No one can have a perfectly balanced diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle - however, we can get pretty darn close. In order to get top notch results you'll have to stick to what you can afford, what works, what is enjoyable, and what you like. You've probably seen it on TV, or you've heard about. Now's your chance to jump on the boat with millions of other fanatics who have changed their lives. To get ideal results you can research plans and products and unify the best of the best together. I absolutely love P90x created by Tony Horton and distributed by BeachBody. This is a product you can use if you have a good enough space at home, the money to afford it, and the character strength to stick to the program and grow. This is an amazing program that if coupled with a healthy diet will give you awesome results. For more info visit the site below: p.s. BRING IT! I promise to BRING IT ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
This program is no joke. I own both p90x and Insanity. Ive have done extensive research on nutrition and workouts and this is the best. My really good friend is a personal trainer and MMA fighter (amateur) and says he has a love hate relationship with this program. It takes away his business I own the Bowflex Selectech dumbells and theyre perfect for this program. There isnt anything better. Most of the guys on twilight used this program. Professional athletes use it as well. Best program EVER!
Yes man, seriously, those programs coupled with periodic endurance building, work outs at the gym, and a healthy diet is the ideal exercise schedule pieces. The good thing is that Beach body programs can be modified for wherever the buyer is at. JUST LOOK AT IRA, THE MAN! I wonder what he's up to now a days...Probably keepin up with his nephew!!! haha
Heh and i wanted to ask you people what you think about P90x because i heard some great things about it. I am a biginer but i might give it a try one day, once i get stronger. Is this program really worth it?
I've never done it, but I will say that if you are a beginner you should probably do the Power 90 workout by the same company. It is a beginner's program, p90x is intermediate.
You can use P90x to suit your current level of general fitness and for your goals. If you are looking for the baby hills go and get the 10 minute trainer first. Esual17 has a good point regarding the benefit of using P90 before P90x. P90x is literally a work out routine for Spartans, and whats even better than that is the fact that Tony Horton made a P90x+! No way. I love this stuff; no hate, but even Tony has a love-hate too (from ab ripper X ..inside joke). INSANITY looks self-evident. Do tell more about your personal experience with the product mr. long. I'd love to rise up to a new challenge like INSANITY.
I've been doing this for the past 3 weeks, and feel a lot better- Workout for 1-2 hour a day, including 20-40mins on treadmill/bike and an hour or so on weights Drinking only water or diet coke (diet coke is basically water, its THAT healthy) Taking a protein shake after my workout and before bedtime (helps your body heal) Just having little snacks like fruit and nutrition bars through the day, with a solid meal around 200-400 calories around 7pm Makes me feel a lot better, i sweat a ton and even though its hard to stick to (i have slipped and had the occasional takeaway) i have lost a couple of pounds... Some help i need though is how to lose the beer belly, whats the best routine for abs? Is it just a case of cardio+sit ups?
I'm in the middle of finally getting down to losing some weight. I've always been a fairly big person (and slow metabolism seems to run in the family) but since I left college 4 years ago I slipped downhill a bit. Now I'm getting into the habit of eating healthy and being more aware of what I eat and I'd say awareness is certainly the first step for any weight loss regime. Always read the neutricional information on any food you get and make sure that it's low in saturates, sugar and not too high in calories. It's also important that you start your day with a good, healthy breakfast as it gets your metabolism running. When I say healthy breakfast, I don't necessarily mean a bowl of cerial...As long as you grill it (this works better if you have a george foreman grill), you can technically have bacon or sausages. It's important that you start off your day with around 400 calories though so you have suitable energy to take you through to lunch. As for working out, little things like walking or cycling more go a long way. Being on a treadmill for around an hour is good aswell as it will keep your heart rate up and a higher heart rate means faster metabolism.
You should try doing some HIIT. HIIT will burn fat much faster than regular cardio. You should also incorporate ab exercises in your work out plan. Weight lifting (max 1 hour)+HIIT (15min-20min top) will do wonders for you (basically ~1.5 hours/day). It will boost your metabolism. By the way resting is also very important, right now i am working out 3 days (mon, tue, wed), 1 day (thu) rest and then 2 days (fri, sat) workout and again 1 day rest (sun). So that's 3 (1)+2(1). Do HIIT and weight lifting 5 days/week, avoid sugars and eat less. That would be my tip.
HIIT - high intensity interval training. Say you are running, you do it like this - run 20 seconds (sprint), rest 10 seconds. That's one circuit, complete a total of 8 circuits should take less than 5 minutes. But be warned - it is extremely hard to do this. I'd start off with this - Looks easy and stupid but it's not. HIIT all the way.
Thats basically what i do on my way to the gym, i sprint all out until im near death, then chill, then sprint, then chill, i also do it when on the treadmill, my friend laughs and says "your only sprinting for one minute and your knackered" but i have it a lot faster than he does... Any recommendations regarding using protein? As a few heavy built weightlifters i know swear by it...
