New EP Titled 'Post Traumatic' Released from Mike Shinoda, Includes Three New Songs

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. #41

    SkullDevil217 Dork Of Ages

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Just listened to this EP. Raw, powerful, and vulnerable music from Mike. His vlog at the end of Watching As I Fall just breaks my heart. :(
  2. #42

    StrictlyJohnD Go Texans & Rockets!

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Over Again >>>>>
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  3. #43

    Dyl Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Its trending at number 5 on twitter!
  4. #44

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I mean it only took their best friend committing suicide for you to get those #PersonalLyrics they "should have been aiming for" in OML. I'm just going to sit here rolling my eyes until they fall out of my fucking skull.


    God damn, this EP. It's so intense and raw. Over Again is my personal favourite right now.
  5. #45
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Excuse me, what's the problem here? I just said that I thought they would have adopt an actually personal style for One More Light (since, you know, they where pushing on that) and in some songs they did, in some... not really, a style that can be found here. OF COURSE there's no need to have a tragedy to get there, and NO, I'm disappointed that OML is not that way, as it is one of my favourite records of all time. Just... try not to start fights out of nowhere, maybe?
    Iopia and Modern Guitar God like this.
  6. #46

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    There's a clear difference between the here and now and the there then that pushed Mike into making lyrics like these. For you to say "This is what OML should have been like" as if this EP could have existed without the tragedy is, forgive my french, fucking crazy.

    Mike is spilling his guts out about a fucking trauma. I'm sorry that there was no equivalent fucking trauma for OML to explore.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
    Rocky likes this.
  7. #47
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    I think you're just assuming stuff from my post. I never said "OML should have been like this", only the band can say what their records should be like. And I never actually talked about traumas in the first place. I know that they MUST be personal now to talk about a personal loss, and OF COURSE One More Light didn't need to be THIS raw and personal and hard. I just thought, at the time, that they would have dug deep in their life while writing, and don't get me wrong here, they did. But Invisible, to say one (and again, it's a song I LOVE) that is meant to Mike's family, is a song that some people could relate to a relationship. And it's fine, it works perfectly, but you can talk more in the details about your life in a song without having to deal with a tragedy. They did in some songs (Halfway Right comes to mind), they didn't in others and there's nothing wrong into that. The band said that they made them to be relatable for everyone, too. And what I'm saying is literally just this. If you feel offended by that, I'm sorry.
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  8. #48
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    And of course, when I said "this style", I didn't mean "topics" or "themes". There is a difference.
  9. #49

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Don't apologise for "if someone feels offended". Apologize for saying something offensive or don't apologize at all. Ending a sentence like that is a textbook non-apology that looks condescending as all hell.

    You said, "Mike can perfectly handle these kinds of lyrics" as a critique of bringing in external producers and co-writers for One More Light. Totally ignorant of the fact that the reason Mike's this raw is that he's going through an incredibly personal trauma that's also incredibly public and that writing this was a coping mechanism for him. He can write so openly about his reactions to Chester's passing and the emotions thereof in a detailed manner because every fan is suffering and knows the details of what he's going through already.

    "This style" doesn't exist without the tragedy, in any way you can define.
  10. #50

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Elaine, why is it that everytime a massive fight happens in a news thread you seem to be involved? Perhaps you need to step back and consider that you are naturally a very confrontational person and really need to cut it out. I would never say this to you unless I felt I had reason to, and thus my reason for saying such is the fact that this is now the third or possibly even fourth time you've created a fight in a news thread because you take things wildly out of context.

    So stop immediately, or get a warning. Your original post was way out of line and unnecessarily confrontational.
    Lotus, Iopia and Modern Guitar God like this.
  11. #51

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    • Warned for advising and antagonising Staff.

    Just ban me if you feel that way and I'm a repeat offender. That's how the rules should work.

    I have strong opinions about etiquite when it comes to dealing with grief. I don't honestly care about tone when it comes to this topic because everyone needs to be held to a standard of behaviour.
  12. #52
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    First of all, calm down please. Secondly, artists talk about their life in songs even without traumas. That is a writing style, it exists. I know Mike did this to cope. I'll quote myself: " OF COURSE One More Light didn't need to be THIS raw and personal and hard". I know that there is a difference between the Post Traumatic EP kind of personal and what could've been One More Light kind of personal. I understand what your point is here. But "personal" can be both things.
  13. #53

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You’re not a band member, and you don’t have to be a superhero and rush in all the time to protect their grieving process and how they grieve. They are grown men and can handle themselves, no offense.

