Eh, I'd say you can make a super compelling guitar-driven track with two guitars, plus bass (assuming you're not counting that, since every song Dave and Brad are on guitars). But, I am definitely hoping for some nice guitar parts. Even if it's just a short intro to a song, I wanna hear some nice acoustic riffs, or something that we got a glimpse of in Three band terror. The most exciting thing is that Chester said they have a ton of songs. I imagine we'll get a good 11 or 12 full tracks this time, plus a couple of interludes/reprises and whatnot. If the mixing has begun, I imagine a single can't be too far away now.
I don't know, but something about seeing them all on the guitar together it's just that its never been done before by the band and would be special, IMO.
If you put 4 guitars, all playing different parts, odds are it's gonna get pretty messy. Imagine a track with four basslines.
While I sort of agree, it's a bit of an unfair comparison. It's much harder to fit things into the lower registers, and I can't think of a song with more than 2 bass parts off the top of my head. There have been plenty of songs with lots of guitar parts, you just have to be creative in using them in different ways (for example, you could have an acoustic guitar and electric guitar doing rhythm, 2 electric guitars harmonising on leads, and a fifth guitar doing atmospheric stuff with pedals). It's more like having 4/5 distinct synth lines; very easy to screw up, and often not necessary (sometimes less is more, etc.) but if done tastefully can make something really powerful.
LP's projects use a lot of tracks, so my guess is, give or take, 3 days per song. Should take a couple of months at the very most.
Nah, I'd say shorter than you guys are assuming. Remember LT finished recording on April 16, and that was mixed, mastered and on the shelves by June 26.
I mean, we also had Burn it Down at that point so.. Things are slightly differently time around; I feel like it's still not finalized at this point.
My favorite mixes is still ATS and MTM. LT felt way too poppy with not enough clarity and openness. THP was just a wall of noise to me. ATS wasn't perfect but some songs like BITS, RB, WFTE had near perfect mixes. MTM I just love because of the orchestra. God I miss the strings
This album would be the perfect time to bring some live strings back but who knows.. Even something like what's on the acoustic version of FM would be pretty damn good..
Mixing of the lead single will usually happen a while before the other songs. The mixing session for "Guilty All the Same" took place at the beginning of February 2014, while the band was still working on many of the tracks that ended up on the album. They could just be mixing the lead single now.
Oh definitely. It's not an area that the band has really explored, and if it's done effectively (ie. anything more interesting than just big chords behind everything else), they could really be something special. And as you said, some solo strings (like the cello on the acoustic version of FM) could really give that warm, intimate flavour in a new way that we've never gotten from the band before. As much as it kills the hype a little bit, this is a really good point.
Not necessarily. THP mixes were "messy" because that is the sound the band was going for, something a bit more raw. Andy Wallace has mixed a Dream Theater album before, and it was clean af.
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't have an qualms if they went for either Wallace or Avron again. The only LP album where I had an issue with the mixing is Living Things, so as long as they don't go with Marroquin again I'm happy.