'Minutes To Midnight' Leaks

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 4, 2007.

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  1. luisjs

    luisjs Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    Well I loved the album, nothing compared to Hybrid Theory or Meteora...

    Favourite tracks? Bleed It Out, The Little Things Give You Away, Given Up and No More Sorrow! Hands Held High is also a great song! In Between... it's alright, after all, Mike is lead-singer in the track! :D

    I downloaded it so I could have a first impression, but I'm still going to buy it as soon as it gets on sale here in Portugal! :D 8/10 in my opinion! ;)
  2. LPdiscovery02

    LPdiscovery02 Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2005
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    all these negative reviews....they said it was gonna be poppy from the start and thats exactly what it is so if ur 16 and still a little immature ur probably gonna hate this album cuz u think ur too cool to listen to pop music but once u mature u realize that good music is good music and genres are stupid 4/5mtm
  3. chaosblade

    chaosblade Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    After listening to it a few more times, And to a higher quality version this time, I'm a little less disappointed. I more or less like most of the songs, Aside from Shadow Of The Day, Valentine's Day, and In Pieces. In Between could be better, But it's an interesting effort from Mike.

    I'm not sure if i can call this "terrible" like Mark, But it certainly doesn't live up to the hype i got after listening to What I've Done, Given Up and No More Sorrow.
  4. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Whoa, whoa, whoa. I like this album. Really like it. Where'd you get that?
  5. Casper15

    Casper15 Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Man, everyone says this album has U2 influences ! I totally disagree !
    Why do I like Coldplay, Keane, Linkin Park and not U2 ?
    Because those other 3 make emotional ( I call it sad) music. I totally don't like U2 and really, I think Shadow of the Day has more of a Keane influence then a U2 influence. Comparing this to something isn't possible. Linkin Park are unique. Yes, maybe some songs are more listener-friendly, but Linkin Park keep locking a sound that no other band has.
  6. musicphreke

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    We were forewarned that this album was going to be quite a bit different and so any younger LP fans may not like the slower songs because they're expecting all hard-rock songs. And I think this forum has shown that in most cases. That or some people just don't have a big variety of music they listen to. You need to listen to the album with an open mind and if you don't like it then that's fine but don't call it "trash", "crap", or whatever derogatory noun you can think of because it doesn't fit into your selective "genre" that you listen to. Anyone that expects 'Meteora' or 'Hybrid Theory' number two will be sadly disappointed because this isn't what they want, but I think any fan that has grown mature in their musical experiences and have delved into different types of music in the past seven plus years will enjoy it. I caved and listened to it since I've already bought it and it was going to kill me for 11 more days not t hear it. I for one love it. No, it's nothing revolutionary or spectacular but I think it changes up their sound very well and the slower songs are some of my favorites to be honest. 8.5/10 for me.
  7. Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    I think he confused you and Will, because you both have your name in red.
  8. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Fair enough, although I'd say Coldplay, Keane, and Snow Patrol (another similar sound that I hear) all owe a little something to U2.

    I actually prefer those three over Bono and Co. as well, but U2 got the ball rolling. :D
  9. chaosblade

    chaosblade Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Indeed. My apologies Mark and Will.
  10. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    I want to add something for those still surprised at the direction of the new album:

    I remember when "Breaking the Habit" was the talk of the music industry after it was released as a single. Mike and Chester both said that was the sound that they were gunning for whenever they got back in the studio to do their next album.

    That album ended up being Minutes to Midnight.

    "Breaking the Habit" would fit in well on Minutes to Midnight.

    Food for thought.
  11. Steve

    Steve Active Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    I felt like crying when I first listened to some of the tracks. But it's growing on me already, completely uncomparable to HT and Meteora, I don't mean it's not as good, it's just so different. Not sure how good some of the tracks would be live though, but Given Up and No More Sorrow both rocked London last night! NMS sorrow sounds way better live I think.
  12. Cal

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    Look for one all these doubters can f**k off, i got into linkin park when i was 12, im 19 this year, they have grown with me, if hybrid theory came out now i would hate it, if linkin park did another hybrid theory it would flop majorly, they'll never sell the albums they did then because no-one buys albums anymore, im trying to find the right words but i cant, everyone to their own and all that, but i love this album, i got into lp at the right age and owe alot to them to influencing my life, i follow linkin park wherever i hear their name, i stick up for them and promote them and i love this album, they have changed, but not sold out, they are still the band i fell in love with so long ago, but their sound has changed, they will loose fans, but they will gain some, im listening to shadow of the day as i type this, and its INSPIRATIONAL, its an absolute belter of a track and theres no denying that, Linkin Park are going to make huge profit from this, and rightfully so, they have worked their ass off for this, and their going to reap the profits, this reminds me of the crap team i support, st johnstone, so many fans leave us, then when were doing well they flood back, keep the faith, everything thats green will show through their true colours, and linkin park are back, bigger, bolder and better, and the sun will set for you, god bless linkin park
  13. misery

    misery Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    This is true.

