I'm getting a new computer for christmas, its Windows XP. I need to know people's opinions on the best software to use. I messed up this computer and now I hate it. I don't want to do the same thing I did before. (ex: best downloading music software, best listening software, etc.)
[color=cc0000]Well, for music, i'd say Songspy, or Kazza. Both of them you can download music and they have their own player, so you dont need to download 2 programs.[/color] Last edited by Chester 76 at Oct 7 2002, 02:53 PM
Music: Winamp 3 Burning: Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum Anti-Virus: Norton Anti-Virus 2002 Downloading: KaZaA Lite Instant Messaging: Windows Messenger (comes with Windows XP) Firewall: McAfee Firewall (not sure of the latest version) Graphics: Paint Shop Pro, PhotoShop, and/or Macromedia Fireworks MX Uh... what else? Hmm... CD Extracting: CDex (I can get you a link) Productivity: Office XP Small Business (suite with Word, Excel, Publisher, Outlook) Chat: mIRC I can get you links to anything you want. Just ask. - Akuma :chemist:
XP is compatible with every new piece of software being released--even 90% of games. Trust me, it's been ready. Though, I must warn you that you must buy hardware that says "BUILT FOR WINDOWS XP" on it, otherwise it won't work. Hope I helped. - Akuma :chemist:
Sorry to stop your roll Akuma...but Winamp 3 still has a few bugs when being used on XP... If you download that...be careful...or you could wait until the bugs have been sorted... I'll help you too: Music: W.M.P (windows media player-use this until winamp gets sorted...then D/L that) Graphics: PSP7 or Photoshop Downloading: EDonkey, WinMX or Kazza...or all three (I prefer EDonkey but I have WinMX too) Burning: The latest version of Nero NORTON SYSTEM WORKS-this one is a biggy-almost a neccesity but you can just get any other anti-virus...but this one's best and it comes with many other tools like speed-disk... Isobuster, Winace and WinRAR all help too... Good luck
I really like windowsxp, But first time I got it I had a few problems with it. I hope you don't have any with it. Because it was a pain in the a$$!
I have ME and it really annoys me...I've managed to sort it though...blah... Winamp has bugs on the skins that you download....but I don't have to worry bout that