying per day, and don't get me wrong that is tragic (stupid on Bush's part), but you never hear about how many civilians have died by U.S./NATO forces.
  11. #11

    Anthony. .Orestes LPA Super VIP

    Aug 25, 2003
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    If I'd be an American, I'd vote for Wesley Clark.

    Anyway, I don't like Bush. Iraq was not the enemy, North Korea was and still is. They can threaten the U.S. and Canada with their nukes, nukes they admit to have (and are proud of). Not to say their leader is a (word I can't use here) and very unpredictable.
  12. #12

    LornVourkolakas About To Blow Chunks

    Aug 14, 2003
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    To be truthful, I don't care. Bush hasn't done anything has affected me. At least not to my knowledge. I'm pretty sure Bush isn't the one that gave me Cancer. And right now, that is the biggest problem in my life. So, either way, I don't care.
  13. #13

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Bush is the only terrorist I see in America:

    1. Several major news sources have claimed he wanted to wage war against Iraq prior to 9/11

    2. So far, the US has not found any nuclear weapons in Iraq, so at this point, the war was pretty much a waste

    3. Most of you don't know this, but Bush had hundreds of thousands of male muslims deported for no reason, other than as a "safety precaution"

    4. The reason why attacks like 9/11 occur is because of the US's foriegn policy. Bush didn't mind invading a harmless Iraq, why not go after a strong superpower in Asia? He knows he doesn't stand a chance.

    5. Were there any terrorist attacks during Clinton's presidency? No, there hasn't been for more than 50 years, which I believe says quite a lot.
  14. #14

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    Howard Dean did the funniest thing last week....


    :lol: :lol:

    edit: he should team up with lil jon :lol:
  15. #15

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    if you watched the speach on 9/11, Bush said that he wont rest until all terrorism has ended. now i am pretty sure that none of you have heard of this, so i shall explain. the SOA (School Of Americas) it is a school in Georgia in which Latin Americans (men from South America) are captured and brought to the school and trained to kill, then the go back to their homeland and kill priests, ministers, nuns, baby's, children(but before killing the kids, they rape them), and adults. that sounds a lot like terrorism. eventhough this school started 50 years ago.... Bush did not say anything in the STATE OF THE UNION spee chthat he would close the school. disgusting.

    and if i were American and was 18, i would vote for Wes Clark.... thats what Michael Moore is going to do :D
  16. #16

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    9/11 was the pretext for Bush to start a war that has increased terrorism. Since the war, there has been the bombing of the UN HQ in Baghdad, bombing of British embassy in Turkey (to coincide with Bush's state visit to Britain), not to mention countless other suicide bombers setting themselves off in Israel. If you ask for the opinion of young Muslim men in the Middle East, some will tell you they are more willing than ever to join fundamentalist groups and wage a "jihad" against the West. I don't see how Bush is going to get rid of terrorism. He's not taking the right approach. Even if he eliminates this generation of terrorists, there will be generations to come. From the way things are going, terrorism will never stop. [/b][/quote]
    I don't like Bush, but he's not the cause of suicide bombings in Israel by Pakistani extremists. ;). That's a dispute over the region of Kashmir.

    Personally, I think Bush is going after Iraq just like he did against Afghanistan in a vigilante mission to try and make up for his administrations (and the FBIs) pitfalls in stopping the terrorist attacks of 9/11. He could've prevented the attacks, he didn't, so now he's going after the supposed enemies without a string of evidence against them (except for the presence of the taliban in afghanistan) to try and show that the US is still a powerful and undefeatable country. The US are still the most powerful country in the world, but they're still hurting. A new president could lessen the likelyhood of another attack and could patch the wounds left by the September 11th attacks.
  17. #17

    TeMpEsT Live To Thrash LPA Super Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I'd vote for Arnold Swarzenneger, but that's just me. :rolleyes:
  18. #18

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    You know you can put anyones name on the ballot if/when you vote. :lol: My mom told me that. I doubt its true, but still, something to think about.

    *makes 'Will For President' banners* :p
  19. #19

    TeMpEsT Live To Thrash LPA Super Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Like that Census in Australia, I'd vote for Obi Wan Kenobi.
  20. #20

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    I don't like Bush, but he's not the cause of suicide bombings in Israel by Pakistani extremists. ;). That's a dispute over the region of Kashmir.

    Personally, I think Bush is going after Iraq just like he did against Afghanistan in a vigilante mission to try and make up for his administrations (and the FBIs) pitfalls in stopping the terrorist attacks of 9/11. He could've prevented the attacks, he didn't, so now he's going after the supposed enemies without a string of evidence against them (except for the presence of the taliban in afghanistan) to try and show that the US is still a powerful and undefeatable country. The US are still the most powerful country in the world, but they're still hurting. A new president could lessen the likelyhood of another attack and could patch the wounds left by the September 11th attacks. [/b][/quote]
    Bush supports the draft to come back, because after the war on Iraq and Afganistan, not many people will want to become soldiers.... not many will want to re-enlist. so you might say that the American army is going to decrease. the draft will mean a weaker army. so USA might not be as powerful as they were before, but, mind you, still powerful. other candidates for the next presidency election do not support the draft, which is good.

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