Well, there are a few weight-loss tips I know of and am trying to stick to this summer, because I know I've definitely put on a few extra pounds this past semester and need to lose those pounds before I go to college. 1) Smaller portions - To be quite honest, you don't really have to change what you're eating. Sure, you might have one cheese burger a day for lunch and then eat other things for breakfast and dinner. Well, what if you only had half a cheese burger one day, and saved the other half for the next day? What if when you go to that favorite Italian food restaurant of yours, you eat only half of that Fettuccine Alfredo instead of all of it? You'd be quite surprised to find that it makes a huge difference. 2) Eat less, but more often - The whole idea of eating three big meals a day takes its toll on some people's metabolisms. Eating 6 small meals a day helps to keep your metabolism going, which is crucial if you want to lose weight. A small meal could be like a bowl of fruit, or maybe a small bag of Chex Mix. 3) Watch how much you sleep - Sometimes having poor sleep habits can result in weight gain, from what I've heard. 4) Exercise regularly - You really don't have to run three or four miles each and every day to lose weight (although I'm sure that'd be helpful). You could run for 1/2 - 1 mile each day and still get some results. But either way, make sure you do it on a regular basis. I try to run 1 mile every other day if not every day, and if I've got the endurance to do so, I'll run a bit more. Also, swimming is one of the best ways to lose weight without putting a lot of stress on your body. If you have a pool, just swim a few times back and forth each day and you'll see progress. But also in regards to that, if you're the sort of person who lifts weights but wants to see a loss in weight, don't get scared if for whatever reason you're still as heavy as you were lifting weights you're building muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. You should also know that cardio exercises are the most effective in terms of losing weight. 5) Drink a lot of water - You have no idea how good this is for you in terms of weight loss and just feeling good. To give you an idea of how much water you need to drink, if you're not peeing clear, you're not hydrated. Plain and simple. You need to drink water. Here's something from a website that does a great job of explaining why water is helpful. 6) Be active - Seriously, don't just sit around the house all day. Keep doing some stuff during the day. Go play sports, go for a walk, do some sit-ups or something. This helps keep up your metabolism and all the while you're burning calories. A good game of ultimate frisbee helps. Also, I hear having sex does some of the same (OH BABY). 7) Avoid refined sugars - In other words, avoid candy. Not only does this help with weight loss, but refined sugars make you feel awful. The average person consumes about 92 grams of sugar a day, and only needs about 8 a day for energy, which is an amount that can be satisfied with the natural sugars you get from fruits, vegetables, and grains. Refined sugars also impair your immune system. Trust me, you'll sleep better, you'll recover from works outs more quickly, and you'll have more energy. The easiest way to start? CUT SODAS. Seriously. You're basically consuming a glass full of sugar. There is a study that says that people who have one can of soda a day gain 15 pounds in a year. 15 pounds! That's considerable! Cut soda from your diet, and you'll find that your tummy might be getting just a bit flatter rather soon. And you know what you can replace that soda with? WATER! Oh my goodness it's all coming together. I probably have more tips which I can put up later. The only other one I can remember is this: 8) Watch your calories. They say that the average person should only have up to 2000 calories, but you can live with less than that. Also, you need to consider this when you're working out: You'll only lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume. That's why running is so effective. You burn a lot of calories. EDIT - MORE TIPS: 9) When you sigh, you're done - So, we can't avoid social eating, and sometimes that's really the most common reason for weight gain. You might be at that Italian Food Restaurant again with your friends and you're having that irresistible ravioli. Well, if you're eating and you sigh once, you're done. When your body first realizes that you're getting full, the natural response is to sigh, as if to try and shake off that heavy feeling. If you keep eating after you sigh, you're going to sigh more and more and then you'll feel worse and worse because you're eating more than your stomach should handle in a sitting. You all probably know what it feels like to be completely and utterly full to the point where you absolutely need to sit down (sometimes on a toilet). You need to avoid that as much as possible, and the best way to do it is to stop after the first sigh. 10) Small sacrifices = big results - This sort of thing basically goes along the lines of everything else I've said, but it's something to think about. For example, I used to eat Apple Cinnamon Cheerios regularly, and honestly, those aren't bad for you. It's about 160 calories for one serving with milk (which, by the way, is a cup. Most of you probably eat more than a serving's worth of cereal for breakfast). However, what if you went from Apple Cinnamon Cheerios to just plain regular Cheerios? That removes at least 10 calories. Also, take a look at the milk you might be having? Do you have whole milk? Try 2%, 1%, or even skim milk! What else...oh! You know how some restaurants give you bread before your meal? Maybe normally you'll have three pieces. Try having two instead (this goes back to the smaller portions bit). It adds up in the end, I promise. One more example. Let's say you *love* chocolate (like I do.) Well, a Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar is pretty bad for you. It has more calories than that cup of cereal we were talking about before and it has all of these refined sugars you're trying to avoid. But, you still want your chocolate. Try Dark Chocolate, which is considered to be "healthy chocolate." Dark Chocolate contains less calories, it lowers your blood pressure and contains anti-oxidants. Another small sacrifice that might be significant for all of you: Fast Food is absolutely awful for you, but if you don't want to cut it out of your diet, there is one simple change you can make. Don't go to McDonald's, don't go to Burger King or Jack in the Box. Instead, go to In N' Out. They make the food right there. They don't cover everything in oil like the fries at other places. Sure, that makes the fry less tasty, but a lot more healthy. Their burgers are cooked right there, not pre-frozen. Their milkshakes aren't made from lots and lots of syrup but from legitimate milk and ice cream (which is considerably healthier). Also, In N' Out is still really inexpensive. Last thing I can think of again for now: 11) Food Pyramid - Seriously, try and follow it. When your body is getting all of the right servings and nutrients that it needs, you'll feel a lot better and begin to lose weight. Overall you're just going to be a healthier person by doing so. Look it up. That shit's good for you. I hope this all helps!
