www.myspace.com/korn "I Will Protect You" I like it. It reminds me of Queen of the Damned. EDIT: Then again.. I got done listening to the song two minutes ago, and I've already practically forgotten the entire song. It doesn't really stick.
I love it. It's so different for them but I love how it's probably more musical than anything they've done.
I don't think they've had anything halfway decent since Follow the Leader. Maybe Issues, but FTL was certainly the peak of their career IMO
I've not really liked anything Korn have released since 'Take a Look in the Mirror' and this song isn't going to change my mind, either.
I like the style, but as you said, Zak, it doesn't really stick. I'd love to hear more of what they're working on as long as it's in a similar style, however.
Agreed. Well Issues was decent, underrated compared to eariler Korn stuff, but they need to hang it up. This coming from a fan who got into metal because of these guys. What the hell has happened?
the music student who is majoring in production and engineering in me likes it for the instrumentation. the queen of the damned freak in me likes how much it sounds like something the vampire lestat would put out. the metal fan in me thinks this sucks hard. end of story.
I think it's funny how all the bands that first got me into hard rock are all gone or changing dramatically. LP, Manson have changed a lot, Korn seems to be changing more and more, and bands like Cold are gone and Deftones aren't that great. By the way, that's not funny haha, but the other kind. PS: Rachel, is God Given a good song from that CD? I listened to all the clips on iTunes and besides Survivalism was wondering which song to buy. All the others sound a little too electronic.
[offtopic] yes, God Given is amazing on that. I recommend reading the Year Zero thread here on the most recommended tracks by fellow LPAers. [/offtopic] Yeah, I've noticed alot of the earlier bands are gone or just shitty now. *sigh* How sad.
hey everyone's entitled to their opinions, and im thinking "what i've done" is kinda shitty, but whatever, thats yet again off topic.
It's an alright song. As said, it just doesn't stick. But if I have to pick one thing out, I think the guitars suck and they just don't fit.
I got into Korn a year or two ago, and bought two of their albums: Follow The Leader and their self-titled album. Their self-titled was alright..but Follow The Leader was really somethin'. Sadly, this new song was pretty...er..dull, very dull. Hopefully their oncoming releases will surprise us all.
It seems KoRn's been going downhill ever since head left them...I mean...SYOTOS was an okay album...just not really...awesome...never really liked listening to it 'cause the songs got pretty...dull. I think KoRn should stick to playing live shows...and that's it...no more albums...as much as I loved every realease up 'til SYOTOS...I can still say they've done enough
dissapointed i dont think its that great. the part in the middle is cool but as a whole im dissapointed. i hope the whole album is better than that song. we should get a single soon.