My feeling about Linkin Park's album evolution

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Hrvman, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. #41

    Promofrog Banned

    Apr 4, 2012
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    Admit it guys, you all loved Meteora's soul when you first heard it, and meh'd on MTM and ATS.
    In the long run though, MTM and ATS are better albums, the earlier music is just designed for hearing it for the first time.
  2. #42

    Avo Don't Stop Running

    Jul 19, 2010
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  3. #43
    The Prisoner

    The Prisoner ...O...

    Jul 16, 2003
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    As I was mentioning earlier and someone postet the vid to what I referred there's nothing more to say regarding assumptions.

    Well i think that fits everywhere, though not for the exception of saying Meteora is a good/great album.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
  4. #44

    Promofrog Banned

    Apr 4, 2012
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    I assume you're not referring to me. :trollface:
  5. #45
    The Prisoner

    The Prisoner ...O...

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Nothing more to say but :toolbox:
  6. #46

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    Hybrid Theory
    Many years of hard work and creative energy (more time was put into this album than any of the others when you consider how much material they were able to use since the band's inception in 1996) gave birth to an album that teetered on the edge of perfection.

    This album has some magic on it. Someone in the thread mentioned Figure.09 being better than Forgotten I think? That is comical to me. Tracks like Forgotten are what made me (and perhaps many of you) fall in love with this band...this song in particular is like opening a story book and seeing the images and words combine to bring you on a journey through a dark rainy rundown place. Guitar work on the verses is great - I wish Brad would do more stuff like this.

    Overall, LP's "ROOTZ". Its where it all started, and will always be on my list of top albums by any artist.

    Meteora....The album that blessed and cursed Linkin Park. Their fan base exploded with this release and solidified them as a top rock band of this generation. Honestly, if they made a flop record or a record like ATS (don't get me wrong, ATS is amazing), I don't know where they'd be today.

    Looking back, this was perhaps a painful yet NECESSARY progression in my opinion. They could have been a lot more creative with some of the songs (Hit The Floor comes to mind..the guitar in this song is mind numbingly simple, even by LP's standards).

    With that being said, I love some of the songs on this album: Lying From You, Breaking the Habit, Faint and From The Inside are still great tracks and evidence of this is that these are regularly in the touring cycle to this day...great songs in LP's arsenal.

    Minutes To Midnight
    This cd is a mystery to someone pointed out, a lot of the ATS lovers also love MTM. I'm an anomaly when it comes to that, I suppose. I do enjoy some of the songs on this cd (No More Sorrow, In Pieces, The Little Things Give You Away) but this album just didn't do it for me.

    While I appreciate MTM and still respect it as an album by my favorite band, I don't listen to many of the songs on this CD regularly. I did NOT want Hybrid Theory Part 3/Meteora Part 2 but I also wasn't looking for what they put out with MTM. I wanted something more electronic ala Reanimation. Which brings us to....

    A Thousand Suns
    Linkin Park at their best. This album is in a constant wrestling match with Hybrid Theory for my #1 LP album spot. I always wanted the guys to go on an electronic, synthy, drum beat driven record. I love the journey it takes you on from start to finish while still being enjoyable when choosing 1 track at a time. Robot Boy/Jornada Del Muerto/Waiting For The End/Blackout is such a great progression to the ears.

    My only criticism of this album is the lack of more full length songs. I love it the way it is, but I wouldn't have minded maybe 1 or 2 more legitimate tracks. I don't know if it would fit in correctly or put a kink in the album's flow but after waiting 3 years for ATS after MTM (which wasn't a great album to was like waiting from 2003 to 2010) I would have just liked to see a tiny tiny bit more.

    Overall, I think ATS is their best work artistically. They would be hard pressed to repeat what they did on this album from a risk taking stand point. Once in a band's life-time type of album. I applaud them for accomplishing what they did here.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
  7. #47

    Promofrog Banned

    Apr 4, 2012
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    All I found in there was this :potato: and this :dino:

    Joke's on you buddy.
  8. #48

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    so QWERTY and Not Alone weren't b-sides? Because I know they actually wrote Not Alone during MTM
  9. #49
    The Prisoner

    The Prisoner ...O...

    Jul 16, 2003
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    no roads left
    Across the Line
    What We Don't know
    Ancouncment service public
  10. #50

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    QWERTY, no, since it wasn't meant for the album. Not Alone doesn't count because the song was written completed until after the album was released. It was just a demo with different lyrics that were thrown away
  11. #51
    The Prisoner

    The Prisoner ...O...

