One More Light debut at #3 on the ARIA Charts (Australia) behind Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles latest work. The Hunting Party also debut at #3. Interestingly, the albums by Linkin Park that have gone on to debut at #1 in Australia have only been Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns. However, the other albums have all debut at least in the top five. Source:
Do you think those current numbers are also counting the free copies included with the concert tickets? I know they're being counted as sales, but I'm curious if that's included with the current 100k figure.
...kinda not? It's a shitty thing to say to say, especially everyone running around complaining about "shitty fans", but... I mean I sure liked Hunting Party and sure didn't like this... and not this (unless it unexpectedly plummets spectacularly next week) has pretty much beaten the album I liked, which suggests now I'll be seeing much more of the thing I wasn't big on in lieu of the thing I really, really liked. Again, yay for the guys, especially since they seemed to be having literal meltdowns over the bad initial response... but they're not my friends, they're a band, and as much as I'm opening myself to being lumped in with the Meteora kids (accurately, but still), it kind of blows that odds are better I'll be getting more of this as opposed to the other thing.
You only see and pay attention to things you let yourself. For instance, if you don't want to hear about One More Light, you could start by not responding to album sales thread pertaining to said album.
You've been super pissy these past few weeks, and I'd sure as shit like you to knock it off already. Any other album release people have been free to dismiss or criticize any aspect of the music or release as they see fit. For some reason this album seems off limits, and you especially have made a point to be a massive shithead about anyone knocking any part of anything they've done for a solid month now and it's beyond obnoxious at this point. Maybe I missed the fact were people were running around chastising people for using up their "3 free complaints before you're asked to leave" when Living Things came out but I'm going to continue to make remarks about a band I'm a fan of (maybe significantly less than before, but still) on a discussion board. If you don't like it, ask the management to have me banned, as they've demonstrated they have no issues with banning people they deem distractions. If not however I'd really appreciate if you'd be less of a fuckhead, as you've seemed to make a point to have a snippy little comeback for literally anything remotely negative I've posted in the past couple of weeks over completely innocuous remarks.
It's really weird how this one album suddenly shifted most of the boards long time posters from being 'well seasoned music aficionados' all willing and able to give you their educated take to "HEY YOU ALREADY MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT THAT ONCE ALREADY JUST GO!".
Oh stop being such a priss. I don't care if you or anyone dislike the album, but for fucks sake you just whined about seeing too much of this album and how it's number 1 yet you keep commenting on these fucking threads on a LINKIN PARK fansite. Think about that for a minute.
I really doubt that. HT and Meteora are there most successful albums in terms of sales, but they'll never touch nu-metal ever again. Mike knows that there's been an upswing of liking and appreciating ATS, but I'm sure they're not gonna make another album with that type of sound. The argument that because this album was successful so they're gonna keep making pop music holds no merit for a band like LP. What affect that I think it will have is that they realize they still have a large, loyal, and supportive fanbase, so they'll be less fearful of experimenting even more. (do I sense a folk album for LP8?)
But you do, because a day after it leaked you went into shoutbox and had a big problem with me "harping on" aspects of it I didn't like. I remember, because it was around like 6 other regulars who were like "Well I mean he's not being out of line or anything..." and I mentioned you being pissy then as well. Nobody else had a problem with anything I was saying, it was literally you and only you. I am saying these things on a LINKIN PARK FANSTITE, you're right! But see where I said "This was never such a problem with you people on older releases in fact a ton of you were super critical..."? Because... that's exactly the case, and it was never a problem on older albums. it's just for whatever reason, now people are super touchy about "complainers" where you weren't before. And by people, it seems to be... just you.
Not sure how this really applies to me, unless you're referring to me. I'm just here amused because you called a user a "fuckhead," which is sure to draw some kind of infraction once an admin sees it. @Kevin @Derek @Todd @Mark
I really don't care if you dislike it. You have just been repeating the same shit the entire week already. Now you're crying how you're going to be seeing more of this record because it beat out one that you actually like. You're literally crying about it at this point, and I don't get why you keep surrounding yourself with something you don't like. It's like you're mad at yourself.
"I scream at myself when there's nobody else to fight. I don't lose, I don't win, if I'm wrong, then I'm halfway right."
Again, something you complained about the second day the album was out. It wasn't "the same thing over and over again", unless you mean "I'm not liking _____ because ____". Again, for what, now the third time? Fourth? At no point in the past decade + have I've ever seen someone whine "WE GET IT YOU DON'T LIKE IT!" at any other point, and nobody else has said it to me... except you. You very much have a beef with the fact I don't like it, because you and you alone have made a point to respond to nearly every one of my "same exact comments all week". Even after no doubt seeing the other board regulars explicitly tell you they had no such issues with anything I've said thus far. It's literally just you.