Official 'Game of Thrones' Thread (SPOILERS)

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Will, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. #21

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I remember only a handful of things:

    1. Jaime and Bronn traveling to Dorne, and the Sand Snakes preparing for war;
    2. Littlefinger taking Sansa north to Winterfell, and her becoming betrothed to Ramsay, and Brienne for some reason still being in the show;
    3. John having a conversation about becoming the Lord of Winterfell with Stannis the Mannis;
    4. Tyrion being drunk;
    5. Jorah capturing Tyrion;
    6. Grey Worm and Barristan possibly dying;
    7. Ser Loras being arrested by the Faith Militant on Cersei's orders, and Margaery being a sassy lady.

    I don't remember what Danaerys is doing, I don't remember what Cersei is doing aside from arming the Faith, I don't remember what Arya is doing...

    That's not very good out of four episodes. :lol:
  2. #22
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Dammit. If that is a book spoiler... why. RIP.
  3. #23

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I'm excited to finally see some new episodes after marathoning the 4 eps when they leaked.

    I think the best moments of this season are yet to come with the Tyrion/Dany story, Sansa/Ramsey story and Stannis heading to Winterfell. I hope Reek and Sansa get a proper scene together soon.

    I found the emphasis on the reveal of the background story of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar veeery interesting.

    Yeah, I watched an interview with the cast member and now I feel sad.
  4. #24

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Wait, what is the possible book spoiler? Do you mean Selmy's death? And yeah, I'm pretty intrigued by the stuff about Lyanna and Rhaegar too.
  5. #25

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Yeah, I thought that's what Jesse was referring to. I was referring to that in my reply anyway.
  6. #26

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    This week's episode was nice, felt like this is the end for all the set-up that's been happening over the past season. The stone men felt a bit tame, though. The scene between Tyrion and Mormont was pretty fucking awesome, though. Especially with the dragon interrupting things. Of course, Mormont's scene at the end is really interesting as well.

    Dany's story was okay, I kind of lost interest in her story to be completely honest, even though the Sons of the Harpy are intriguing. It was interesting to see her lose her cool, though, and feed those guys to the dragons lol

    Ramsay's story this week also was pretty interesting, alongside Sansa's and Theon's little reunion. When Sansa was walking through the dungeons, with all the dogs, I thought we were gonna see another Direwolf or something. But nope, it's Theon, being Reek. Nice surprise, even though I probably should've seen it coming lol

    Anyways, hopefully things pick up starting next episode.
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  7. #27

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Decay, please remember to use the [noparse][/noparse] tag in the future. I know the whole thread should be treated as a spoiler, but there you have it.

    Anyway, I hope the next five episodes are action-packed, because the first five episodes have been relatively boring, although I don't mind the plot exposition.

    It's distressing, however, that the writers have cut out Aegon and Jon Connington from the story. Unless we meet them later, it's an awful thing. I do like how they handled the Stone Men scene, moving it to Valyria, which I thought was really cool. I think Ser Jorah was going to try to find the Lannister sword that was lost in Valyria (I think it was Lannister) but the Stone Men attack changed his plans. Him getting Grey Scale will be interesting in the future, too.

    Dany's story's finally picking up steam. I don't like her story in the books because nothing exciting ever happens, but people overlook that she's learning to be a ruler, which I think was a fantastic way to handle her story. The show's doing well to an extent, but I think it can only go so far before something has to happen.

    I was extremely angry with Ramsay for telling Sansa that the north remembers. I wanted to smash my TV. The fact that Sansa still has so many allies in the north is amazing to me, and I've got a feeling the last five episodes, as far as the Battle for the North is concerned, are going to be incredible. Sansa will secretly inspire supporters, Stannis will march down, and the Boltons will be crushed, leaving Stannis to install Sansa as the Lady of Winterfell before heading south. I fucking love where this storyline is going, even if it's completely different from the books.

    And as far as Jon's concerned, I've got a bad feeling about everything that's going to happen. Melisandre leaving with Stannis has changed my ideas about what might transpire, but I'll wait to bring them up.
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  8. #28
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Yeah, I thought what was going to happen was completely obvious. We've seen Theon with the dogs when Yara came to save him.
  9. #29

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Last episode got quite disturbing at the end. Sansa never gets a break, does she?
  10. #30
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    It doesn't seem like it. I don't even know why they made that decision to be honest. They spend 3 seasons of her being tortured by people she hates and then in the fourth they allow her to seem to be growing strong and wise but then ruin it in the fifth season. What was the point even, what does it add to the narrative?
  11. #31

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well, the season's not done yet, bruv. And I mean, it's not like Ramsay was gonna be all gentle to begin with.
  12. #32

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Here's why I think they did it: Sansa knows she's got allies in the North now, and she knows they're no friends to the Boltons. The North remembers. Ramsay raping her's going to be the final straw; it's going to lead to Sansa firmly deciding that she's going to remove the Boltons from Winterfell and the North, no matter what it takes. That's how I see it, anyway. In my opinion, Sansa's become the strongest character on the show, and I think this'll lead to all-out war the likes of which haven't been seen since Robert's rebellion. Remember, the North has allies in the Riverlands and the Eyrie, and Dorne's no friend to the Iron Throne, either; and this could be disastrous for the Lannisters, too. I'm not saying this one event, however disturbing it was, will lead to the dissolution of the Seven Kingdoms, but I think it'll set in motion events that'll make season six absolutely insane television. We'll see.
  13. #33
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Are we even sure that The North Remembers is not a Ramsey plot? I mean, telling Sansa to light a candle in the highest tower, that is normally highly inaccessible is quite strange isn't it? I mean, the Bolton's already know she is not loyal to them but it doesn't make any sense to me that her allies would tell her to go to the one place where she would be so easily seen and found out. A candle in such an abandoned building is not just going to be noticeable by her friends but by enemies as well and there is no way they don't question it. Then there is the fact that even Ramsey said "The North Remembers" which quite disgusting if I can say. It just makes me think that they're doing yet another bait and switch.