I eat this per day since i started my diet: One small bowl of porridge for breakfast - 200kcal One nutrition bar - 100kcal One apple - 80kcal One salad, ready made - 250kcal One yoghurt, low fat - 150kcal One protein shake before bed - 150kcal And thats it, i only drink water or diet coke, figures if i stay to that, within 3 months i'll have lost my target of 1-2 stone...
"2) Eat less, but more often - The whole idea of eating three big meals a day takes its toll on some people's metabolisms. Eating 6 small meals a day helps to keep your metabolism going, which is crucial if you want to lose weight. A small meal could be like a bowl of fruit, or maybe a small bag of Chex Mix." For a heads up, studies have been done to show that increased meal frequency doesn't help your metabolism. It may make you less likely to get hungry and binge on calorie dense food, but it comes down to what you eat, not how many meals it is eaten in. Calories in - calories out. Look at if you want to see an example of a diet schedule that has you eating all your food for the day in a 8 hour block to lose weight. Meal frequency is more about what fits into your lifestyle, not something that magically speeds up metabolism. Also, about your #7, while agree that sugars tend to be empty calories that have minimal nutritional and satiating properties, if you still manage to get the right number of calories and right macro-nutrient ratios, a bit more sugar won't kill you. It is a lot easier to binge on candy than fibrous vegetables though. Most of your tips are pretty good though!
Huh. Well, I figured that eating 3 big meals would leave you with a slower metabolism than eating 6 smaller ones, but I guess I was mistaken. And no, sugar won't kill you, but cutting those refined sugars out of your diet does you a lot of good. A lot of athletes actually try to avoid sugars for those purposes.
Reading this thread. It seems that I'm doing everything wrong in losing weight. Yet I don't gain weight at all.
Theazninvasion68 Tips to dieting and exercise. TIP #1. - Eat smart. Don't go out eatting heart foods, or items that are made out of lard. Be smart about it. Really. Eat your veggies, your fruits often, and have a fair carb start. A bowl of cereal, a sandwich, or something. An Idea on how to eat.. Get a plate out. It should be 1/2 veggies, 1/4 rice (lolasian) or potato. 1/4 protein. Have some fruit after you eat, as sort of a desert. NOTE: Tofu counts as carb AND protein. If your going to work out, Tofu helps with dieting. IF you're going to eat tofu, eat it first. that is important. TIP #2. - Be disciplined. I know you might have an almost unbearable craving for something fried or baked with sugar and sweets or fries. Just don't for a while. This is one of the hardest tips to keep by and easiest to say "well..." Seriously. When something greasy or you think might be really good, don't eat it. Stick to your diet plan and don't go off course. TIP #3. - Have a disciplined work-out. You're body loves when you plan out and has a regular schedule. An example would be like this: Every Monday Wednesday Friday, you shall work out. The weekends, you should do cardio but take it lightly. Tuesday and thursday are the days your body rests. TIP #4. - Cardio then work-out. It helps to strech your body out and prepare, and it also helps to prepare your heart too. Having a good Cardio work-out is just as important to a tough physical work out on your muscles. A stronger heart means more reps, and everything else follows through. TIP #5 - Swimming. It's Cardio, and a workout all in one. Not only that, but the water is nice and sweating a storm wont make you smell horrible. If your workout routine is as i said, you have the weekend dedicated to swimming an hour or two.
Take up a team sport. Don't snack on rubbish throughout the day. Don't eat within 2 hours of going to bed. It's fairly simple.