So, I just got caught up with the series and I couldn't help but notice that it is definitely picking up. I figured I would start a thread where we can talk about the series. Be aware that this thread may contain spoilers. If you don't like that, don't join the conversation until you are caught up for the week.
I finally caught up earlier today as well (or, yesterday, actually) - I think that the last bunch of episodes have been awesome, especially considering the season's mediocre beginnings. I'm gonna watch "The Winter Soldier" tomorrow
The show picked up steam from episode 12 (quite literally, since it's based on a train), so I'd recommend to start there. Although watching the entire season makes the reveals and developments more understandable. I still don't think Snail would like this show though.
I've enjoyed the show a lot since episode 10, didn't really have strong feeling for it either way before that. All those breaks between episodes killed a lot of the momentum of the show for me but I understand why they had to do it with The Winter Soldier and all. My only other problem with the show was how little it felt connected to the MCU but ever since episode 15 that hasn't really been a problem.
Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli from Heroes) is guest starring next week as Glenn Talbot. Cool. I haven't heard from Talbot since the Ang Lee Hulk movie. Fun fact: Adrian Pasdar is the voice of Iron Man in many Marvel cartoon shows and video games. Also, Simmons is starting to become the Whedongirl of the show imo. Lol sorry dude. I remember you said you disliked this show in the Walking Dead thread. Just came out of my mind. Peace.
The great thing about the show is how it can introduce any number of characters in a single episode that then become part of the MCU instantly. Now in the entirety of the MCU, we could, theoretically, begin a fourth Iron Man film where Iron Man beats Blizzard and locks him up. And vice versa, Coulson can threaten Ward with having to do security for Blonsky if he fucks with May - I bet that's changed now though lol. I'm not entirely a fan of the rewriting of certain characters, be they small or big (like making Mike "Peterson" instead of "Collins"), but when they get it right (like Victoria Hand actually looking like her comic counterpart), it's freaking awesome. I honestly have no idea where this season is going to end, and I hope ABC holds their ground and pays in for the potential behind this show due to its MCU connectivity, especially when Jed Whedon has said they've got up to season 3 planned out, as is the Marvel way. I take that back - Secret Warriors is a total possibility, especially if Samuel L. Jackson confirmed that Nick Fury would be in the finale - seriously, do I need to put invisible tags for shit that's accessible as news?
I'd love a Nick Fury Secret Warriors movie, especially if that had Coulson be a part of it. It seem like Secret Warriors is the direction the show is heading in but I'd prefer a movie adaptation because there is no way Jackson would stay on the cast of the show full time. As for Deathlok being Michael Peterson intead of Michael Collins I was totally cool with it, if they had gone with Collins it would have ruined the suprise right away.
Yeah, in hindsight that's how I felt, too. With Donnie/Blizzard it was a bit more of a surprise because of the nickname and it could've been anybody. ---------- Preview for this Tuesday's episode:
It's practically a spoiler already if you saw the credits and the promos. INVISITAGS Quinn and Raina will be back, and it seems like he's releasing Graviton/Franklin Hall as well.
One more casting call: Patrick Brennan will play Blackout/Marcus Daniels, but his powers will be changed for the show: he can absorb the energy of anything around him. He will make his debut in this week's episode. Also, judging from these videos, I think Brett Dalton's doing better as bad guy Ward than SHIELD agent Ward. Slime looks damn good on him.
I still think Ward is a triple agent. Skyeward <3 4/15/14 EDIT: OH SHIT. Someone on IGN asked last week what happened to Blonsky now that HYDRA is out - I think we just got a tease at what EDIT: Awh, no Blonsky, just stupid gravitonium :/
Another great episode tonight. I'm loving Ward as a bad guy so much and Garett is such a great character.
The romantic and Chloe Bennet lover in me hates Ward right now The Garett cyborg tease was dope though! I love what the MCU is doing with their adaptations, because where they aren't 100% true they're awesome nods to the comic counterparts.
This show has come on really strong in the last few episodes. I probably rank it above Dollhouse at this point, still well under Buffy/Angel/Firefly. Looking forward to the time Whedon can devote more time to it (after finishing Age f Ultron).