New Album: Don't Expect a "New Divide" Sound

Discussion in 'News' started by Andrea, Jun 18, 2009.

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  1. #21
    Rather Red

    Rather Red Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Yeah at first, I was like, "Where is Linkin Park? What is this?" but then I realized the emotion and power behind the songs, and I couldn't help but be moved by it.

    I hope they'll be able to incorporate that "epic"-ness and emotion into this "experimentation" they're trying. I also have some faith that Mike isn't going to make the hip-hop songs sound forced like "Nobody's Listening". On the Making of MTM DVD, he said that he tried to put in rap but it sounded forced and cheesy. By the sounds of it, I think he's found a way to incorporate it again. At least that's what I'm hoping :)
  2. #22

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    I don't think they said it would actually sound like Arcade Fire, just that they had taken cues from them, and other bands along those lines, and used instruments that were more unusual in rock music. Not that it's easy to tell given the way they recorded most of them them, but yeah.
  3. #23

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Rolling Stone made the Arcade Fire comparison, if I remember correctly.
  4. #24

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    I know this probably isn't what everyone else is thinking of, but Spin compared them in their review.
  5. #25

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    Maybe it's just me but if there is going to be more rapping I think he should do it how he used to on Hybrid Theory/Meteora. He started rapping differently once he did his whole Fort Minor thing. The lyrics might be tighter and everything but I swear he has more 'rock heavy' emotion when he rapped in his 'old style'. Don't really know how to put it into words other than I didn't like what little rapping there was on M2M very much compared to how he used to do it pre-Fort Minor. Maybe I'm one of the few that feel this way/really notices because I haven't really seen anyone mention it before. It's still decent and all don't get me wrong, but for some reason I just don't feel the energy that he previously outputted.

    If I wanted to listen to Fort Minor I would, leave that kind of energy for when you're doing Fort Minor gigs. While working on LP material put your LP energy into LP songs. Hope I'm not the only one that feels this way. :/
  6. #26

    clg42086 Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    The word "experimental" and "Linkin Park" seem to come hand in hand lately. Only God knows what they will throw out next. This is only only my opinion, but what if the band were to mix all their sounds into one album...a little bit of everything you know? Plus a little more. A bass solo followed along with some drums that leads to a guitar solo that ends with a rap solo that goes back to chester....bad ass in my opnion.
  7. #27

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    That would sound pretty wank.
  8. #28

    projectfallback Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    @ Hybridora

    Couldn't agree more.

    Also some Mike to Chester to Mike etc stuff would be sweet. Like in their live performances of Papercut.
    Or the Papercut (Live at the BBC) if you have it.

    "It's like a face that I hold in-SIDE
    A face that awakes when I close my EYES
    A face that watches every time I LIE"

  9. #29

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    That, and, like, every live recording of "Papercut" I've ever heard in my life. ^_^
  10. #30
    T to the Core

    T to the Core New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    From the full interview:
    "One characteristic of Hybrid Theory and Meteora was their distinctive sound. It was a function of the writing; the gear we used; the way we recorded; the studio; the engineer and producer combination, and many other subtle choices along the way. Minutes To Midnight was an effort to break out of that "sound" and make an album full of new sounds. I think the new album will be a return to the idea of making "a sound," but it will be a sound unlike any of the other albums."

    That quote really made me happy. That means, at least in terms of design philosophy, their new album will be more similar to their older ones. He also says that not only will their be more rapping, but "great beats", cause I don't actually like the rapping from MtM that much simply because the rapping was over bare rock instrumentation, without any kind of hip-hop beats underneath, which is what I love about older LP. It could also mean we will be seeing more of Hahn as a DJ, sampler and producer.

    That article just gave me a whole lot more hope for this album.

    I definitely agree, his style with Fort Minor (and on Minutes to Midnight) was completely different from his style on Hybrid Theory. During LP's "nu-metal" era he had a much more structured flow and rhyme scheme, with a really strict meter. He had a kinda poetic style that was akin to artists like old school Busta, Eminem, Del, Spectah. He also used a kind of almost-sung-rap kinda style in his early songs kind of like Kanye, Eminem, 3 Stacks, Mos Def and ODB.

    His newer stuff is more free-verse, with a more raw liquid flow and a more sporadic rhyme scheme similar to more gangsta rap artists like Jay Z, The Carter-era Lil Wayne, and B.I.G., and modern alt-rap artists like Aes and Lupe Fiasco. He also now longer uses that almost-sung-rap kinda rapping, using a more spoken-word style similar to Talib Kweli.

    As a rapper I say his newer style is better (hands-down) on a technical level, but the skill doesn't matter as much as how you use the skill, and just cause he CAN rap one-way doesn't mean he SHOULD rap that way. It depends on the beat, and given LP's and Hahn's track record, when he is with Linkin Park he should stick to his older style.
  11. #31

    palingenesis Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    last time they said it didn't sound like something, it sounded like MTM.
  12. #32

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    I kind of agree, although I think at points on their first two albums his flow is a little bit too structured for my liking. He is capable of letting the two meet halfway (for instance, in his verse on the last Handsome Boy Modeling School album) which for me would be the best possible route for him to take, while going to either extreme when it's called for.
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