Anybody else thinks that a mash up of 'A Drowning' and 'And All That Could Have Been' would be really sweet? I'm drowning here please take this far away, far away from here.. It sounds so cool in my head haha, too bad I'm not really good in mixing songs..
I first got into Nine Inch Nails in 2002 after listening to Broken and The Fragile. I've only been to two concerts of his though. I wish I could've attended more of them too. As for Ghosts I-IV and The Slip, I suppose they were okay.
NIN is one of my all-time favorite bands ever!! I love them! I saw them live for my first concert on their "Wave Goodbye" tour. Best show of my life! Hopefully, Trent is going to release some new songs soon.
The Social Network soundtrack should be out anytime now, which is scored by Reznor and Atticus Ross. So it's basically Nine Inch Nails, just instrumentals. Which is arguably where NIN is at it's musically best. I'm looking forward to it. Then there's still some actual Nine Inch Nails songs that will come out, probably as an album. Then the How to Destroy Angels album, and a small tour most likely.
Yeah. I'm actually of the belief that those With Teeth B-Sides (Home, Non-Entity, Not So Pretty Now) are better than most of the songs on With Teeth itself.
It was only when I found out that Reznor and Atticus would be involved that I became interested in that movie. ;P Cannot wait to hear that soundtrack. Ah, I'm not a big fan of "Not So Pretty Now" ... but I absolutely love the ReAct Now performance of "Non Entity". That song is at least on par with the songs that made the album.
Well, With Teeth sucked. Hard. Easily the worst album NIN has ever made, so it doesn't take much to convince me a song is better than anything on that album. I can count maybe 3 songs that I would actually still listen to again. Maybe 4.
"With Teeth" was the first Nine Inch Nails album I listened to - so, I guess, because of that, while I don't think it's great, it's far from unbearable for me. ;P Anyway, I listened through "Year Zero" today on my way to uni. I love that album so much. <3
Yeah, "Home"'s great. And "Right Where It Belongs" is great too, probably the only track from "With Teeth" that I would say I like a lot.
Home is technically a B-Side. On the actual album, all I can actually stand listening to are All The Love In The World, Beside You In Time, and Right Where It Belongs. Although I can listen to like the first 3 seconds of The Line Begins To Blur before skipping over it.