About you or about the rash you left them with? But nah, I liked the second half of Unsustainable. Still think the first half is nothing special.
[video=youtube;LDewOFakYYQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDewOFakYYQ&feature=channel&list=UL[/video] This is the same guy that did a pretty impressive cover of Burn It Down. Thought I'd share.
Sorry, but the two new tracks are particularly horrid. I get the impression they are trying (like Korn) to get into this whole dubstep-hipster-techno-frenzy. The 2nd Law sounded fucking awful. I can't believe how fast the quality of their music flew out the window.
It's cool you guys like it now. I'm sure it's jarring for some older fans of Muse (I'm relatively new), but I thought it sounded great. It's also not as dubstep-y as people keep saying, though it's definitely influenced by dubstep. Me too! The orchestra sounded decent though it didn't blow my mind either. It's something I've come to expect from Muse, I suppose (based on the ONE album I've listened to, haha). The electronics were what really drew me in.
They played their first gig in 13 months yesterday and gave the first public airings of 5 new songs: Supremacy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH6jTgaULxo Panic Station: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wu1PLaGkE4 Animals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y-5jrua-kA Save Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4-1zyqNRNs (Chris on lead vox!) Follow Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZgBRrRELCU
These look great so far, thanks for sharing! I'm really feeling Panic Station and the vocals on Save Me. Chris is a decent singer.
The Social Connectome. The more people connect to the Connectome, the more pieces of "The 2nd Law: Iolated System" will be revealed. http://connectome.muse.mu/
Who wants to bet that Panic Station is going to be the next single after the album is released? I'll bet my house! BTW I'm not actually betting my house. Especially after what happened to Cradle.
I like Follow Me the most out of those new live performances. I'd rather listen to the full album versions than shitty recordings before I decide if I like the songs or not.
Listening now. So far, I'd say the funk edge is the much more prominent departure than the electronics. Edit: Except then you hit Follow Me and it's a dance party.