Assuming that this date could be the release of another Fort Minor album... is it actually plausible that the release date is already fixed six month beforehand?
Well becuase The Rising tied was released November 22nd 2005, it makes sense for it to be Nov 24th becuase it's almost exactly 10 years later and that's a Tuesday.
Well then, I wonder when we will receive the first actually official news. This is definitely exciting!
I'd say yes, especially since FM is under Machine Shop, which is Mike's label. And yeah guys I was there to hear DTB live and at first I started to lose my shit and began shouting "NEW SONG!" to let the crowd know because they had no fucking clue what it was But of course they lost their shit when it ended and went into BID...
Hate to burst the bubble, but albums will be coming out on Fridays by November. They're changing it so that there's a set, international release date instead of Europe getting it Friday, US getting it Tuesday etc. Something may be something coming on Nov. 24, but I doubt it'll be an album.
TEGC is correct: Also, there's always that small chance that the date doesn't mean anything and that we might have gotten our hopes up for nothing as well .
Ryu did recently postep a picture on his instagram with mike shinoda. One of the hash tags was #wemajor
I highly doubt it's for absolutely nothing though. It's not like the band sat there and said "let's put 'Nov 24' here just for shits and giggles."
That would be too good to be true! But I guess it is just a dumb new FM album. Not that we already have like thousands of those. Lame!