Charlie Scene is definitely my fave. Though J3T isn't bat at all. I downloaded the new album, and half is good, half sucks, like there last one. I just figured out theres no screaming :/
I guess I'm not part of the 'cool kid crowd' and I'm okay with that. When Meteora came out, I was in college, so by no way do I concider myself part of the 'younger crowd.' I've been a fan of Linkin Park's since 2000. I still think that Meteora was good and I still pick out new things from the songs on the album even up to this day. Linkin Park has a great way of layering things in songs that you don't really hear at first and when you do, it's like the song is new all over again. It just happened to me the other day while listening to "Don't Stay" with a background track of Chester screaming.
Song doesn't sound much like Linkin Park, let alone their new vocalist sounding anything like Chester. People have their own ears though. With that, Meteora is Linkin Park's worst album.
Do you refer to Meteora as the single greatest thing the band has ever done and get violently angry should criticize the album or insist it's not an entirely bad thing that every subsequent album sounds exactly like it? If not than I probably wasn't talking about you.
Haters all up in this thread! meteora still rox my sox. Great workout songs, helps me get work done. Like HU
Explain it then, professor. Just because they aren't singing about magnets and dark carnivals don't mean they aren't terrible niche rappers in the same way ICP are.
Ohhhhh magnets. Oh so sorry I had you pegged as one of those "i started hating a group because everyone else was based on an unfunny meme" type people. Glad to see I was wrong.. Hollywood undead is nowhere near being horrorcore.
You do know ICP were a joke years before 'fuckin miracles' right? Should I drop a JUGGALO HOMIES...HOMIES! reference to redeem myself? Whether or not they're horrorcore isn't what I'm talking about, they're just as into hocking a gimmick as they are their music and that's lame like ICP is.
Of course I do...I've been listening to them since 1997. Tell me...when did you discover them? I wouldn't called HU a "niche group" either being that they get played heavily on the radio.
Getting heavy play on the radio doesn't make them NOT niche. Being part of a niche isn't affected by popularity.
Niche usually defines a small segment not sought out by a large group of people. Heavy rotation usually indicates huge popularity making them more of a mainstream type band. Which is exactly what nu-metal was back in the day.
Wrong. Niche is defined as being intended for a specific market. If a band makes a record that fits into that niche and it ends up being huge, that doesn't make the intent and the genre any different. Dubstep is a niche. It's made for a very specific audience. Just because that audience grew doesn't make it any less of a niche.
I Wonder how many Bands still play Nu Metal? That does not include the Veterans (LP,LB,Korn,Slipknot Etc..).
I wouldn't say they sound like Chaz or LP, but nice guys overall. They take alot of crap from fans of other bands out here. --RS