Did I miss something? Did MCR secretly clone a Gerard that sings better, or is this the same Gerard Way that I used to consider one of the worst live singers ever? I guess the stories about him only sucking at singing because he was never sober until recently are true.
He does sound alot better now. And he got sober before Revenge, I believe. Anyway, everyone's saying how this is better than the other 2 albums and it's going to be hard to top them for me. I love WttBP, and I heard the live sessions. Maybe when I get the cd tomorrow, I understand...
He got sober around Revenge, yes. But now he's lost a lot of weight as well and he's able to keep singing without trying to take a breath much easier. He's gotten MUCH better and I can't wait to see them live again.
Yeah, that's the fucked up voice! Ah! I never heard that until I listened on my headphones and I was like "WTF!?"
This album doesn't even sound like My Chemical Romance to me. That was a big transformation. I like this album, as I like most/parts of the other My Chemical Romance records. Of the real hypermainstreamcommercialwhatever bands that are out today in the teenage-sort-of-alternative-rock genre, they're definitely the best.
i <3 this album. it's sounds way different that "Three Cheers" makes me want to go out and buy a copy now
I skimmed through the cd just now. I heard a few songs. As of right now, my favortie song is The End. The End is probably not really considered a real song, but I like it any way. I didn't get a real chance to listen to the whole cd because my mind is some where else, so I'll listen to it tomorrow when my head is more clear. From what I listened to, this cd isn't better then Revenge. Maybe my mind might change when I listen to the whole cd tomorrow. Who knows
Actually if you read the fan review I found awhile back on the first page, it make things alot clearer for you, but yeah...it's best to listen to this album first time with an empty head. You'll appreciate it if you think it through while listening to it.
Thanks. It did clear up a few things for me. The cd sounds a lot better then when I listened to it yesterday. My head is clear. I know I said The End was my favorite, but I take that back. This Is How I Disappear is my absolute favorite. I can't stop listening to it . Its a really good song.
Listening to it while reading the making of the album is a pretty good way to do it too. Anyway, It's a week later and probably 30 or so listens and it hasn't gotten any worse to me. It still seems like a great CD. I'm noticing little things that they could have improved on. Famous Last Words is a great song, don't get me wrong, but it seems like they could have done a lot more with it and made it a lot longer to end the CD. Other than that, It definitely is the best CD I've heard this year and MCR have improved every aspect of their music. Their live performances have also improved a great deal. I can't wait to see them in December.
Anyone find anything out about the Popeye voice? lol. This cd is so amazing. I usually don't like slow songs, but the ones on here are just so good. My least favorite song is probably Cancer or This is How I Disappear and I love those songs. That just shows how good the cd is. Also, Famous Last words cuz The bridge and last chorus makes me feel like crying lol. The reason I said This is How I Disappear is, it sounds like if they redid Bullets with the extra talent they've gained it would be on there, but it's not a bad thing, the sound of it just doesn't seem to fit The Black Parade to me. My favorite song is hard to say, but it might be The Sharpest Lives or House of Wolves. Also, Blood lol.