- 2.5/5 stars Belfast telegraph - 6/10, leaning on positive
Evening Standard - 2/5 stars Knoxville News Sentinel - 2.5/5 Irish Times - 2/5 stars Billboard - positive Young Folks - 5/10 Washington Post - negative The Arts Desk - 1/5 stars Kill Your Stereo - mixed‘one-more-light’-pop-music-fandom Consequence of Sound - D+ NME discusses a lot more in depth about OML in the video. Surprisingly open-minded despite their printed review. Immortal Reviews - 98/100 One More Light” offers no answers to questions that may be unanswerable: How does a band, built for the efficient expression of a very specific kind of youthful misery, stay relevant now that they are rock stars and husbands and fathers? It’s virtually unrecognizable as a Linkin Park album. The band’s guitars are muted, its usual volcanic rage downgraded to a mild pique, its co-frontman, rapper Mike Shinoda, mostly absent. Vocals are often manipulated to the point of ridiculousness — the electro-poppy “Talking to Myself” sounds like the work of a ’90s boy band.
Wow, this is quite a massacre. I'm not a big fan of the album (their weakest imo), but it's nowhere near as bad as these reviews make it look. But my favourite is the user ratings chart on sputnikmusic: This is ridiculous.
While I do agree those reviews are exagerating, I still believe the album would't get such a negative reaction if the music was stellar. It's been only a couple of days since the record is out, and I have no desire to listen to it again. In my opinion, most of it sounds flat, formulaic, and honestly, quite boring. I appreciate the effort and how happy the band is about it, but otherwise, this album is meh.
The Spectrum - 3/5 stars
I've felt that way about everything Linkin Park has released since Minutes To Midnight. I love Minutes To Midnight. But everything after it is just boring to me and does not capture my interest at all. I listen to a lot of other bands and artists who are much better than Linkin Park honestly. It's funny that I see all these fans who are butthurt over One More Light, when IMO, the band hasn't put out anything decent this entire decade. One More Light is just as bad to me as A Thousand Suns, Living Things or The Hunting Party.
New Zealand Herald - negative, but he loves One More Light
The rockiest song on the album sounds like 90s boy bands? Seems to be a common trend in some of these reviews where they cannot get the song names right.
False equivalence. These are the exceptions that are purely in the minority. But yeah Pablo Honey was pretty shitty tbh
Ok, who the fuck trashed 36 Chambers when it came out? That's crazy lol. I need to look at this because that's nuts to think about now
Antwon Fantwon unexpectedly reviewed the album, but gave it an expected 'Not Good'. He nailed it with the "it all sounds like a sound that's juuuuust out of style" (a criticism I had with Heavy months ago) but it was a surprise to hear him say he thinks the band was "good" on other albums, just not his style. I'd never heard him talk about them at length before so it was fun to hear what he thought of them as a whole.
Wow, I never thought he would review a Linkin Park album. I know he did Living Things, I think. But he flat out refused to review The Hunting Party, saying that he hadn't liked the band since he was about 13 years old. Didn't expect a positive review, but this was a decent video. A few of these songs do seem just out of style, that's accurate. But some don't.
Vulture - negative, but I really like his review tbh
Consequence of Sound - D+
I'm wondering if half these reviewers even listened to the album. If you don't like it, okay, but to say guitars are absent, to say Shinoda is absent is absurd.