Marvel Movie Universe: Phase 2

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by ChuckCheese, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Fury's got secret bases all over the world. They mention it in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., remember? I wouldn't be surprised if he had a helicarrier stashed away in one of the bases.
  2. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Non-spoiler review of AOU. I went in with reservations based on the complaints of this thread, but came out extremely satisfied. It's a great popcorn flick. Everyone's expecting Winter Soldier levels of development when that's not what the Avengers have ever been about. The team-up movies are just about seeing all these characters come together and beat shit up. And for that, I felt the film delivered.

    Regardless, I hope to see the supposed 3-hour cut that exists someday.
  3. Broman

    Broman Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    After hearing that the film was a disappointment from my friends who watched it in advanced as well as the several people online, I entered the film with low expectations and I'm glad I did. Without giving any spoilers, this movie truly felt like nothing more than filler to avoid the inevitable, sure some details were established for the next Avengers movie, but it wasn't much to excite me (except for the credits scene so remember to stick around for that, literally the best part of the whole film). As a whole, the film had very little progression, starting off with the typical badass opening most Superhero based films have, only to to be proceeded by at least an hour and a half of, well, pretty much nothing, up until the very end's final battle. Despite the slow paced film this turned out to be, as an individual, we did have an opportunity to have Clint's character progress very nicely (perhaps making up for the last film), but a reason for that could be because they had more heroes on screen than they bargained for which only makes me worry for the next Avengers film. When it comes down to it, I'd give the film a 6.5/10, and truth be told, I think I might just be pushing the .5 in there.
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  4. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Flint? FLINT?!

    How dare you mistake the name of Clint Barton.
  5. Broman

    Broman Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    :lol: my bad, typo

    On a side note, not sure if anyone shared this, but Jeremy actually sings really good.

    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  6. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Yeah, I think a few of the complaints are blown a bit out of proportion. Yes, it's kind of a bloated movie, but some people were making it seem like it's just overrun with subplots. I don't follow the MCU religiously (I tend to just watch whatever interests me and ignore the rest), and I thought AoU was really easy to follow. There's definitely some valid criticism to be leveled at the pacing and editing of the film. Another 10 or 20 minutes of footage could have smoothed some of that out. It felt like there was rarely more than 10 minutes that went by without some sort of fighting or explosions or action-movie shit going down, so if this qualifies as a slow-paced movie, I really don't watch enough movies. Like Minus said, it's a good popcorn flick and delivers on the ass kicking.

    Anyway, I'm apparently going to see AoU again next Friday with another group of friends, so I'll probably have more of a critical eye while watching it next time.
  7. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    It's the same Helicarrier from the first film, and it's probably stowed away by Fury somewhere.

    Also, if you noticed, the awkward guy on the Helicarrier was in Cap 2.
  8. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Here's some information (and spoilers, obviously) regarding the mid-credits scene in Age of Ultron:

    Those of us who've seen the movie or who've had it spoiled for us know Thanos retrieved an Infinity Gauntlet and said, "Fine, I'll do it myself," regarding retrieving the Infinity Stones, which he's been wildly unsuccessful at thus far. Kevin Feige has revealed the Gauntlet Thanos has isn't the same one from Odin's treasure room as seen in Thor. Thanos has a left-handed Gauntlet; the Gauntlet in Odin's treasure room's a right-handed one. Feige wouldn't reveal (obviously) which one might be the real Infinity Gauntlet, if one of them happens to not be the real Gauntlet.

    I've seen lots of theories already regarding this turn of events. Personally, my favorite theory someone posted was simple: Two Gauntlets were created, one for each hand, even though the Stones can be placed in only one of them. As was pointed it, it's likely neither Odin, if he indeed knows what possessing the Gauntlet entails, nor Thanos know exactly how many Stones there are; collecting them all and inserting them into one Gauntlet's the only surefire way to know whether or not all of them have been collected – as it's likely going to be pretty obvious when they're all collected. Two Gauntlets could've been created for this purpose, to be able to hold more Stones in case there are more than five Stones. There's also every possibility that neither Odin nor Thanos have the real Infinity Gauntlet, and that one of them has a "fake," which would be a cool twist. It's also possible that having two Gauntlets will allow the power of the Stones to be channeled more efficiently and effectively than if there were only one Gauntlet, which also makes sense.

    I've also read a theory in which Loki's given Thanos the Gauntlet from Odin's treasure room, but as I said before, it's confirmed the Gauntlets are two different Gauntlets, one for each hand, so this theory doesn't seem likely at all. It also isn't likely Loki knows the Gauntlet's even there, unless he's gone exploring while masquerading as Odin (as seen at the end of The Dark World).

    Personally, I think there's only one real Gauntlet, and it's still in Odin's treasure room; the one Thanos has either isn't the real Gauntlet, or it's the secondary Gauntlet for channeling purposes, like I said. It wouldn't surprise me if the first Infinity War takes place mainly in Asgard, with Thanos and his forces attacking Asgard to secure the real Gauntlet.

    A lot of people seem to think Marvel's retconned the Gauntlet itself, since Thanos has one, but to me, this doesn't seem like something Marvel would do just for the sake of doing it. Sure, the Gauntlet could've been in Thor simply as an Easter egg teaser of what was to come, but I'd also like to think Marvel's plans were to have Thanos be the main villain all along (or at least, once the MCU got rolling), so Thanos having a Gauntlet different from what was in Odin's treasure room could've been planned as early as Thor.
  9. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Thank god Whedon isn't doing any more of these movies. Holy jesus am I tired of him.
  10. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    He's only done two Marvel movies. Granted, they're arguably the biggest Marvel movies, but still. I don't understand the hate people have for him.
  11. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Hate is a strong word, but he has a shtick he never deviates from and it goes from obvious to obnoxious quick (and this is everything he's done, mind you, not just these two movies). I don't know what happened in his life that made him think people only communicate in sarcastic quips, but boy does it get annoying trying to sit there and watch a narrative unfold with them behaving like that.

    Now the Russo brothers, there's the talent.
  12. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    This. This (very well-written) review practically sums up all my feelings toward AoU.
  13. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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  14. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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  15. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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  16. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Emily Van Camp has been confirmed to be returning as Sharon Carter/Agent 13 in Civil War. This was pretty much a given, based on her role in the comics arc, but it's nice to get the confirmation.

    Martin Freeman is joining the MCU in an unknown capacity, starting with Civil War. Rumor has it he'll also appear in Black Panther and that his character is some sort of interrogator, per Latino Review.

    Marvel is also close to choosing its director for Spider-Man: The New Avenger and rumor has it the actor shortlist is down to two candidates: Asa Butterfield (Ender's Game) and Tom Holland (The Impossible). Marvel is apparently aiming for a John Hughes-style Spider-Man story, as far as the emotion and humor are concerned.
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  17. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I'd really rather they didn't. They've tried over and over and can't nail it, lets just stop.

    With this recent wave of "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE GUYS!!!" I'm surprised there's been no serious talk of just doing a Miles Morales movie. That hasn't been done over and over again and might actually be interesting.
  18. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  19. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Miles Morales can't exist without Peter Parker; that's the whole point of his character. And there was tons of serious talk from fans wanting a Miles Morales Spider-Man, but none of it made any sense. If the MCU keeps going the way it's been going, we won't see Miles until at least Phase IV, and I'd be surprised if he showed up even then.
  20. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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