Death Metal probably wouldn't be your thing but... 1. Your description of DM is more like Grindcore or Gore Grind. Death Metal is more structured and they don't scream mindless non-sense, and although some death metal bands just sing about killing -liek cannibal corpse-, some DM bands have good lyrics (Neath are a good example). And DM is more about brutal riffs; demonic sounding music is usually a Black Metal trait. 2. What does Slipknot have to do with anything? 3. Dethklok are a band from a t.v. show and they half-mock DM. A much better example would be Nile, Necrophagist or Death. On topic: Nickleback never appealed to me at all, they just seem boring and generic, especially their newer songs.
Chad Kroeger is a combination of Scott Stapp's ability to ruin music (by creating annoying songs like "Wide Arms Open" but yet "My Sacrifice" was rather catchy) and Eddie Vedder has the band that has survived. So now, it is looking like he's "gotta be somebody". Lol.
Still. They are survivors because they've survived Nirvana and The Smashing Pumpkins and the whole 90s grunge thing that was really big back then. Nickleback is just too popularised for me to actually say I like them. They are alright and that's based on one song that I only like.
That also makes no sense. You're here originally because you like Linkin Park, right? They're pretty popularized. I'm not trying to ague, I'm trying to understand.
People can hate on Nickelback all they want, but the point is they're still a very talented band. So what if they've become popular? They deserve it. Granted the singles they put out are the lighter songs and probably chosen by the label anyway, but listen to songs like Side of a Bullet, Leader of Men, Money Bought, Just For, and that's the good stuff. I've seen Nickelback live and they put on one hell of a show and sound amazing. Chad is a fun guy onstage, so much so that he took a shirt cannon from the arena and started shooting beer cans and tshirts into the pit, it was awesome. I love this new song because while is it a bit of their lighter side, it still sounds great. I can't wait for the new album and I know they won't disappoint.
i dislike Nickleback not because they're 'over-popular' but because their music sounds boring and generic. The whole 'modern rock' scene at the moment seems pretty uninspired imo
The Pumpkins have survived too. And Nirvana probably only ended cos of a little incident with the grim reaper... And Scott Stapp has an awesome voice, IMO.
Buckcherry, Nickelback, Hinder etc... Yeah, they always clump together in my mind. The only modern Rock/Alt Rock I can stand and that has some unique sounds are Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace and Red. Funny, because I saw them live all at once, best tour ever for good rock bands, Seether was on it also but they aren't exactly what I fancy.
I agree with pretty much everything Nate Said. Personally, I think Nickleback's music is great. They were one of the first rock bands I started properly listening to and they've never done anything to take away my respect for them. With regards to the modern rock scene, I think music in general is lacking inspirational bands at the moment. Where's the 21st century Pink Floyd or Beatles? There are no genuinely unique, inspirational bands out there and the ones who actually have something unique are often the most obscure bands. Finally, I wouldn't say Pearl Jam 'survived' the grunge era whatsoever. As much as I love them, they have about a fraction of the popularity they had in their prime when grunge music was the craze.
And those bands never get popular enough to be fully recognized for their talent, which is a real shame.
Exactly, it's ridiculous. However it's the same vicious circle because if you get too popular you're automatically a sellout.
Yeah. That's why I typically don't look at how popular a band is. If I like them, I like them. And I'm one more fan they didn't have before, you know? Whenever I find a band like that, I do all I can to get people listening to them, even if they're just my friends.