After getting a ring of death/repair about a year ago, my Xbox 360 has been ran smoothly (although, noisily as ever), but lately it's been freezing very often. Now it's gotten to the point where it just freezes up after 3-5 minutes. You'd think Microsoft would finally figure out a way to get ride of all these horrible problems... or at least, hire some people with actual knowledge of the product to handle all the callers. I dread calling their customer service already. Also, been playing Fall Out 3 finally, it's pretty awesome.
When people have these problems I always wonder what I must be doing right to never have any problem, I've had my 360 for nearly two years and I've not had one fault or freezing or anything and I've dropped mine, knocked it over and accidentaly kicked it. o_o Fallout 3 is pretty class, what's your spec's? (Won't reply for a week, going on Holiday in like 8 hours) EDIT: Just watched the trailers for Assassin's Creed 2 and it's given me stiff nips and goosebumps, just thought you people may want to know.
I got $300+ for my birthday, and I need atleast one game to occupy my time. I thought about buying Prototype, the review on IGN wasn't that bad.. but it seems like it'd get repetitive. Any suggestions? I'm open to anything really, unless it's something like a Final Fantasy. I don't really like RPGs like that.
Prototype is pretty fun but it's definitely not a very deep game. I'm about halfway through and things are getting a little repetitive, the only thing really changing is they throw more enemies at you. The mission structures are typical and majority of the time you'll be faced with a cluster of enemies (though they throw in stealth sometimes which is really fun). It's still fun though to plow through crowds of enemies/civilians with Alex's powers so if you're into beat em' up/button mashers sans combo strings Prototype is worth the buy. As for what to recommend, I'm not sure what you already own so I don't know what to suggest. Off the top of my head, I'd say Oblivion and Fallout 3 are great games that are well worth the money. While they're both technically RPGs, they're large and Fallout 3 has an interesting take on first person shooters. Add the DLC that extends the story and it's a pretty good buy. I don't know about Oblivion as I just got it myself but from what I've seen, the amount of things that can be done seem worth it. Get the game of the year edition of Oblivion and it comes with all the expansion packs that extended the story. Fallout 3 will be getting the same treatment once all the DLC has been released. If you've got a Gamestop around you there should be a sell on select titles for only $20. I picked up Bionic Commando and Oblivion for $20 each so I'd say take a trip down and see what they've got in stock. Here's a link to what should be on sale: Although Bionic Commando is not on the list it should be $20, which is why I say go down and check it out in person. You never know what else may be missing from that list.
Yeah, I have Fallout 3. I've been playing the fuck out of it since the release date. Clocked around 50 hours so far and I'm on the third DLC.
Haha, you're just lucky, I guess. About Fallout 3, I didn't have any strategy in mind when I began playing so my specs aren't too tight. It's basically a mess of strength, repair and gun skills. Assassin's Creed 2 has great trailers, I never played the first one because it got some bad reviews, I might pick it up at a budget price if my Xbox gets repaired soon.
I would highly reccomend Oblivion GOTY Edition, I've clocked 162:12 hours on that game, it's absolutely amazing, the amount of things you can do and get up to are just never ending, you can spend endless hours specing your character with lots of different gems etc to mkake him/her immesnly powerful. I have a full blown mage on my specs, however depending on what I wear I can put a suit of armor on and charge head first as a soldier and I'm immortal practically. You'll get hooked on Oblivion for sure if you like Fallout 3. Stoffie - See, I'm never one to judge a game based on someone else's opinion, Assassin's Creed for me was one of the best games I've played on the Xbox 360 since I've got it, it is definitely worth a buy.
Fallout 3 is a spectacular game, I highly recommend it to anybody who has not had the chance to get around to playing it yet. I enjoy it a lot.
I took a trip to Gamestop last night and they had a couple sales going on. Guitar Hero World Tour was being sold for $29.99 so I figured, why not? The songs aren't half bad, although I'm not very far into it yet. I was excited when I saw 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson on the track list. I'm not one of those MJ fanatics but I'm interested in seeing how it translates to a Guitar Hero game. I also picked up the first Rainbow Six for (how ironic) $6. I have been interested in getting the second one while waiting for Modern Warfare 2 so for that price, I couldn't pass it up.
I'm getting more and more tempted by the Prestige Edition of MW2. Granted it's going to cost £120 from HMV, it'd make a superb gift. But this does make me wonder whether this will be the start of even more 'special' special editions. dkjbfskdjb I want to play 1 vs. 100.
Haha, has anyone bought any of the avatar game clothes? Just signed on today and paid 400MP for a lightsaber! I actually love the idea of kitting out your avatar, if only microsoft would make a better version of Sony's 'Home' but avatar style. (Hopes Microsoft reads this). My new gamertag is Tommo410 by the way.
I know it originally came out about a year or so ago, but I started playing Fable 2 a couple of weeks ago and am now completely addicted to it.
does anyone else have Borderlands? And if so, would anyone like to do a co-op campaign? I'm sucking copious amounts of balls, and rather suck in a group of friends resistance00 is my tag.
I saw my brother playing that terrorist level and it was so uncomfortable to watch. But apparently that's what the developers intended.
It's even more uncomfortable to play Anyway, I love the game thusfar. The levels are pretty big compared to MW1.