'Minutes To Midnight' Leaks

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 4, 2007.

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  1. underground1

    underground1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    If there were a couple more heavy songs, I would be happy. I still like the album though, but I want Gilmore back.
  2. Bennington_Hahn

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I will NOT listen to it untill my CD arrives through the letterbox!
    I havn't even heard the samples & I will make it stay that way.

    I feel pretty proud of myself :D

    Though I'm really dont digging all the people here saying its 'sh*t'. Come on, all the positive points I've heard everyone else say makes it sound exactly what I wanted them to sound like. I know they never let me down.
  3. Nick595

    Nick595 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    A whole date around minutes to midnight, how cool :D
  4. Xodus

    Xodus Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2007
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    I said I wasn't going to d/l a leak but I don't think i can help it. Waiting over a week is going to be hell knowing I could already be listening to it. If I do d/l it I'll still buy the cd the day it comes out so I'll have cd quality songs and because I like having the real cd.
  5. dancingjesus

    dancingjesus Member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    Updated Impressions:

    1. Wake - Pretty neat intro nothing crazy 3/5

    2. Given Up - The song really starts gearing up and getting awesome at the end, but then it ends so suddenly. 4/5

    3. Leave out all the Rest - Nothing to special screaming out to me reminds me of 90's alternative rock fodder. 2/5

    4. Bleed it Out- Holy crap worst Linkin Park song ever. It sounds like a fucking hoedown and super low class. It's extremly repetitive also. 1/5

    5. Shadow of The Day- Little to happy and uplifting for its own good but it's ok. 3/5

    6. What I've Done- You all know this one. 4/5

    7. Hands Held High - Ive never been huge on mike solo rapping songs but this one is pretty special. 3/5

    8. No More Sorrow - Really like this one , my only beef is it's a bit too much AFI-like. 4/5

    9. Valentines Day- Slow and boring no real chorus or hook to it. 3/5

    10. In Between - I don't know why everyone else is hammering this song but I actually love this one. The background matches perfectly with Mike's soft spoken vocals. It almost reminds me of a DeathCab song. 4/5

    11. In Pieces- I really like this song as well , its fun upbeat almost a reggae vibe to it and towards the end has a neat guitar mini solo. 4/5

    12. The Little Things that give you away- I've only heard this one once but I think it'll grow on me in time. 3/5
  6. Meryl

    Meryl Member

    Feb 11, 2003
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    I'm dled it, then i will buy it. Even if i hate it.
  7. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    What a completely and horribly trash album.
  8. Anya

    Anya Lost LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2003
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    I couldn't help it, I listened to the album.

    The first song I listened to was In Between. I was like "This sounds nothing like Chester, this must be a fake." and then I realized it was Mike's song. He did a REALLY good job on it.

    For those of you who want to wait, you're gonna love it. :p I give it a 10/10. It was even better than I expected it actually.
  9. jordanspringer

    jordanspringer Active Member

    Mar 9, 2007
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    The Little Things Give You Away sounds ALOT and I mean A LOT like a 'Something Corporate' song. I would say that it was Something Corporate if I was unaware!
  10. LornVourkolakas

    LornVourkolakas About To Blow Chunks

    Aug 14, 2003
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    I listened to it with an open mind knowing it will be a drastic change from the, I guess you could say, Linkin Park we're all used to. Can't say I'm in love with it, but that could change with time. I am quite partial to "Valentine's Day", however. I can honestly say I'd buy the album just for that song alone.
  11. SoniZero

    SoniZero Member

    May 10, 2003
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    I've listened to it and all I have to say is I loved Hybrid Theory and Meteora and I love this new record indeed. I'm glad it's not just a rehash of their previous two. I like how they are branching out and good music is good music period.

    My favorites so far have to be: The Little Things Give You Away, No More Sorrow, Leave Out All the Rest, What I've Done, Given Up, and In Pieces. Wake is a great intro as well.
  12. Astat

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Paid for it already, downloading. No regrets from me.
  13. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    The only good songs on the CD are "What I've Done," "Hands Held High" and "Bleed it Out." Go figure. The ones with Mike on them, and the single.
  14. musicphreke

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    "No More Sorrow" isn't any good then?

    I haven't decided if I'm going to listen to it early or not still. I may make a deal with myself that I will only listen to the songs that we've already heard and maybe one other track just to see how different it might be and that's "Leave Out All The Rest".
  15. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I remember how with Meteora everyone complained about how they kept repeating the same words throughout the songs.

    Well, on Minutes to Midnight, they repeat variations of the phrase "what I've done"/"what you've done" a lot, and it's fucking annoying.

    Awful CD.
  16. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I think The Little Things Give You Away is a fucking amazing song. But that along with Bleed It Out, Given Up, No More Sorrow and What I've Done are the only ones I've heard so far. I Havn't downloaded any of them, they're going around youtube etc. so I'm still gonna hold out for the other songs when the album comes out in 10 days.
  17. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Trust this to be leaked 10 days before the European release (8 days for me - as I pre-ordered it, so should get it next Saturday). I really assumed this was going to be leaked around May 13th.

    I am not going to listen to this. There are a vast majority of positive reviews on here, and a small contingency of people who dislike the album. The people at LPMB are very silly and overreacting. Majority of them are nu-metal fanatics, so go figure.

    People should have been prepared for this when it was told this album was going to be a ballad-esque album. I am a huge fan of a heavy punk, heavy metal, pop-rock, old school rock and pop combined on an album, so I know I am going to enjoy this more than Meteora. Hybrid Theory is my all-time favourite, Meteora was great but not as addictive and memorable as HT. So let's just see on the release day where we can finally judge the overall outcome of the album.
  18. Bryan

    Bryan Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Man.. I can't even find where to download it..I've tried lime wire, but no luck.
  19. dancingjesus

    dancingjesus Member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    Updated Impressions:

    1. Wake - Pretty neat intro nothing crazy 3/5

    2. Given Up - The song really starts gearing up and getting awesome at the end, but then it ends so suddenly. 4/5

    3. Leave out all the Rest - Nothing to special screaming out to me reminds me of 90's alternative rock fodder. 2/5

    4. Bleed it Out- Holy crap worst Linkin Park song ever. It sounds like a freakin hoedown and super low class. It's extremly repetitive also. 1/5

    5. Shadow of The Day- Little to happy and uplifting for its own good but it's ok. 3/5

    6. What I've Done- You all know this one. 4/5

    7. Hands Held High - Ive never been huge on mike solo rapping songs but this one is pretty special. 3/5

    8. No More Sorrow - Really like this one , my only beef is it's a bit too much AFI-like. 4/5

    9. Valentines Day- Slow and boring no real chorus or hook to it. 3/5

    10. In Between - I don't know why everyone else is hammering this song but I actually love this one. The background matches perfectly with Mike's soft spoken vocals. It almost reminds me of a DeathCab song. 4/5

    11. In Pieces- I really like this song as well , its fun upbeat almost a reggae vibe to it and towards the end has a neat guitar mini solo. 4/5

    12. The Little Things that give you away- I've only heard this one once but I think it'll grow on me in time. 3/5
  20. christian_j

    christian_j Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Its a good album. But too many slow songs. I love it at the moment but i get the feeling by next month i will be bored of the songs. Again i wish they would have put on a few more heavier tracks to balance the whole album out. I mean this album should have been a side project like what deftones did with team sleep. To sum up my point. A lovely album. It just does not deserve to be called a Linkin Park album. Im really worried for LP. I love them to death but i dont want this to be the end of them :(
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