They don't even say where he's wrong. If you're going to tell some one they have their facts wrong at least back up why.
Your link is to an article that was given to them by Microsoft, that has already been proven to be full of BS, to prove that the Xbox360 is more powerful. I sense M$ is getting desperate. [/b][/quote] So do I. They're overrushing the X360.
So do I. They're overrushing the X360. [/b][/quote] Is there a problem with them over rushing? I think not. Gives Sony the upper hand.
The amount of Microsoft hate in this thread is amazing. I hope Microsoft crushes Sony now. I'm going to go play a game that Sony can only dream of beating, Halo 2. [/addingfueltothefire]
Well yes because this is a PLAYSTATION thread. If youre such an Xbox worshipper, here's a suggestion, dont come into this thread! You dont see me going into the Xbox thread and bashing everything they do. I hate the Xbox, so i stay out of that thread.
I dont even care anymore. Ever since the thread was made hes had to be cocky about everything and Im tired of it. Joking or not, its still annoying.
Is there a problem with them over rushing? I think not. Gives Sony the upper hand. [/b][/quote] Exactly. Although, depending on how well X360 does, I might get one, after I've bought my PS3....but there's a whole shitload of doubt in that statement.
id rather get a ps3 over xbox 360 because of price, other then that, im getting xbox only for internet play and some family stuff, my cuzins love to play lots lots of bloody bloody violent violent games. the ps3 is mine for mehself bitches! ps3 = xbox ps3 > xbox(mabye)
Some have been saying that the PS3 will be more expensive than the 360. I, however, have nothing to say about price as one way or another, I'm getting the PS3.
price, because i make my own money in 3 hour days. and if the ps3 is more expensive, i proably WON'T get a xbox 360, its already expensive with its new games. if i can a ps2 or a xbox, id choose xbox for online play and co-op, ps2 for everything else.
I almost got one, but we couldn't find a place to put it in my basement without buying a completely new stand and stuff. My mom presented me a choice yesturday for Christmas of 2006. I can either get a PS3, or an iMac G5. I'm so frigging confused on which to get...
I almost got one, but we couldn't find a place to put it in my basement without buying a completely new stand and stuff. My mom presented me a choice yesturday for Christmas of 2006. I can either get a PS3, or an iMac G5. I'm so frigging confused on which to get... [/b][/quote] iMac G5...aka Xbox 360. [i'm referring to e3, of course] I'd go for the G5, actually. And then save up for the PS3 as it's cheaper.
iMac G5...aka Xbox 360. [i'm referring to e3, of course] I'd go for the G5, actually. And then save up for the PS3 as it's cheaper. [/b][/quote] Those were PowerMacs bud. Haha. I proably will go for the iMac G5 for Christmas, me and my brother are going halfs on the PS3 like we did with the PSP.