System of a Down blows. Sorry, but they were good with their first album, in fact, REALLY good, the second one was a C+ and the latest was bullshit. If their new stuff sounds like this latest crap, I'm not gonna bother. "Hey, I got an idea, let's take songs we didn't release because we didn't really like them and stuff and put it on an album and title it 'Steal This Album!'" Sorry, I just don't like some of their political crap - it just doesn't flow well like Rage Against the Machine's stuff did.
do i look stupid [/b][/quote] Do we have to answer that? I dont like them much but I do have a burnt copy of Toxicity. Its alright. I will just download some songs people say are good
Evil Amy: Get 'Sugar', 'Soil', and 'War?' off their debut album. They are killer tracks that are a lot quirkier and original than Toxicity. I partially agree with Jawknee, as in the first album was better, but Toxicity was still amazing, and Steal This Album was actually quite good and leaned more toward the style of their first album. But yeah 2004 will be a great year in terms of albums for me, as my 3 favourite bands will probably all be releasing new stuff! (Dream Theater is writing a new album, SOAD will have one out, and Tool might in 2004 or 2005, as Maynard needs to finish the new A Perfect Circle album! Can't wait for that either!)