Metallica could have written better. I'm sorry, but the lyrics to St. Anger are pure crap. The song itself is good, but the lyrics are just.... no.
yes, i have terrible problems if I don't like Metallica, sue me. i don't think the words "St. Anger" needed to be repeated over and over in the song, it was annoying as hell. The lyrics were terrible, and it was such a boring thin to listen to. not everyone likes the same bands, get over it. my opinions on Metallica don't automatically make me "insane" or "problemed", they're jsut different and unique from your views.
All I'm gonna say is: Give Metallica a chance.. I've liked them since I was like 6.. They're one of my oldest favourite bands.. The new album is supposed to be different from the older ones.. It's supposed to be more "up-to-date" - I remember them talking about it on mtvICON: Metallica and one of them saying something like "Ooooh.. New-Age" I can't wait to hear the rest of St. Anger..
I've only heard St. Anger.. I'm gonna get the album as soon as it's available.. Does anyone recommend any I should download before buying it?
Please don't base your opinions of Metallica on one song. I'm a huge Metallica fan and I can tell you that "St. Anger" is not one of their best. They definitely have more to offer (Master of Puppets, Ride The Lightning, One, The Unforgiven, etc. etc.).
Yeah, and I've heard all those songs and they blow. Stop saying moronic comments like "You don't know rock" and "something is wrong with you" just because we don't like your band. Sorry, but I prefer going to a concert and seeing a band perform that doesn't need I.V. bags to live. They're just old f#cks and are trying to keep that hair-band sound and twist it a bit, but it's still sounding like Metallica...or crap. Get over it.
Oh, THAT'S right! I almost forgot! People can't have opinions on these message boards, that's right! Why the heck start a topic if you know someone is going to disagree with your opinions??? I couldn't believe how much I got bashed on here for my thoughts on "Figure.09"! There are a lot of mean people around here! Man, I'm glad my pals on the LPST board aren't like this.... :wth:
i really like them specially 'Enter Sandman' i really liked Limpbizkit - Welcome Home (sanatarium) at MtvIcon
yes, i have terrible problems if I don't like Metallica, sue me. i don't think the words "St. Anger" needed to be repeated over and over in the song, it was annoying as hell. The lyrics were terrible, and it was such a boring thin to listen to. not everyone likes the same bands, get over it. my opinions on Metallica don't automatically make me "insane" or "problemed", they're jsut different and unique from your views. [/b][/quote] I'm sorry but I will have to agree that compared to thier old stuff "St. Anger" was not only a pile of rubbish but a bad choice for a first single. First off the instruments are extremely quiet and dont pack enough of a crunch. (Whether its bad mixing or just bad playing I dont know.), plus the lyrics were below what I expected from Metallica, I mean these crap lyrics were coming from the guys who wrote "Nothing Else Matters", "Fuel", "Enter Sandman" and "No Leaf Clover". So clearly you can see why I was so disapointed to hear the words "St. Anger"(when I dont even understand what thats supposed to represent) repeated thousands of times throughout the song, and the slightly bad english: "I'm really at anger with you!" (or whatever was being shouted) in the chorus. Me and my dad were in joint agreement when we hoped that the rest of thier new album wouldn't blow as much as this first single. If it does, sorry Metallica fans but I think thier time is over if thier next two cd's suck. Also to the moron who got the idea Metallica stole "double singing" from Linkin Park, you make me laugh. If anything LP stole double singing from other bands as double vocals have been around since almost forever. Why would Metallica steal from a band that James publicly said he doesn't like that much? (although they added them to the concert which is funny).
I'm sorry but I will have to agree that compared to thier old stuff "St. Anger" was not only a pile of rubbish but a bad choice for a first single. First off the instruments are extremely quiet and dont pack enough of a crunch. (Whether its bad mixing or just bad playing I dont know.), plus the lyrics were below what I expected from Metallica, I mean these crap lyrics were coming from the guys who wrote "Nothing Else Matters", "Fuel", "Enter Sandman" and "No Leaf Clover". So clearly you can see why I was so disapointed to hear the words "St. Anger"(when I dont even understand what thats supposed to represent) repeated thousands of times throughout the song, and the slightly bad english: "I'm really at anger with you!" (or whatever was being shouted) in the chorus. Me and my dad were in joint agreement when we hoped that the rest of thier new album wouldn't blow as much as this first single. If it does, sorry Metallica fans but I think thier time is over if thier next two cd's suck. Also to the moron who got the idea Metallica stole "double singing" from Linkin Park, you make me laugh. If anything LP stole double singing from other bands as double vocals have been around since almost forever. Why would Metallica steal from a band that James publicly said he doesn't like that much? (although they added them to the concert which is funny). [/b][/quote] They brought in the younger-crowd's music to hopefully get them to like Metallica the same. Basically, trying to convert Linkin Park's fans over to Metallica as well. And I still havent heard this damn song, can't get it from Kazaa because I can never trust what is real or fake. If anyone has a link to it please post it up.
Kazaa sucks that's why. And yes, Metallica are a bunch of cheese-heads. Metallica: "Hey, I got an idea! Remember all those bands we sh!t-talked about?! Let's put them on our tour so their fans can like us since we're outdating ourselves by the minute!"
limpbizkit put on the best performances I've seen then do. I loved their cover of Sanitarium Lars has some great drumming on St Anger
take out the vocals in st. anger, and you have another awesome metallica song. The lyrics sound so corny. I still like metallica though
I quite like the lyrics (Am I the only one?) I think they go well.. Isn't the song supposed to be inspired by the St. David (Or whatever it is..) around James' kneck..