Occupy the Planet

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by $pvcxGhxztCasey, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    In what society, or country...is this acceptable? Especially the older woman. Both images are pepper spray.
  2. Rocky

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    There are either way too many corrupt officers in this country, or they are being told to do shit like this for some reason. It's too fucked up and surreal.
  3. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    *shakes head* This is absolutely disgusting.
  4. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    It happens in countries with governments that have a monopoly on power. Police can act above the law with no consequences because there aren't any other options for the people. It's a monopoly. Things will only get worse.
  5. Tom

    Tom LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Nov 19, 2004
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    I support the idea that was originally formed, but the bandwagon tumblr delinquents that are all 'hurr durr occupy wurld, we are anonimoose, lejun n shit' need to all burn in a fire of grow the fuck up and stop being such little bitches.

    For me personally when we hit financial crises in the UK and banks had to be bailed out, I personally had to pay higher taxes and such, because I'm a law abiding citizen, what narked by boat was when after several months of rough water, you find the very banks that needed bailing out, actually have just paid a bunch of senior staff MILLIONS in year bonuses. I'm glad people protest stuff like this, because it feels like I have been ripped off by my government and system and that essentially I just gave a very well off rich person, more money due to lies.

    The problem I face is when people claim to be in this 'Anonymous' Group that in essence has no real name and such, and yet post things such as ''GUIS, ALL CHANGE UR PIC ON FACEBOOK TO V MASK, LEJUN'' surely this sounds familiar like Fight club's rule 1 and 2, by changing your picture and such, you've given a name to the anonymity, the very essence of said 'anonymous' group, surely if you considered yourself a 'member', you wouldn't tell anyone because then you wouldn't be a member. Makes me angry just thinking about people who do these things.

    My last thought on this however is: If you want to protest something, that's fine, everyone has a right to protest and say what s/he believes in. Protest about something you actually believe in and get behind, make sure you know the law and such in your country about protesting. (GL if you're in China, lawlz.)
    However jumping in on a cause because you read it on your tumblr, reddit or twitter feed and say to yourself "fuk je, fight da man n power, government is shit guis" and jump aboard because lots of people you know have. Then I'd ask you to kindly remove your own reproductive organs so that the stupidity stops and dies when you die.
  6. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    The government works together with big corporations and banks to both profit off the public. They keep taking our money, well, because we have to give it to them. They know this, and they exploit us. When our tax money pays for their income and their mistakes, and we are legally forced to give them our money, the problem is blatant.

    And to make things worse, the Federal Reserve can simply print money out if they can't tax enough of it, giving the rich more money, while inflating the dollar and decreasing everyone else's worth. The amount of money that was printed off in the last few years is astounding. When all of it actually hits the market, we're in major trouble.

    The Fed Audit

    The Occupy movement started out as a Federal Reserve protest and the movement was promoting capitalism. What it has turned into now is pathetic and is embarrassing.


    THE Most Important Chart of the CENTURY

    Very informative if you can get through all of it.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2011

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