Official LIVING THINGS Review Thread

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Ben, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. mustard

    mustard (earth crisis) LPA VIP

    Apr 9, 2012
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    I want them to remaster that album (maybe a bit other mixing). Put it on CD. Make Acapellas & Instrumentals of that. Put that on CD, too. And then release the 2 CDs together with a DVD (or even Blu-ray) as a Special Edition. Oh, and a Digipak just like that with the A Thousand Suns Special Edition. And raise the image quality of the cover artwork (if that's possible). Looks somehow unsharp. :X [Has someone noticed that? I mean, first it looked totally awesome and then on the cover...] And maybe do a negative of the cover. [See ATS again.] Looks better in my opinion. Okay, enough wishes for one day. ;D Oh man... That's so stupid... ^^
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012

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