^ good point. Personally, i just hate how guns promote the idea that anyone can play God. And yes we used to kill with blades, but at least a blade requires skill or avoiding some sort of obsticle in order to kill. With guns, not only does it say anyone can play God, but it also says anyone can play God EASILY. Also, guns remove all chance of dying with honor. Guns don't allow someone to fight for their life. Some guns dont even allow the victem to see their attacker. There is no honor in killing with a gun or dying by one. Its a shame these defenseless people were attacked.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/natio...ovie-theater/2012/07/30/gJQAXxOiKX_story.html I'm not trying to spark a political debate, I just figured that this article related to the tragic events in Aurora.
Jesus Christ, I go to that theater all the time too. Not that the guy was a threat (assuming he's telling the truth) but still.
even though i don't live in America, guns should not be given to people even if they have a license, because those people are the ones that cause the crime. some people may justify that it is for self defense. if there were no guns there would be less crime and less accounts for people to use self defense. guns should only be for people that have authority like the police. i cant believe people would actually praise that man for the mass shooting it's disgusting. side note: since i am not clear of the policies in America about gun laws i might be wrong.
Your plan would be great if 2/3 of americans didn't own guns. Most of em damn proud of it. At this point, I can't see guns not being an integral part of society.
No no, I think you misread. There's no way your ever getting rid of guns. Especially in America. Boy howdy do we love our guns.
yup i misread, i would express more of my views about it but since yo'all love yo guns then i'll leave it at that. in the most American way possible
I think one of the issues when it comes to gun owners is that most of them try to spout off and say, "It's in the Constitution, It's part of my inalienable rights!" Without realizing that it is an AMENDMENT that can be changed if enough people in Congress wanted it to be.
Nope. One of my friends on FB wrote ''What's the big deal about this shooting? Why is everyone talking about it?'' and so on.But, people on Twitter. who I don't even know, wished for ''more crimes like this'' to ''wake people up''. Which makes no sense, at least to me...
I don't get it... I watched Batman Begins yesterday (to warm me up for TDKR) and there were those corrupted rich people, and I understood that they don't care for ruining lives of other people, as long it's good for them. I imagine something like that to be in real life. The rich don't care about the poor (''The people on top, push the people down low''). But, I don't understand how ''normal'' people who have no profit because of this, can support someone who killed so many people, injured even more, and hurt so many families. What the hell is wrong with them?
I'd assume that at least a fair few of them are into it just to troll others. Others just love people who kill
I saw this right after it happened on facebook. This picture is the biggest load of bullshit ever. The maker of this "meme" should be labeled as a racist fuck. The guy who killed all of those people is a sociopath. I've seen the media label him as a monster and a heinous individual. The same would have been said if his skin was any other color. Also, the media does not like this guy. I'm positive that 100% of the credible media outlets are labeling this guy as a piece of shit.
The maker of the meme isn't racist. They are pointing out how the media spins things. It's mostly right. The media spins things depending on what Big Brother tells them to do.
The man killed a bunch of innocent people. It shouldn't matter what color his skin is, he is still a sociopath and a murderer.