Update: Download the podcast audio below. LPASSOCIATION PODCAST: METEORA 10TH ANNIVERSAY - MARCH 24TH, 2013 Next week will mark the ten year anniversary since the release of Linkin Park's sophomore studio album Meteora. To commemorate this we have a number of community events taking place where we can celebrate the release of Meteora and have some fun at the same time. Below you'll see a list of live events which we have planned over the course of Saturday March 23rd and Sunday March 24th. We hope you'll be free to come and hang out with us and our members and enjoy looking back at Meteora. All events will take place on the LPAssociation Live Events Page at the stated time-slot, so be sure to bookmark it. On Saturday March 23rd we'll be live streaming a Linkin Park concert from 2003. We chose to broadcast the MTV 2$ Bill special that aired on March 25th, 2003. The show took place in Detroit, MI on March 17th, 2003 at the State Theatre and it's the closest pro-shot concert to the release of Meteora. There are two sources for the footage, a Japanese broadcast and an EU broadcast, we'll be watching a combination of the two because From the Inside wasn't aired on the EU show. Unfortunately, any broadcast of the LPU Tour from 2003 seems to omit Easier To Run and Hit The Floor, much is the case here. Thanks to Qwerty95ktv the footage has been readily available on YouTube for a while but we thought it would be a great chance to get together, watch the show at the same time via our live stream and hang out in our chat. We hope you can join us to watch a Meteora era performance. We'll be holding a LPA live podcast on Sunday, March 24th to discuss all things Meteora and how the album stands 10 years on. This podcast will be streaming live and will be freely open to listen to. You can also chat along with us via the chat and get involved yourselves. We'll be talking everything Meteora and Linkin Park in an informal and chilled out setting and it would be awesome to see as many of you there as possible as these are always fun to do. One hour before the podcast we'll be holding a listening party for Meteora. We'll be live streaming the album so whether you're listening with us in the stream chat or tweeting with us on Twitter, we hope you can join us to listen to this album a decade later. Event List Saturday March 23rd Live Concert Stream - 8pm GMT | 4PM EDT | 1PM PDT Sunday March 24th Meteora Listening Party - 7PM GMT | 3PM EDT | 12PM PDT LPAssociation Meteora Live Podcast - 8pm GMT | 4PM EDT | 1PM PDT Monday March 25th LPAssociation Meteora 10 Year Retrospective Post LPASSOCIATION LIVE EVENTS PAGE
Hope I can make it. Don't want to be picky, but I think there are a few things wrong in the post: Event List only: 2 times EDT, instead of PDT "Meteora Listening Party" 8pm GMT - should be 8am "Meteora Listening Party" banner + info - should be before LPA Podcast *Don't-Hit-Me* =)
- Thanks! I fixed it. - The Meteora Listening Party is definitely taking place at 7pm GMT, not 8pm. Also, it's definitely 7pm and not am. I'm pretty sure my American friends on the East side won't like getting up at 4am and I'm damn sure my friends on the west won't want to be staying up until 1am to listen to Meteora. - I put the banner ahead of the listening party on purpose. The listening party is ahead in the info. I hope you can make it too! *doesn't hit you*
Thanks to the LPA, I've converted time zones a thousand times during these 10 months, and I still don't have a clue what time zone I'm in...
Everyone that hates Meteora needs to grow up, It's a part of Linkin Park, they made it, they put time, effort and hard work in making it even tho it sounds like HT but still ppl need to have some respect.
Everyone who loves Meteora needs to grow up...... But still I can respect that album even if I hate it, I don't hate it anymore like I used to. Anyway, this should be fun. I'm in.
Oh, okay. I mixed up the times of the Podcast and the Listening Party. And I just thought Meteora Listening Party 12pm (GMT difference -7h) = 7am GMT. But I'm probably wrong. Also, I overlooked "One hour before [...]" under the last banner and simply saw the Event List. Sorry for that.
This is all going to happen right after my birthday. It'll be nice to hang out with all the LPA gang, especially after being AFF (away from forums ) for quite a while. See/read you all there!
You don't have to take every remark, joke or not, about Meteora and turn it into an argument. AaronJxD's sentence obviously implies that he was being sarcastic as the prospect of having a dedicated Meteora-hate day is silly. Take a chill-pill and don't turn this thread into our entertainment kappa another argument.
Just letting you all know that we'll be moderating the events to make sure it doesn't turn into "Anti-Meteora" day, haha. Everyone is welcome to join in, Meteora fan or not.