    Linkin Park has said multiple times that this is the direction they were going in. I'll admit that I was a little surprised that Minutes to Midnight is so radically different, but LP has been saying it all along. I think some of us just refused to listen to or believe them.
  14. Tomozaurus

    Tomozaurus Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    I'm not downloading it, but I'm listening to each track once on Youtube. This is my impression:

    Wake - Awesome track. Really sets the pace nicely, great intro song. 3/5

    Given Up - Everyone has heard this song before, you know you have. Any way, besides the clapping at the start, truly excellent song. The chord progression is very punkish and this song as a whole is a mix of punk and metal. 4/5

    Leave Out All The Rest - Irritating to start with, but when the chorus breaks fourth, its impressive. The bridge rules aswell. A nice ballad by LP. 3/5

    Bleed It Out - Good fast song with a real LP vibe. Great bridge again. 3/5

    Shadow Of The Day - For the most part, lame. Nice guitar solo near the end. Wheres the old school rock infuence they were talking about. 2/5

    What I've Done - We know its great. 4/5

    Hands Held High - Nice progressive rap piece. Very "Fort Minor." 3/5

    No More Sorrow - Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Best Song Ever Made. Heavy stuff. Awesome sounding riff, great lyrics, just all around awesome. 1000/5

    Valentines Day - Great intro follows through to a very nice song. Completely different to what I expected. This is one of the best songs on the album, best of the ballads by far. Th8is song had me head bobbing at the end. Impressive! 5/5

    In Between - Preety cool song. Mike does it really well. Little boring. 3/5

    In Peices - Fake drums are annoying. Chester's voice is great on this track, excellent build up. The repeated guitar that comes in half way through is so cool. Love the sweet guitar solo, its heaps better than the one in the next song. The end of this song is very well done. 3.5/5

    The Little Things Give You Away - This track got talked up a lot. It is good though. Nice solo. 3/5

    Overall this album is only average. There are some really good songs, and I strongly believe Valentines Day and No More Sorrow are the best songs on the album. No bad songs, and its still LP, but not thir strongest effort.
  15. Jakks

    Jakks Point 0

    Sep 10, 2003
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    Same here, but I think

    Valentine's Day
    In Between
    The Little Things Give You Away

    are the weakest songs, maybe they will grow on me more
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Best album they've made? Yes.

    Perfect? Not quite.

    Still really good and a progression? You bet.

    I could do without some of the more angsty lyrics on here, but some of the songs are they best they've ever written and some have beautiful poetic lyrics. I'm very pleased.
  17. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Winner, winner, chicken parm dinner!

    I think the hardest thing that listeners will have in accepting this album as part of the Linkin Park canon will be the concept that this is not the final destination for their sound. This is just the beginning of a new journey.
  18. B_Jeezy13

    B_Jeezy13 Member

    Mar 21, 2007
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    In Pieces is the best song on the album, the solo is way better than the solo in The Little Things That Give You Away...that song isn't as good as it was hyped up to be.
  19. musicphreke

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    I think it's funny that some first impressions of the song names had me convinced they would sound a certain way but in fact are quite the opposite.

    For me for example, my first impressions from the song names:
    "Shadow of the Day" - harder rocking song with some angst lyrics
    "No More Sorrow" - a ballad of sorts

    And in fact they turned out completely opposite the way I had thought. "Shadow of the Day" is the ballad and "No More Sorrow" is one of the hardest songs from the album.

    Anyone else notice there's cussing in a few other songs as well besides "Given Up"? I think "Bleed It Out" and "Hands Held High" were the ones with more cussing in them but it really doesn't bother me that much. I was kind of surprised to hear it at first, but not so much anymore.

    Also, the assumption of Hahn having his own full instrumental song was brought down pretty quick wasn't it? I think it's okay though. The way this album flows, it would've stuck out like a sore thumb to throw in a random instrumental song in between any of the songs.

    I think the slower songs might be some of their best work musically to be honest. I am in love with "The Little Things Give You Away" and it's very original, especially for LP. "Valentine's Day" is a very emotional track with a deep meaning for Chester I'm sure. Another great track. I'd say the only song I'm not quite loving is "In Between" just because it seems to be missing something, but I was impressed with Mike. I didn't know he was as good a singer as he showed on their. Each track has it's ups and downs of course, but I think overall, it's a great succession and new beginning for LP. If there's any song I'm not completely loving right now, I'm sure it'll grow on me.
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  20. Aleco111

    Aleco111 Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Yeah, the band mates are growing up. They no longer support their teenage metal sound. Yes, it sounded cool and unique with all of its sounds, but Minutes to Midnight is the kind of music you grow into. Many of the first impressions will come back from listening to this album for awhile and it will have grown on them and they will enjoy it much more.

    When 'What I've Done' came out, I didn't like it much at all. After listening to it for quite some time, I began to realize how this all works. Give it time guys. Come back and write a review in a few weeks.
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