Ok, but you do know I actually signed up and have been posting links from Wi-TP that we've been laughing at, right? Quite unlike DAT RIGHTWING MEDIA, I went out and actually dug up some things that validated the whole "Wow these people are schmucks" theory I had. Nobody is saying protesting as an act is mindless and stupid, we're saying that the group you've decided to affiliate with happens to be filled with 13 year olds and was started by a lunatic that thinks he's going to have "Anonymous" tribes set up like separatist splinter cells.
Isn't that what most of Anon is anyways? Aren't 95% of people who claim to be Anon, just 13-15 year old trolls/hackers who think they're all high and mighty because they hide behind internet anonymity?
I think protesting, be it peaceful or violent, still has merit, but it needs to have a clear message and be well organized. I'm sure a lot of people would get behind something like this if it had a little more thought put into it. As it stands, though, people aren't taking it very seriously.
I'm willing to bet that a lot of people who are now deciding to go to these protests have no idea what "anonymous" is or don't know that they/it has anything to do with this.
Would you also be willing to bet that they have any idea what they're protesting about or what the demands are? Just because you're protesting greed, doesn't mean you have a final agenda. Sure, they don't like greed (who does) but....what do they want to come out of this? Jobs to materialize out of thin air?
This article basically sums up what I think of this: http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/05/opinion/rushkoff-occupy-wall-street/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 I really can't think of anything else to add to that.
Trying to excuse the lack of focus in the protests because they're some kind of microcosm for modern life is a bit of a cop out, as far as I'm concerned. Another case of a journalist over-intellectualizing something. Don't get me wrong: I agree with the sentiment of the protests 100%. But fuck, man, if you're going to do something, do it right.
http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/occupy-wall-street-demands-6506089?click=pp Read it. Or don't, I don't really care. I'm only posting this to spread the word (even more) and for those that are even vaguely interested in the cause. Everyone else can go read articles about Michelle Obama's fashion designer having a clothing line at Target, or how Chris Christie is the latest in a long line of potential "saviors" (HA HA). I'm not going to stop updating this thread with news and worthwhile articles just because 99% of people posting in this thread are only making fun of the cause, or don't agree with it in some way. I believe in it, and if I could be in NY with all of them, I would be. If I could have went to the Occupy Nashville meet and greet instead of going to my shitty job for barely over minimum wage, I would have. I believe in this, with ALL of my heart, and nothing any of you have to say will ever change my mind about this. It's only getting bigger. We'll be heard, and that's all we really want in the grand scheme of things.
I do like how you basically threw away everything your detractor had to say with a rousing "No, fuck you, I believe in it and I'm right". Now, personally, when something I stand for is being called out for being a vague, directionless excuse to rage for the sake of raging, my first response isn't necessarily going to be... that vague. It's great you believe in something, it's just a shame you didn't pick something worthwhile to get so worked up about.
I'm very sorry I disappointed you. I'll try harder in the future, okay? Never said I'm right, just said I believe in it and nothing any of you say can convince me differently. If you want to believe that I'm just sooo convinced I'm right about... whatever it is you think I'm right about, well, go ahead and keep thinking that. Meanwhile, I'll continue to update this thread with news and articles and whatnot.
Bingo! (I just finished my Casey Cliches bingo card for this thread when he claimed to not care then carried on rambling incoherently)
tl;dr so I don't know if this has been posted yet, but Jon Stewart had some interesting thoughts about the protest: http://www.thedailyshow.com/ The video is called "Parks and Demonstration"