No. Next week Ward will be featured I heard. Haven't seen him or even heard his name mentioned in the show since it returned.
I just started and finished watching all the episodes of this show. Correct me if I'm wrong but this other real shield thing really bugs me out. So, shield falls and they have a 'moving' back-story where they save the ship and build themselves up. Its all cool. Except its kinda petty. Phil and his team do all the work and this shield so far sent two agents to spy on Phil's team. Where were they when the team destroys Hydra and floods the temple? Or when they were trying to save the obelisk from Hydra or any of that drama. So, Phil's shield does all the tough work and kinda save the day. But this other shield just picks out all the small mistakes of Coulson's team and states that as their reasons. I understand they probably did good work too and that they aren't evil but they could have set aside their differences and joined Coulson and cooperated and worked with him in those tough times. Good god, what a waste of resources.
I've yet to catch up but I'm going to maintain this "real" S.H.I.E.L.D. is a machination of Talbot's and Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. is the actual S.H.I.E.L.D. that Captain America would answer to if he knew it existed. Unless of course this has been debunked.
HE'S BAAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK I'm just reading recaps right now. Here in my country we're still airing the Ward/Agent 33 episode.
The new episode negates the frustration caused by the previous episode. EDIT: Someone pointed this out online. When Whitehall asks about why Cal's helping them he says he wanted to find his daughter and reunite with his family in the afterlife. Damn Cal, well played.
So I guess we'll have a flashback to the cavalry story huh? Then, I hope the show gives us a glimpse of how May was like before.
I'm finally getting caught up. I rewatched the first season and the first ten episodes of the second season before diving into the new episodes. I'm glad Marvel's giving the Lady Sif some screen time in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I hope she gets even more screen time in Ragnarok. That said, she was hilarious in "Who You Really Are." I love Jaimie Alexander. edit — I'm completely caught up now. I can't wait to see how the rest of the season plays out.
Okay, I read a lot of comments about how moving the cavalry's back-story and I guess I am heartless but I found it pretty meh. It was kind of predictable, really. When I saw the little girl I thought the big twist is going to be that May shoots her and that's exactly what happened. Also, some people think Coulson's boring? To me, he's one of the more interesting characters ha. And people seem to think Ward's interesting which I don't get. Opinions I guess. I should stop reading comments.
You should never read comments, lest you get slightly offended. Also, did you notice how clever/borderline funny the titles have been this season? "Making Friends and Influencing People" "Face My Enemy" "Love in the Time of Hydra" "The Frenemy of My Enemy" "The Dirty Half Dozen" Also, look who's coming back.
Raina went from being my favorite recurring character to my least favorite in the span of one episode.
Vain much? On a serious note, yeah, she went from this scary all-knowing woman to this. Although, it seems like the show gave her what she deserves, I think now that she's eventually gonna find her power, she'll be a real pain for the team or who knows, might redeem herself since she is different. Those are the most predictable options I could think of, if the show doesn't do that, I'll be impressed. --- Also, I wonder why different characters are coloured differently in that art . Edit: If that's Ward in red, and his new friend/lover/whatever agent 33 is strangling Leo, are they after the toolbox? If that's not Ward in red, excuse me.
...vain...? Not at all. I don't care how she looks. Her character went from being brilliant and confident to stupid and whiny. Her complaints about Skye "stealing what was meant for her" are ridiculous. It's obvious she didn't understand anything about terrigenesis and only pretended she knew what was going to happen in the mist. It irritates me when characters claim to understand something and then when it doesn't turn out how they thought it would, they cast the blame on others and don't accept that that's just how things are now. That's why I almost never, ever sympathize with villains in any capacity. They're flawed in that way, which is just aggravating. Don't misunderstand this as me hating the writing or anything like that. I think the writing's brilliant and she's still acted quite well, even if the acting now's kind of awkward. I just hate her character now. I had a couple of other thoughts in the past few minutes: Agents is getting a spinoff, and someone mentioned before they could see the spinoff being Agents of S.W.O.R.D. I came across a deleted scene from Thor where Selvig mentions S.W.O.R.D. So if this deleted scene was meant to be canon and if it's accepted and taken as canon, then S.W.O.R.D. already exists. That means that it's quite likely that Captain Marvel is going to feature Carol Danvers working for S.W.O.R.D. and that's how she encounters Mar-Vell and eventually acquires her powers, eventually coming to refer to herself as "Marvel" in honor of Mar-Vell (and it's likely that her rank will be captain, just like Steve Rogers). An Agents of S.W.O.R.D. series would set up Captain Marvel so perfectly. Spoilers (don't read unless you're all caught up): We know now that Coulson's definitely been hiding something from his team and acting on Fury's orders. It's pretty goddamn obvious that this is setting up some sort of Secret Avengers event, or at least I'm hoping that's what's happening. I can see the final episode of the series setting up Civil War and I can see Marvel announcing Secret Avengers as an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spinoff (rather than S.W.O.R.D.) after Civil War in which Cap would cameo every once in a while (like Sam Jackson did in season one of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and having Coulson go between both shows (which would be ridiculous).