(fyi: updates whenever something new && exciting happens) Hello! Welcome to 2007's installment of the Official Nine Inch Nails thread. With Teeth sucked. Let's just all go ahead and admit that. So, obviously, Trent must be back on heroin, because his creative juices are flowing! All sarcasm aside, Year Zero looks promising, and it's concept stretches across hidden messages in tour t-shirts, a handful of websites, and the official Year Zero website, which is pretty neat by itself. By the by, Interscope must fully support this album, since a group called "42 Entertainment" has been hired by Trent Reznor to market this album on the web. They're doing a damn good job, eh? The Concept: While no "official" information has been really given to the public, the most common - and popular - theory on Echoing The Sound is that "in the future (somewhere around 2024/0024) the United States of America is attacked by terrorists by means of biochemicals, but the citizens are protected by a dangerous new drug called Parepin". The USA also appears to be the main supplier of a drug called, "Opal", to the Columbias. There is a "US Bureau of Morality" which controls everything. A resistance has been built up and are fighting the US. The US is controlled by evangelical christians, and they are crushing all who oppose them. The US now believes that the President speaks God's tongue. The uprising is centered in LA. There are (as of now) two audio files on the website "Another Version Of The Truth" that gives more insight to the main arc of the album (see: Audio Files). The Sites: http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com http://www.bethehammer.net http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/ http://www.churchofplano.com http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/nooneimportant/# http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/citizen_unknown/ http://www.deadcop-opal.com (**yet to be online**) Audio Files: http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/opalo.mp3 http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/ballgameOver.mp3 AVOTT Forum: http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/forum.htm Tracklisting: 01) Hyperpower! 02) The Beginning of the End 03) Survivalism 04) The Good Soldier 05) Vessel 06) Me, I'm Not 07) Capital G 08) My Violent Heart 09) The Warning 10) God Given 11) Meet Your Master 12) The Greater Good 13) The Great Destroyer 14) Another Version of the Truth 15) In This Twilight 16) Zero-Sum Release Date: Currently set for release on April 17th, 2007. Oh yeah, there's that DVD being released this month too...
Thank you so much for the links. I am so much more excited for this than anything else in the world right now.
Mark and I have a theory that this has been in the works for years upon years. Lyrics from certain songs in NIN's past pop up in several of the websites. I'm just throwing this out there, but I think this may be the last album Trent makes under the Nine Inch Nails banner. This whole story arc and everything just feels like the perfect ending to 'Nails.
Dude, I was totally pumped for this album, and now all I can do is worry that you're right. *Runs, crashes into Wall*
That sounds like a good theory. Any bets as to whether he will start a 'new band' or just starting making music under 'Trent Reznor'?
This is some of the most interesting and intriguing stuff I've read. I love novels that deal with these types of things. And the best part is that my favourite band is releasing music about it! My god, my anticipation is paramount.
Can't wait...NiN ftw...but...to be honest...I liked with teeth...sure, it wasn't half as good as everything else they made was...but it was way better than the worst of any other band...imo
I haven't listened to NIN for God knows how long, but I have to say this thread has piqued my interest in the new album.
I was explaining the whole parepin thing to my mom last night and she just looks at me and goes "Trent Reznor is a fucked up man, but damn if he ain't clever." This has got to be the last NIN album. Going out with a bang like this whole world he's created in this album?! It's insane.
There's a new audio clip on AnotherVersionoftheTruth forums. http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/nohurry.mp3 You know what'd be badass? If the audio clips collected before the album comes out are supposed to be inserted between songs to help complete the story... By the way, I don't know if anyone noticed, but if you click and drag on the main image on the AnotherVersionoftheTruth main page, it reveals a new image. EDIT: I just e-mailed the address listed on IAmTryingToBelieve and got an automated response:
With the way viral marketing works, I wouldn't be surprised if there will be more ways to interact soon.
Do any of you know of something this big happening before for an album? Or even a book? Or film? Because as far as I can think, this is pretty innovative.
Viral marketing has been done before. Even to the point of ARG (Alternate-Reality Game). I believe the Lost Experience was similar to this.
I really really cannot wait for this album. All of this interactive media is amazing, really makes you aticipate the album that much more.
AFI had a pretty big mystery story thing going leading up to the release of Decemberunderground, but that whole story has kinda been going on for a few years now (it started before Sing the Sorrow and they just keep adding new twists to it). This is like a whole 'nother level of intriguing though. And to think that my dad knew Trent Reznor when he was working at a keyboard shop in Cleveland and playing in a band called The Pony Boys that was on Star Search.
To be honest, I don't really understand most of the things at this moment but I'm sure it will become clear soon enough.