The four month development period they were referring to was for more indie game developers than anything. With the Revolution's download system, it's obvious that there will be a number of games, all of varying genres, quality, graphic-level, and age-level. I'm not being a fanboy when I say this, but I think it's an excellent idea. I hope Microsoft and Sony both copy this method so we can have shareware-esque games on consoles like we currently have on PCs. There are a number of excellent independent game developers, so it's great to see a console developer helping out with costs. I'm not sure how the most you can get out of this is a "gyroscopic light gun". Even if the remote itself utterly fails, Nintendo has a nice little backup in having "shell" (I linked to it in a previous post) that the remote-esque controller will be able to plug into. And, if that's not enough, it will be backwards-compatible with GameCube controllers. I don't know if the remote design will fail or succeed, but as I already said, I am positive that the motion sensory will at least be copied by Microsoft and Sony. I have a hard time seeing this technology being untapped. I doubt Nintendo will make much ground in the console war (if any), but I certainly give them credit for their ideas. I hope they do well.
fair enough.....I never said that this idea was going to fail......but some people are being just a little to optimistic about this too early....if game developers didnt develope too many games for the gamecube...I doubt the revolution is going to change their mind.... Trust me I WANT nintendo to succeed...they make great games...but their recent past worries me a little is all. If the nintendo revolution is good...I'll buy it and love it...if not I wont and nintendo will probably go the way of Sega..making games and technologies for other consoles ( which actually wouldnt be half bad) people cant underestimate the power of the current gaming audience. Remember, GTASA sold millions of copies and it WAS an 'M' rated game....while alot of 'E' games did ok. I just hope nintendo remembers those people edit--sorry people...I am typing like a coke addict today
I don't think you can be too optimistic or pessemistic right now. You can't say for sure the design will work or will fail. I doubt much will change their mind, but I do at least think that this is a step in the right direction. And I don't think Nintendo will go the way of Sega, either. Sega had no revenues when they went under -- Nintendo has massive amounts of cold, hard cash and make enough revenues off the GameBoy systems to survive. They're as close to perfect in an economic sense as can be. I'm really looking forward to seeing all three systems, but after hearing about everything Nintendo's doing, honestly, I have to say I'm a little excited for them most right now.
The new controller looks stupid. If I wanted a remote I'd sit on my ass watching HBO. I want a controller, NOT a remote. Someone should photoshop it to look like a penis, cause then that would really show what Nintendo is doing. They're jerkin off with experimentation instead of trying to make something that more gamers would adapt to. Really, how many people are gonna jump to use a remote when they've been playing with controllers since the early nineties? It's a stupid move and I can see this being Nintendo's end. Why? Because they gave Gamecube the best graphics card but the shittiest processor, and thus is why you rarely ever see Gamecube's graphics being shown off (exceptions being the Resident Evil games). Nintendo screwed up with Gamecube, lets hope they dont do it with Revolution. Cause right now my money's on the PS3. Case in point: MGS4.
oh man I know a bunch of fan boy people who think that nintendo is god and they do no wrong...those people are too optimistic......Im not calling you a fan boy or least you are giving me points from either side and not treating me like Im an idiot....people who blindly believe whatever the representatives of nintendo say, know nothing of the market (which I have to experience) and bash people who have a reasonable doubt.....are fanboys. And with sega man.....I still dont know. There was a point when sega owned 52% of the market...and they were ruined by making stupid mistakes (the dreamcast in all fairness was a valiant effort). Your probably right about nintendo...I dont keep up on there it would be ignorant me to predict that they will SURELY go the way of sega...maybe thats more wishfull thinking... Personally, I would like nintendo to continue making thier great games and cool technology...but for other systems, so that way we consumers dont have to pay for a whole other system to enjoy them...I just pissed off more fanboys for saying that.. By the way....I saw some of the additional attachments for the controller....which gives me a little more hope..I'll just have to wait until all the next gen consoles come out to see what suits me. edit-I'll probably end up getting the revolution because Im so poor anyways.
