I rather spend my money on/get a PS3 instead of a 360 and Wii together I think I'll add more to that. I wouldn't pay over $100 for a 360 with Halo 3 as a package. I see the 360 as what the Xbox should have been and I think it is extremely outdated and will die out a lot sooner than the PS3 and Wii.
Well, I'm not a graphics freak, but if Halo 2 on XBOX is just as satisfactory as Halo 3 on a 360, it's well worth the cash. The Wii has all the old classics that everybody loves to play, along with great titles like Metroid and the Mario series. Coming from someone who does not play games like Final Fantasy, the PS3 does not really offer too much other than MGS4 and Killzone (if the game lives up to the live action trailer) for the casual gamer. That's what games like Halo and the GTA series do (both coming out for a 360). That's why I don't think a PS3 has the lifespan of a 360 or a Wii. Releasing the PS3 this late is also suicide.
In terms of gameplay, to me, the PS3's late launch date is like saying, "Save the best for last." Unless the specs have changed, the PS3's blu-ray will hold much more than the Xbox 360 and the Wii. If gameplay is like what we've seen, the graphics are definitely up there with 360, if not better. I agree the launch line up looks a bit weak, if they were to bring some of the Playstation's more known titles (Virtua Fighter, Tekken, even Grand Turismo [sp?]) would solidify themselves a spot as a "must have" console. You can't really compare Xbox with Playstation in terms of lifespan, though. When compared to the Xbox, you're taking a veteran and putting it up against a newbie. The talent and potential Xbox has is much more fresh than the Playstation primarily because Sony has to continue to keep what Playstation veterans loved about the console's history, plus beat the competition while trying to attract new fans. The Xbox came in rather late, so it's opportunities are much different. That's why I think Nintendo is now the underdog in the next-gen race. Nintendo's been at this longer than Sony and Xbox, so it's likely their need to continue to appeal to one audience, yet try to appeal to others probably makes it harder. This could be what Sony is now going through. Whether or not Sony and Nintendo continue on in the console wars as years to come, you'll see the same patterns occur with Xbox as well. Anyways, the reason Sony still gets the higher thumb up from me is because of the storage space. That alone means gameplay features will knock competition away if developers push these limits. In any case, I hope that these companies are pushing gameplay more than looks. It's been awhile (perhaps aside from games like the Katamari series), that gameplay was put before graphics.
From a graphics standpoint and everything, I would tend to agree. And you're right that their launch line-up is looking weak. But from a consumer standpoint, I don't see how they're going to pull it off. Not only is the PS3 reportedly three times the price of a Wii, and at least $200 more than an Xbox 360, it's exclusive runaway mainstream hit that would have guaranteed them a loyal following (Grand Theft Auto series) has jumped ship on them. The GTA series will be released simultaneously over both platforms, and by the time that comes out in October 2007, I'm willing to bet the 360 to PS3 ownership ratio will be tipped largely in Microsoft's favour due to the following reasons; 01) The extra year the 360's been released to public and thus a subsequent higher availability in stores because it's been out so long. We've seen console availability around launch time to be drastically low in an effort by the companies to increase demand. Therefore, the PS3 will not be as available as a 360. When a game of GTA's stature comes along, a game that has the power to force people into making huge investments in consoles like the 360/PS3, if the console is available on the shelves, I don't think the average consumer (i.e: someone like me) would care that much about better graphics and system performance like more dedicated and informed gamers like yourself would. 02) A lower priced console. 03) More games would be out for 360 at the time, including the exclusive mega-hits like Halo 3. 04) The PS3 does not have a bonafide launch title to propel sales. I don't think MGS4 or Grand Turismo 5 are in that league. Killzone seems to be a faint possibility. What I'm talking about is a game exclusive to the system that has a huge mainstream following. 05) A more notorious and well-known online gaming system. "Live" has been promoted to a status where people are going to be asking if PS3 or the Wii has "Live" features. It's like ordering a Coke at a restaurant instead of saying "soda". It's that commonplace a name to the mainstream to describe online console gaming. Son yhas something to prove, while Microsoft has already established their reputation in that all-so-important field.
Yes, the PS3 is expensive, but look at it this way: You're getting BluRay playback capabilities. Some BluRay players are available for preorder...at a cost of $1,000. So for $500, not only can you play back BluRay movies, you also can play games and all sorts of other shit. Expensive, but worth it IMO. Plus, November is far away. Things change, comonents get cheaper over time. Sony may surprise us and bring the price down a bit when it launches.
Well, I think PS3 is totally worth it's price. It's way better than Xbox360 or any computer I can afford... Brother In Arms looks so awesome !
A video of the PS3's interface has been released, and it looks exactly like the PSPs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyd041cYyzc&eurl=http://pspupdates.qj.net/
how much is the playstation3 supposed to cost anyway? isn't it 400 dollars? thats what iv'e heard but i don't know so anybody know?
so..there makin 2 diff versions for diff ammounts of memory? weird but thats a unbelieveable price!! and with gas prices i know i'll prolly never get a ps3 or X360 for a looooooong time
I made my choice a while back after coming to grips that the PS3 is going to be a very expensive piece of hardware. I'm also annoyed with Sony trying to grasp a bit of Nintendo's use for motion sensing technology. That part doesn't bother me so much now knowing that Nintendo now hold the record for the longest lines in E3 history. Sony, had their asses handed to them on a white glossy finished plate.
PS3 is going to be amazing but it's pricy because you have to buy a HDTV aswell... All though I'll rather buy a PS3 than an Xbox 360, I have to reconsider waiting untill it isn't that expensive or I could just try to explain to my parents that it's better to buy a PS3 than a DVD player with harddrive...
Man Im so glad I dont need to do any convincing to my parents, I already told them Ima get the Playstation 3 and if the hype of this Wii is really as sick as everyone keeps talking about, I'll get it as well. So I'll win both ways. =) I can garuntee you the PS3 wont fail regardless of the price, cause after all the hardware you are getting for that price is a steal IMO.