I won't be surprised if they want to see how *Doctor Strange* does before beginning filming on *Iron Fist*, since they'll be exploring very similar things. I'd guess they've got showrunners, writers, and directors lined up, but are waiting to release that information until they're confident with their approach to *Iron Fist*. *Doctor Strange* begins filming in November, so the timeframe would be consistent; I could see them releasing a second season of *Jessica Jones* and a third season of *Daredevil* after *Luke Cage* to sort of give them more time with *Iron Fist* (since it's going to be the most important to the overall *Defenders* storyline).
[thumb]https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12027173_1647005602213606_7579706859590244555_o.jpg[/thumb] [thumb]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/12017603_1647005605546939_3665264816117079426_o.jpg[/thumb] [thumb]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/11224889_1647005612213605_3466444075583570027_o.jpg[/thumb] [thumb]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/t31.0-8/11111604_1647005595546940_188709789776144015_o.jpg[/thumb] [thumb]https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12020047_1647005615546938_6673313759626023554_n.jpg?oh=002236e8873f22f3e7a180769fb63059&oe=56A516A2[/thumb]
David Tennant (Doctor Who, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) has been confirmed to be appearing as the Purple Man in Luke Cage. Edit: Turns out this report came from Latino-Review (ugh) reporting on a piece by Heroic Hollywood (again - ugh) in which HH used a set photo from Jessica Jones to "confirm" Tennant as reprising his role in Luke Cage. He might still be in Luke Cage but not based on these reports.
So, a lot of buzz going on about jessica jones, as the first episode was shown in full at comic con recently. apparently people loved it, a lot of tweets about how dark/adult it is. reading the descriptions - spoilers, yeah it makes sense and seems it's a faithful adaptation to the comic, which is great and inspiring. the first teaser for s2 of daredevil was also shown.
According to Comic Con, Carrie-Ann Moss will play Jeryn Hogarth, who in the comics gets the cases for Iron Fist.
Daredevil. Royal Blood. Season 2 tease. GUYS. https://www.facebook.com/Daredevil/videos/1675865115983058/
I'm glad I have Netflix now. Didn't know David Tennant was playing the villain. Pretty excited about that.
I watched the trailer again. I'm unbearably excited for Jessica Jones now. The next month can't go by fast enough. I'll admit I had my doubts about the show, especially because at the time I'd made my comments about having doubts, the only thing I'd seen Krysten Ritter in was Breaking Bad (and her character was completely forgettable) and the only thing I'd seen Mike Coulter in was Halo: Nightfall (which was absolutely horrible). But I watched Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 and Krysten Ritter was outstanding on that show, which gave me hope for her acting on Jessica Jones, and I gave Halo: Nightfall a second chance in order to focus on Mike Coulter, and his acting was the best part of the miniseries. I'm glad Jessica's still going to be using her powers somewhat; it'll help tie her character more into the MCU. It remains to be seen how they handle Luke Cage's powers, though. And goddamn, David Tennant is going to be one of the best villains in the MCU for sure once the show releases. He was barely in the trailer but you can tell he knocks the performance out of the park. I just hope they don't kill him off.
Yep, finally now people can see why I've been so excited for so long. I expected this show to be amazing cause I'm a big fan of the Alias comic and the Jessica Jones character and how dark it can get, compared to Marvel's other labels. This show could really push the limit to what people think Marvel's tv show universe can be, and though I haven't seen it personally, I've heard that it lives up to all my hype and that it could basically be fitted as a soft R show as well. If it turns out to suck I will be super disappointed! Though, Kilgrave looks to be a bigger part of the show universe than I expected, I hope there's still a lot of focus on Jessica's PI work.
Absolutely. in fact it's the entire point. They're setting up these separate streetlevel shows to do a Defenders series on Netflix, which will feature all of the heroes. Jessica Jones. spoiler below. Matt/Daredevil is most likely i,e essentially confirmed to be in the last episode of Jessica Jones. The synopsis and episode titles from all eps have leaked but i think the directory basically confirmed it as well.)
This looks amazing. So is it going to be like a detective show at its core? I would love seeing different style shows out of Marvel. I just watched Ant-Man and really liked it because of how different the style was compared to most of their movies.
It's likely the show's going to start off with a private investigation arc before moving on to the Purple Man arc. I can't see them introducing the Purple Man in the first episode, similarly to how we weren't even introduced to Kingpin until like the third episode of Daredevil. I don't know how much you know about Jessica Jones as a character or Alias (her book) so I don't want to dive into anything that could potentially spoil anything for you.