I most likely will buy a PS3 sometime, probably after a price cut, whenever that is due. Although, I will most likely be getting a Wii first, no doubt. The PS3, imo, has just officially won the console war, hands down. Homebrew support - check Can easily change OS - check The fact they're not discouraging hacks (*cough360cough*) - check Winner.
I'm not sure your average Joe wants to install a new OS on their PS3 though? A nice feature though, there is no doubt about that.
damn it, now I want a PS3 for the homebrew, but I dont see hw it would be possible to get ISO;s for it, I mean each game is like 30GB+, thats more than my monthly limitation on upload/download lol
Was looking around the usual sites when I come across the launch date for the PS3. I then thought "oh, I bet there's quite a queue for this new grilling machine/console". Seems that Virgin is making itself a camp to house the many pre-ordering folk coming to pick up their machine at midnight: Oh. Anticlimatic? Yeah. UK:RESISTANCE also covered this - you can check out their thoughts on their front page Though apparently this is a good thing: *grabs hammer* *taps another nail in* Uh oh. - Courtesy of UKResistance hahaha. Brilliant. Ebayers aren't having a wonderful time either. Check out the UKR front page
Went in to my local games stores today, and to be fair I thought it might have been packed with customers looking/buying PS3's but it wasn't, and those people that were actually in the shop seemed to be looking at the 360's/Wii's Hope its picks up the pace when they release more games or lower the price
Just been playing on Resistance: fall of man, and it is amazingly good. Can't wait til my bro gets a HD TV . Graphics - 9 out of 10, The detail is immense, even the eyes move around and blink etc. Gameplay - 9 out of 10, Very very good gameplay, character movement going upstairs is slow though like he's trying to run up a vertical hill. Sound - 10 out of 10, when the bullets hit different objects it makes a realistic sound to what it would sound like, you can hear the bullets fly through the air, and it just feels very realistic. Overall rating - 9 outa 10.
Im a big FPS fan and I don't know I never got used to the PS controls for shooters. I always felt like I was going to break the controller lol it felt tiny in my hands. I really hope they make a duke for the 360! that would be sick. My bro has a PS3 And I played resistance, I must say its a great game. I'll probably end up buying it if Kill Zone 2 is as good as the trailer made it look.
Just bought my PS3 yesterday. I ended up getting the 80GB version that comes with Motorstorm, can't say I'm dissapointed. I picked up the HDMI cables to go along with my 50" Samsung and everything looks amazing. I also picked up DIRT and Resistance: Fall of Man. All the games are great so far. I plan on picking up Ratchet & Clank, Rock Band, Smackdown, Call of Duty 4, and quite a few other games that are coming out within the next few weeks. Plus Guitar Hero III and Manhunt 2 are just a few days away (actually already have GHIII), the next 4 weeks are going to be great for gaming but denting my wallet big time.
I figured as this is an official thread i can bump it.. If I rip a CD onto the hard drive of a PS3, can I listen to it as a I play a game? Just wondering.
Nah. Certain games I think only have that. Like I just heard it's going to be used for MLB '08: The Show which comes out in April. I hope more games can use the custom soundtrack feature, I would love to use it.
That game is either going to be THE biggest and best game we will have at the point, or a giant letdown.
After todays release of the 4th trailer, I don't doubt that one bit. This game is going to own my life.
I am currently looking at buying a PS3 for MGS4 but I want to know which ones have the backwards compatibility and the ones that do what games does it not play because someone told me it only plays some PS2 games