I wish Blackout would be a single but I don't think that will happen. I'm sure Iridscent will be one though.
Lol, are you serious? I certanly hope your not. Wretches is one of the most popular songs on the album. Every crowd they play it for goes crazy. And it plays constantly on the radio. About 3 times a day for some people. And your saying it will screw up their "cycle" if it's released as a single? WTCFM is doubtful for a single. Robot Boy will definitley not be a single. Blackout also a little doubtful. Iridescent has been confirmed for TF3 but does that means it will be an "Official" single for LP? Maybe, maybe not. But it usually is. But for people who have told me they've listened to the album, they say W&K was one of the best ones on the album. And also W&K was the 2nd song to be released from the album. Maybe that's a sign that will be the final single. But to go as far to say that it will scre up their "cycle"? Well I say, good day sir.
Har.har. you have to retort to petty accusations and lame retorts when others opinions are not aligned with yours.
imo Numb, Given Up and SOTD are among my least favorite Linkin Park songs in the entire discography. They can't release an ATS single worse than those XD. I'm fine with anything at this point. Force.. .label... wha? Citation needed please. It's totally directed at the fans (not all of the fans, obviously) who were yelling and screaming and throwing poo like chimpanzees. I've seen enough of them.
The Catalyst is the closest thing ATS has to a dance track. It's a very synth-y, driving, electronic song. What is the biggest pop trend going on right now? Electronic dance music. It's not as un-radio friendly as you think, even without a clearly defined chorus.
Well, I don't really listen to the radio so I'm not that aware what's going on right now. What? I don't remembering saying that... Who are you replying to? also, I agree that it's hard to get a worse single than Given Up and Numb but I quite enjoy SOTD.
Ok, all I'm trying to get at is that I hope that the next single will be Wretches and Kings. That's all. People have different opinions, and mine is pro-W&K. But I honestly don't know how you don't love W&K. It's just like HT (which is what a lot of people want), Mike has sick lyrics, and Chester's singing makes it complete. Buuuuuuuuuuut, that's just me
You're welcome to have your own opinion, but you really must be cautious and aware of other people's opinions, is what we're saying. You're welcome to believe that Wretches and Kings is a great song (I rather like it too), but asking "how could people not love this?" or telling people that they have "mental problems" because they don't like the song as much as you do, or at all, is disrespectful. Just be more conscientious of this in the future. Thank you.
I hope W&K doesn't get to be a single. It is the worst song they've ever written. Even worse than Don't Stay and Given Up.
I could be remembering this completely wrong, but I recall a poll on the 30 Seconds To Mars site asking fans what they think should be the next single. Whilst I don't think it was ever officially going to be the decider for the next single, I'm fairly certain it would have influenced it as I believe 'Hurricane' was the winner of that poll and went on to become the next single Heck, I voted for 'Hurricane' myself! Oh, and this may mean absolutely nothing, but the sticker on the front of A THOUSAND SUNS + says "The new album featuring 'The Catalyst', 'Waiting For The End', 'Burning In The Skies' & 'Iridescent'".
No need for the mental problem insult. W&K is awesome but I've seen a lot of fans that actually don't like it very much, and I think there are more radio friendly songs on the album.