    The way I see it is as I posted on another forum (slightly edited) "Having Sansa be raped and forcing Reek to watch someone that is the closest thing to true family having to endure that (Yara is irrelevant. In fact almost every Greyjoy is irrelevant in the show.) serves what purpose exactly? I guess you could argue that it will contribute to Reek escaping his figurative chains and allow him to become Theon once again and then with that have Sansa and Theon team up to bring down the Boltons and the Freys by seeking help from a Northern ally (if it is indeed not a Ramsey mind fuck) but that is incredibly insulting as it is just seems to be to be another instance of needlessly having a woman become a victim of abuse so that a a man can come to his senses and save her. I don't see how that makes Sansa strong, in the end. It requires her to rely on one she most distrusts and again victimizes her.

    She could have maybe done something to make Ramsey believe that she is truly infatuated with him and used that as leverage to slowly destroy all he seems to care about. What about allowing him to think that she is willing to give him a son and him put ideas of turning on his father in his head? I dunno. I just feel that something could have been done to a greater affect than what seems on the surface to be nothing other than exploitation for no apparent reason.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  14. #34

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'll concede that the whole thing could be a plot; hell, I'll concede that, if the whole thing's actually a plot, it's probably Littlefinger who set the whole thing up – although the "why" would be the most interesting aspect of that. I can't imagine what Littlefinger would even hope to gain from all this, assuming it's a plot he's slowly been setting up. But I think his machinations lay elsewhere.

    Roose told Ramsay he acted the fool at their dinner; I'm guessing he wasn't only referencing Ramsay's treatment of Theon, but also his saying "the north remembers." The look on Roose's face when Ramsay said that was intense; it was Roose who betrayed the Starks at the Twins, after all. I think Ramsay said it because he's a sadistic fuck and wanted to rub salt in Sansa's wounds, which, to me, goes along with the rape scene. Ramsay's a fucking psychopath. Sure, Sansa could've played along with Ramsay and Roose, which might be what she would've done if she would've never learned she's still got allies in the north, and I maintain those were genuine affirmations of alliance and loyalty to House Stark. As far as the abandoned tower's concerned, it'd be pretty simple for Sansa to explain that she lit a candle in the tower because that's the tower Bran fell from, and she wanted to mark it or something, assuming she'd get caught doing so.

    And as far as my thinking Sansa's a strong character's concerned: Everything she's been through has made her stronger as a person, from Lady having to be killed by her father, to the torment Joffrey put her through, to the Red Wedding, to her wedding to Tyrion, to the Purple Wedding, and to Littlefinger stealing her away from King's Landing and the things she went through at the Eyrie, and now the situation in Winterfell. I think all of those helped develop her character, and I think she's better off for it all. Sure, it's another depiction of a woman being abused by a man, but Sansa's stronger than a lot of fans of the show give her credit for, and like I said before, I think this'll be what breaks her and causes her to become full-on ruthless like Littlefinger was sort of teaching her to be.

    Sansa's tough, and if the allies she's got in the north are genuine, those allies (the mountain clans, Moat Cailin, White Harbor, etc.) combined with Stannis's army marching from the Wall, the North will be liberated from the Boltons and Lannisters, and Westeros will be better off in the long run (obviously).
  15. #35

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    Am I the only one who fucking loves Ramsay?

    The more horrible the shit he does is, the more I like him.
  16. #36
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Um, why the hell are you guys using invisitags? It says "SPOILERS" in the title of the tread. And you're just discussing anyway. :huh:
  17. #37
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Because sometimes one feels the need to reference the books. Though it should always be stated that you are doing so. Still, it's kind of protocol to have things like that between invisible tags. I personally don't mind if regular discussion/speculation is or isn't hidden though.
  18. #38
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    My advice is to only use the invisitags when you're referencing the books. That way, people who haven't read them can safely read your post and join in in the discussion. This way, they can highlight it but they never know what the post is going to throw at them.
  19. #39

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    It's a pretty standard thing to use invisible tags for anything that can be considered a spoiler regardless of whether or not the thread title has the word "spoiler" in it. I said in the first post that if people want to reference spoilers from the books to make it very clear what book the spoiler's from so people can choose to read that spoiler if they want to. Otherwise a person might come in the thread looking to talk about something trivial and suddenly has the newest episode spoiled for them. Then they might not want to come back to the thread to contribute to the discussion if they think they're going to be spoiled in every post, regardless of whether or not spoilers should be assumed.

    It's just easier to use the invisible tags. I don't know why you're making a big deal about it.
  20. #40

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Will I requested the same thing you did but most people prefer not to use INVIS tag within the thread. All SHOW related spoilers can go without the tag here. However, no book spoilers should be mentioned. I think Mark made a thread breaking down the rules at some point.

    With that said, I'm looking forward to Cersei's much talked about nude scene in one the future episode.

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