Art Parkinson, who played Rickon Stark, was spotted in Belfast, leading many to hope he'll appear this season and isn't just in Belfast visiting old friends. The general consensus seems to be "I can't believe he didn't get re-cast" which now that I think about it is a valid point.
The episode was all over the place like Game of Thrones episodes tend to be, but it was quite a good premiere. Had some unexpected turns and even a couple of laughs ("And some mutton. I'd like some mutton!" ).
I enjoyed this episode. Still laughing at this comment posted by someone on Youtube: "It's great to see Maester Aemon is back. Not sure about the tits though.."
I didn't like Tommen wanting to be "strong" because in Lannister context that carries horrific implications, but if him coming to terms with Cersei means that the Faith Militant is going down, then good. The introduction of the Iron Islands was done fairly well. I just don't understand why they renamed the Seastone Chair "Salt Throne"? Silly. Finally the future looking a bit brighter for Arya. Ramsay Bolton being 100% Ramsay Bolton. I was waiting for Karstark to kill him, but no, he'd rather teach the maester lessons on how to talk to his new lord. Brilliant. Not much to say for the group beyond the Wall, other than it was interesting to find out that Hodor could talk, and to see Old Nan at a younger age. The ending was an interesting exercise in faith for Melisandre. I loved how they paralleled Ghost's sleeping with Jon's unresponsiveness. Overall, I'm very happy with this episode, and, by extension, with this season, though it may be too early to tell. This season just seems to carry way more potential than season 5 did at this point.
SPOILERS for the episode. (Do I really even have to say this?) Some spoilers from the books that do not spoil the show at all as well. again. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Hated the ironborn stuff in the books (besides Theon) it looks like I'm gonna hate it in the show as well. meh. I know who that new guy was, it's weird they didnt even introduce his name. I expect people to think he's an old character from s2 or something they just forgot. haha. But I do find it hilarious that Jon was only dead for ONE episode. lol. I mean, not even a troll. It was literally one episode where he was dead the entire time. And... dammit. In the books Roose is much scarier than Ramsey, and Ramsey is insane but very evil and violent. In the show, Ramsey is the main threat regarding the Boltons. Really wish the show depicted how much of a foreboding danger Roose was in the show. He didn't seem imposing much at all. :/
Nearly a year of speculation (or YEARS if you go by the time between books)...and in the end, he stayed dead for approximately as long as Brian did on Family Guy.
Only thing I'm not buying so far is something that carried over from last season and that's the High Sparrow arc. They simply haven't fleshed that story out enough for me to buy that they are pretty much in control of everything besides the throne, in King's Landing. Got everyone shook. Rest has been great. Can't wait to see where the Arya and Bran arcs go.
SPOILERS FOR THE LATEST EPISODE Umbers, god that's so annoying. Also, why have Jon die and then resurrected without his personality or memory be affected in any substantial way? Ya ya your watch has ended but you're still basically the same person with a haircut.
Solid episode. Rickon was a nice surprise; I loved Olenna's... typical behaviour and Umber's as well, who was similar in that fashion ("Your father was a cunt."). Tyrion with Grey Worm and Missandei was a funny scene. Curious to see where Jon will go next. Liking this season so far much more than I did the fifth.