    My issue is that you seem to go from 0-100 real quickly sometimes and it’s completely unnecessary. You can voice your offense over someone’s comment without chopping their heads off. Sorry, but again...I wouldn’t say this unless I noticed a pattern and I have.
  14. #54

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Don't apologise when you don't feel the need to just to sugarcoat something.

    I know I'm not the band, I know I'm not a superhero, and I know that they are all grown men who can handle themselves. This has nothing to do with that. This has to do with the ability for people to convey basic empathy online, knowing the times and places for certain things etc, which is something that the internet sorely lacks. If we don't encourage a baseline standard of behaviour those are skills that will stay fallen by the wayside.
  15. #55

    Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Okay okay, let everyone take a step back here. This doesn't need to be a space for anyone to receive infractions or be banned or anything.

    Plain and simple, I think all @The Free Element was trying to say was that the band moved towards writing personal lyrics with One More Light - and TFE was connecting the personal nature of One More Light to the even more personal and vulnerable nature of Post Traumatic. And it sounds like TFE was also trying to note that musically, the band maybe never had to reach to other writers to write in that way. I actually kind of agree with that sentiment, though I think without those writers, they never would have taken the approach of writing lyrics and melodies first before writing the music - which I think made the music more wholesome by the end of it. But that is beside the point.

    I can see why you might have taken it insensitively, @Elaine, because it could in some sense be ignorant of the context: this is not just Mike writing personally, this is Mike writing from a very dark space in his mind after Chester's passing. But I don't think that's what The Free Element is going for. I don't think that the post lacked some sense of empathy here, and I don't think there was really any need to jump down anyone's throat. S/he was just speaking about the lyrics and how impactful they were, and you didn't really give him/her the space to clarify that.

    Obviously, this music is very charged, and I think people listening to this music will make them feel very charged, because it's going to bring them back to this headspace that we were all in and have been in since July. Maybe that's where your feelings are coming from, maybe not, but if so I get it. I don't want to ignore your feelings here, and I want you to know I understand where you're coming from. But please, take a step back from this argument, and please apologize to The Free Element. There was really no need for any of that.

    I'd really ask everyone to take a more thoughtful lens to the comments people might write before assuming what they're going for. This is heavy stuff.
  16. #56

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    If you want me to know that you understand where I am coming from, please let me elaborate at least a little bit on why I'm taking this personal tact.

    The reaction to an EP about dealing with intense trauma is not a place to use it's content as a means to criticise prior works that are removed from the context in which the traumatic EP is created in, no matter the content of the criticism itself. To take that avenue as a path to criticism (Even if one may love the product they are criticizing) feels like it goes against the very spirit of the EP and belies a sense of empathy itself.

    I will apologise for not stating this clearly outright and instead defaulting to thinly veiled snideness as a response. That was not the way to convey these issues in a way that anyone would understand and is more or less a product of constant exhaustion at seeing people react to topics (Not just this one, but many others) without the requisite empathy.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
  17. #57
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Thank you, you expressed what I wanted to say perfectly. My bad english (I'm italian) probably didn't help explain myself the right way. I don't need Elaine to apologize me or anything, I just wanted her to understand that I'm not trying to be offensive or superficial. My apologizes if I ended up being that without realizing.
  18. #58

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I certainly was confrontational in my replies to you as well and I'll apologize for anything I may have said in here that upset you too. Unfortunately it's all part of being human, and when you include such a heavy, dark and sensitive situation like this...emotions are bound to flare up.

    It's why we really need to do ourselves a favor and make sure we are presenting our issues in the clearest and most non confrontational ways possible. There are better ways to convey offense or emotions without it becoming a massive blowout, and we need to do our part as fans to make sure we don't let it get to that. It applies to all of us.

    Chester wouldn't want the fans bickering. Chester was all about love and peace. Let's honor that :).
    IronDust71 likes this.
  19. #59

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Apologies accepted, and you're right about Chester. And also, I apologise for constantly editing my posts until I see a reply to them. I'm very picky about how I come across sometimes even though I might not seem it.
  20. #60
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Let’s not talk to each other in a way we’d never do if we just met somebody or conversed in person.

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