This album is amazing. Some of the songs might be too long for my taste but the album as a whole is written brilliantly and is really a return to form for Metallica. I will definitely be listening to this a lot.
ive been very impressed with the day that never comes and my apocalypse. im going to try and hold out from the rest until i actually get the cd but we'll see how that goes.
Let's see. It's definitely better than their last three albums, more or less on a par with Black and Kill 'Em All at the moment, could be better with more listens. It's more concise than Justice and doesn't have the dodgy mixing job but it's not really as indulgent and proggy either, for better or for worse. Even though my opinion of it is liable to improve over time I doubt it'll ever beat Ride The Lightning and MOP. For the most part James isn't quite the lyricist he once was unfortunately. Rob seems to have brought some crossover/hardcore elements over from Suicidal Tendencies which I really liked, although they don't really form the crux of the album. Kirk isn't quite at his best, but hey, the album actually has discernible lead guitar which I'll take from him any day. As far as guitar playing goes James does a good job, and Lars contributes his best drumming since Justice. 8/10.
I think the album's quite good. The only downside so far for me is the lack of inspired drumming from Lars. It sounds like he's not even trying.
Unforgiven III *creams* Holy shit James can still write lyrics. I've only heard this and The Day That Never Comes, and my hopes are high. Buying this the day it comes out.
I listened to it. Its good, but nothing great. This will be just like "With Teeth" was for Nine Inch Nails fans... the hardcore are going to love it when it first comes out for a few months and say it's the best thing ever, then they're going to say it's horrible. That's my bet
Well, those are two of the weaker tracks imo so at the very least the remainder of the album is better for the most part.
Same here. The album is pretty good, but unlike most people, I actually like the more melodic side of Metallica anyway, so tracks like that appeal to me more than a track that is non-stop "speed metal", haha.
I like the intro to TDTNC, but after that I find it boring. I think there are better instances of their more melodic side on the album such as The Unforgiven III.
IMO, the only two instances of their "more melodic side" are III and TDTNC. Nothing else even has a hint of their melodic side. Funny, too, since I consider those two of the best tracks on the album.
Exactly. I was hoping there were more tracks in the same vein as these rather than the old school hard metal route they went. It's still a good album if you're in the mood for some hard material, but it's not what I was hoping for.
Hmm, I like The Unforgiven III but it's definitely not up to par with I & II. They should've just given that song some other name.
I think it's a good album; nothing spectacular, and it won't make you forget about Master of Puppets or ...And Justice For All, but it's a solid release. 7/10
Unforgiven III needed that sample they had from the original in Unforgiven II So I dub thee Unforgiven... I know people will say it's a gimmick, but it'd be a cool gimmick.
So I picked up my copy, digi pack and all. The album art is awesome, with coffin cut-outs over pictures of death. BestBuy had this version and a jewel case, both for $10, and a vinyl record for $15 (which I didn't even know they still made).