New technologies are always met with the kind of response you just gave... why is everyone here so quick to write it off without even giving it a chance? It's not like there won't be regular controllers for the Revolution (as I've already said, it's backwards-compatible with GameCube's and there will be a regular controller adapter for the remote-esque controller). I think the biggest addition with the controller is the motion sensitivity. I'd be amazed if Sony and Microsoft didn't try and steal that, to be honest. I think you'll see a lot of games using it. Some won't, such as ports, but I would be surprised if most of the Revolution games didn't use it. And I think anyone would put their money on the Playstation 3 simply because of that: it's the Playstation 3. I have no clue which console will win the next-gen war, but I have a feeling it'll end up the same way as this one did: Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo... but I think it'll be much closer than last time.
New technologies are always met with the kind of response you just gave... why is everyone here so quick to write it off without even giving it a chance? It's not like there won't be regular controllers for the Revolution (as I've already said, it's backwards-compatible with GameCube's and there will be a regular controller adapter for the remote-esque controller). I think the biggest addition with the controller is the motion sensitivity. I'd be amazed if Sony and Microsoft didn't try and steal that, to be honest. I think you'll see a lot of games using it. Some won't, such as ports, but I would be surprised if most of the Revolution games didn't use it. And I think anyone would put their money on the Playstation 3 simply because of that: it's the Playstation 3. I have no clue which console will win the next-gen war, but I have a feeling it'll end up the same way as this one did: Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo... but I think it'll be much closer than last time. [/b][/quote] Playstation 3 I think will do well in japan....but not aswell as the PS2 in america because of the insane price tag Xbox 360 I think will do a little bit better in japan than the Xbox did....but it will mostly rely on its US fanbase and alot of traditional PC gamers Nintendo is a little hard to tell because they are not using traditonal hardware....but if the price range is low, alot of people will probabaly buy it along side either the PS3 and Xbox 360 as a secondary system I think it will be close like Ant said......anybody can end up on top....only time will tell in response to your other topic....yeah micro and sony did steal the idea of the rumble pack and cordless controllers from nintendo.....but isnt nintendo kind of "stealing" the idea of the eye toy buy using motion capture....I maybe wrong maybe two completely different types of technology....but I wouldnt give nintendo too much credit just yet.....I gotta see thistechnology in action
I really don't think you can compare this technology to the eye-toy -- it's so far off. A better comparison would be a laser gun (which Nintendo did first for the consoles), but even that comparison is far off. I think the motion sensitive technology is pretty new. I was originally looking forward to the XBox 360 most, followed by the Playstation 3 and then Revolution, but now I've gotta say this has me excited about Nintendo quite a bit.
yeah.....right now its still up in the air for first I was most excited about the PS3 but I really doubt I will be able to afford it....xbox360 seems cool...but I feel they maybe rushing there system just a little bit...nintendo does seem exciting...but like I said before...I gotta see the games in play edit-in case anybody are some plausable additions to the controller, who knows if they are real or not (some people are mighty good with photo shop) the more I look at the light gun....the more and more I think its fake...the handle has an unusual outline on it and the shading looks unatural
the light gun looks fake .. and what's with the gamecube controler thing?... looks like a dreamcast controler with a big visual memory
It says in the post that the guy was just making up some ideas for how the controller can be implemented. Therefore, fake.
It says in the post that the guy was just making up some ideas for how the controller can be implemented. Therefore, fake. [/b][/quote] yeah....I couldnt find any official pictures so they are all fake....but they are still great ideas.....people should check out the new pictures on 4 color rebellion.....those mock-ups always make me laugh
** **Nintendo has not yet released official imagery of what the controller shell might look like. However, we've created a mock-up (above) based on what we know of its functionality. The real controller shell is likely to connect to the free-hand-style pointer in a very similar fashion. Please note that we realize our model is not entirely to scale, but this is the best we could do on short notice.
Looks stupid. There are times for originality, and this isn't one of them. Nintendo have to realise that not everything they do has to be 'new and exciting'; sometimes the old ways are better.
No, I think it's the exact opposite. Nintendo is behind in the console war, and they realized (correctly, if you ask me) that they have to do something original to create interest. The "old ways" obviously weren't getting them much.
Good news for the guys who want to buy the revolution and for the guys who has the gamecube, Mario 128 comes to both platforms GameCube and Revolution
I hate GameCube, Xbox 4 Life!! :chemist: j/k Though I do prefer the PS2 and Xbox over GC, I play all three with my free time if possible sometimes. On topic: I want to see what they do with football games with that new remote XD.
XVZ, where did you get those images? I think I've seen them before and that they are old and fake... well maybe not fake but very old. A couple years old.