    Jul 16, 2003
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  12. #52

    Geki >.

    May 3, 2005
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    No Roads Left
    Across The Line
    What We Don't Know

    I think we still haven't received the other track, maybe on a future LPU release. We do have stuff like Pale and Announcement Service Public, as well as stuff like YO, other MTM demos.
  13. #53
    The Prisoner

    The Prisoner ...O...

    Jul 16, 2003
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    APS actually does have Lyrics and was formerly known as Grecian as you might know. It even was in the MTM making of.
    But maybe you're right and we have one mtm bside ahead of us. Would be nice :D
  14. #54

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    I wasn't sure if it had a soul when I first heard it
  15. #55

    Xodus Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2007
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    I decided to make my own little descriptions too.

    Hybrid Theory: The album that started it all. I remember hearing Hybrid Theory for the first time on Christmas Day 2000 and being literally blown away. I was a fan of both hip hop and rock but this is the album that made me a certifiable audiophile. I had been a fan of other bands who lived in this rap-rock and nu-metal world (Limp Bizkit, Korn, Kid Rock, etc) but had never heard it done so well with such a versatile singer and a rapper who was clearly a true hip hop head.

    Reanimation: This is a remix album but I'm going to throw it in here. I was on the boards back in the early 2000's and it got A LOT of flak for being too hip hop but this album was absolutely brilliant. I was only into mainstream hip hop at the time but this album opened up the world of underground hip hop to me. I honestly thought and (still sort of think) Reanimation is a picture of what LP at their best should be: a malleable band that floats in between genres while not necessarily belong to a particular one.

    Metora: The disappointment. I honestly MADE myself be excited by Somewhere I Belong when that single dropped and Metora. At 16/17 after having loved the HTEP, HT and Reanimation I wasn't willing to accept Metora not being a very good album nor able to articulate it precisely (since it did sound like their previous work) A lot of people say Metora sucks because it sounds like Hybrid Theory and is HT Part 2. But that ISN'T why Metora is a disappointment (and the low point of LP's career in terms of artistic integrity). The HTEP sounds like HT but I love their work on that album. Why? Because it was still Linkin Park just making music not trying to make hits. You can feel the emotion and appreciate the lyrics on the HTEP and HT. With Meteora it sounds contrived and the lyrics are at times laughably bad (Somewhere I Belong and Numb in particular). There are a few bright spots on Meteora though. I really like Faint for Mike's rapping, From the Inside was a great track and BTH was brilliant as well.

    Minutes to Midnight: I would have been disappointed had LP come out with a HT3 and honestly I would have been done with LP in 2007 just like I was done with bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, etc by the time I was 20. That said, MTM is my least favorite album to listen to and I listen to it the least of any LP album (even Meteora, which I just tore up, I can mindlessly enjoy if I go for a run because of its crushing guitars and energetic lyrics). There are a few bright spots on this album like LOATR, In Pieces, TLTGYA and Mike's rapping in Bleed it Out but most of the album sounds like LP trying to be something they're not (and mostly not succeeding). I respected LP for getting out of their box but I did fear that LP may become artistically and musically irrelevant even if they had gained a large enough fan base to remain commercially relevant.

    A Thousand Suns: The breath of fresh air. Linkin Park says they tore their music apart but in the end it lead them right to where they started. A Thousand Suns is a return to the band I thought they would be after HTEP, HT and Reanimation. A crew that pushed their limits and made music that melded multiple musical styles. ATS divided many LP fans but just about everything they've ever done is present on it save for their approach to guitars. The Catalyst restored my faith in LP's creativity and is my favorite LP song. Blackout is brilliant and Mike's singing in the second half of it is my favorite part of the album. I could get into it even more deeply but this album is my favorite "real" LP album and is neck and neck with Reanimation.
  16. #56

    Ace31 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2010
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    Isn't Pretend to Be the last MtM track?
  17. #57

    snailharvest nice

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Right, all I have to say is:

    I don't like Meteora, and I DO think its the bands worst album, but all you people moaning about it being HT2 well..

    That was the point.

    Time to refill my popcorn.
  18. #58

    jare0674 There's a seat here along side me...

    Mar 12, 2010
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    No, it was started during the MTM sessions but wasn't finished until a year after MTM came out.
  19. #59

    Ace31 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2010
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    I was pretty sure Across the Line was finished after MTM too. It was finished for LPU 9.

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