I'm just dissing the 360 with facts. When you have facts to back up what you say, its harder for some fanboys to come in and discredit you. I played Call of Duty 2 and was hardly impressed by what I saw. I was like "Hmm Xbox 1.5".
I know, that's why I said that. I've always been a PS fanboy since I got the first Playstation back in the day. I mean, i'll be honest I played COD2 and while I thought it was cool, it didn't make me want to buy an Xbox. Seeing the MGS4 footage though makes me want to check that game out though, and 5 bucks betting i'll probably buy a PS3 anyways. Plus, (and this is going somewhat off topic) but Halo is overrated anyway. Give me a platformer like Ratchet and Clank or Sly Cooper. Plus, the PS has done some things right that either Microsoft or Nintendo can't do...one, they can make a great wrestling game. Second, our online service is free to use, no $20 bucks a month bullcrap (hopefully that will stick with the PS3) and third...have you seen the PSP, hello? Try doing that Microsoft. (Ok, that's somewhat of an exception, knowing some people like the DS anyways...me included.)
Actually, just so fanboys dont flip..I actually believe PS2's online service charged per games and Xbox Live was free. Infact that was the only downfall for PS3...the fact it might charge for games. But now that Sony Japan's president announced they are making a FREE online service, it's probably going to wind up boosting PS3 sales hardcore. And yes, I feel Halo is overrated too but I'm not gonna go into detail why because then people will go "OH YEAH? WELL YOUR 'TOMB RAIDER' HAD FIVE GAMES ON THE SAME ENGINE! NOW THATS LAME". So yeah... But hey, if people can hate on Tomb Raider, I can hate on Halo. It's only fair .
Xbox Live! isn't free. It's $5 per month, and you can play any game that's designed for online play via Live!. With the PS2, you had to pay seperate fees for every game you wanted to play online. So, if they changed that for the PS3, and make it all free, they're just going to end up losing even more money than they did before.
I wouldn't mind paying one fee to enjoy all the games on the PS3. Although, with $5 already being so cheap, it seems making it free would be the only way to compete. So they'd almost have to depend more on sales then online income.
What so your compairing mainly CGI (which the killzone was pretty much confirmed to be) to first generation releases on the 360? The MGS footage i've seen (the move in the war torn streets) did look impressive but will reserve my judgement for when I see actual game play footage. Also apart from processing power the 360 and PS3 are pretty much a dead heat. An interesting point is that sony have still yet to get final dev kits to developers, after one of there last lot had over heating problems. I'd rather wait to see how it actually does when it's released than go on hype/BS.
Development kits are set to ship around June I believe. November is going to be an all out war as we have both Revolution and PlayStation3 releasing, as well it will be one year after the 360 came to the market. As well, they plan to have a world-wide release for the PS3 much like the 360.
A whole thread (stickied even) about a console that isnt even out yet? This is quite amusing and to all the pro-PS3 peeps, I hope it does kick ass since it keeps being pushed back. If not, let us all know how you like your crow.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm not forking out $600 for a game console. I'm going to say Sony loses this battle.
We stole the rumble. We stole the analog stick. We stole all of the third party developers. We kind of stole the sequel to GoldenEye. We wish we had stolen Rare. Now we're back. Sony: What Nintendo creates, we take. --------------------------------------------------- Yeah, definitely not pleased with Sony at the moment. The new controllers for the PS3 have tilt sensitivity, reminiscient of the controllers for the Wii. Makes me wonder if they'll ever be original.
Why do you think i'm forking my money to Nintendo. No offense to Sony, maybe i'll get it when they lower their price, but i'm with you guys. Sony kind of dropped the ball.
*falls over* $500.00 for a PS3... And is that the controller for the PS3? I'm not keeping up with E3 this year... Not enough time. If that is... Man, it looks like a PS2 controller yet a few new kinks added.
That's way too high. And with Halo 3 (obviously) and the next GTA coming out for the Xbox 360, I see no reason to fork over $700 CDN plus taxes. I think Sony's going to sink to the #3 spot in the console wars when all systems are put out. Sure, I could probably get a 360 and a Wii for less or near the price of the PS3.
There's no way anyone I know is going to buy a PS3. No one I know is stupid enough to spend that kind of money.