Just watched it and was indeed very revealing. I certainly didn't expect Mad Eye Moody to look that way. But the trailer looked awesome, and darker than ever which is good. Can't wait!
I'm such a Harry Potter freak, it's not funny anymore. I downloaded the trailer and I've watched it five times, sure that I missed something each time. SQUEEEEE! I'm done.
I'm not a fan of Harry Potter myself (got to book 2 and just gave up 'cause that alone took me two years) but this looks pretty nice. The CGI looks kick ass. I'll definitely be seeing this one as soon as i can
Mad eye moody looks like an a** hole, though... but overall it looks good. can't possibly be worse then the third movie...
you know what i didn't like about the third movie was that they took out like half the book to make the movie. well maybe not that much, but you know what i mean. so the fourth one has to be the same way because the book was so long, so there has to be something cut out. i don't think it makes as much sense when stuff is taken out, but maybe that is because i read the book before i saw the movie, and if i just saw the movie first i wouldn't know what i was missing. right?
I've got one complaint. I've said this before because I've seen stills prior to seeing this trailer and some of you may remember my little blow up about it a little while ago: WHY THE HELL IS MAD-EYE MOODY'S EYE FUCKING TAPED ON?! But yeah, I'm happy in a way that the movie is PG-13 because that tells me that they kept some of the violence from the book. They didn't make it all "sugar and gumdrops" blah blah shit which i was afraid that they might have. AAANYWAY. I already know what showing, day, and who I'm going to see it with. I've been planning it since I found out what day it was coming out. lmao I'm sucha geek.
Anyone have a mirror of that? Firefox crashed when I tried to view it, stupid MTV and their suckiness.
That looks pretty good i must admit. I read the books, but i've got such a bad memorry, i can only remeber the main events anyway. . Yay, go people with bad memory.
That would be 2 books later. the Half-Blood Prince [/b][/quote] I hope I ruined a bunch of dreams for some kids. Yes, I knew it was HBP. I'm an avid HP reader.
I hope I ruined a bunch of dreams for some kids. Yes, I knew it was HBP. I'm an avid HP reader. [/b][/quote] Just making sure.