I still love the song and the video kicked ass but I think the song was increadibly under rated in the UK,I say this because the highest it got in the charts was 39! :angry: That makes me very angry!
i really don't agree with you people because i never get tired of listening to linkin park.I'm accually thankful that lp's still around to make wonderful music but i also understand that evryone has their own opinion.
That's why I don't listen to the radio And I've been listening to nothing but CDs for a very long time....(like since Dec 2003)
i dunno (and forgive me if this is "dbl posting") If I can manage to get enough money and the Copyright permissions, I have a couple ideas for a fan-orinented video for BTH and I'm working on one for "Easier to Run" "E2R" is gonna be a Harry Potter inspired vid. (Once I get the BTH vid(s) made, if u want, I'll post them here...LPA Exclusive type thing )
i dunno (and forgive me if this is "dbl posting") If I can manage to get enough money and the Copyright permissions, I have a couple ideas for a fan-orinented video for BTH and I'm working on one for "Easier to Run" "E2R" is gonna be a Harry Potter inspired vid. (Once I get the BTH vid(s) made, if u want, I'll post them here...LPA Exclusive type thing ) [/b][/quote] If you know it is double posting, why double post??
I deliberately never listened to it on the radio so i'm not tired. BTH being released hasn't made a difference to me.