According to CBM via Bleeding Cool (ugh), Marvel's plans might include introducing Doctor Strange prior to his solo film, but rather than introduce him in another character's film (which in this case would've likely been Civil War), Marvel intends to introduce Doctor Strange during Iron Fist. It's not known whether Benedict Cumberbatch will portray Doctor Strange on Iron Fist in the flesh, but it's very likely that he'd at least provide the voice for Strange. So that's interesting.
Just came in here to say this. I wouldn't take what certain critics say too much. For eg. How to train your dragon has 98% on Rotten tomatoes and while its a fun movie, its not that perfect. Plenty of cliches, the characters are common tropes (boy who was once kind of a loser becomes the star, badass love interest, If that doesn't make sense Idk how to put it, this sort of storyline comes up in fantasy books a lot). The final plot twist was refreshing although, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie but if that movie is worth 98%, plenty of other movies are
I thought Rotten Tomatoes was all user-based? As in, regular people like me and you rate the movies, not the critics? Anyway, How to Train Your Dragon is awesome, so you're wrong! I think a lot of the reason people have been a little harder on this movie is because (don't read unless you want spoilers, obvs) there's apparently been a lot of cut content (Joss Whedon said the original cut is over three hours long) and that made a lot of scenes seem wonky and disjointed apparently. I guess that makes sense; if the flow of a movie is disrupted, people aren't going to like it as much as if it flowed perfectly. (This applies to shitty movies, too.) Or people hating on it because Quicksilver dies (but ATJ is signed on for four movies, so how the fuck that's going to work out is anybody's guess). That's my guess.
Meanwhile, Spider-Man (MCU Reboot).
Not the best title, but I guess it could work. But I would say it's fake and meant to play on "Captain America: The First Avenger"
Pretty good title. Regular Joes won't know if he's part of Marvel unless it's in the title. They'll probably think it's just another shitty movie made by Sony otherwise.
Age of Ultron was very disappointing. Saw it last Thursday. -Brief non-spoilery thoughts- The editing is so choppy and all over the place. It feels like there's chunks of story/info are missing. This appears to have stemmed from Whedon's arbetrairy want to have this film be shorter than the first. So scenes feel heavily trimmed down and the rhythm of the film, dialog/action/story is thrown off. Surprising since Whedon is usually so good at that stuff. Words like "what's going on?", "where are they?", "who was that?", & what are they doing?" are not things I'm accustomed to thinking while watching a film, but ran through my head several times here. Severly impacted my enjoyment of the film. There's other creative stuff I'm not happy with, but won't get into here. Not to say there's nothing to like as there's plenty, really enjoyed Hawkeye's development. Vision is awesome. Spader's Ultron is very entertaining when he gets going. In isolation, the action & dialog is great, but again the editing makes so much of it awkward so it doesn't land, robs it of impact. It's not the film I was hoping for, or the film it should have been, nor the film Whedon is capable of making. I can only pray to Odin for an Extended cut on Blu Ray because there's absolutely a better movie in there, but I really don't see that happening.
There will most likely be one. This makes me wonder if the release will restore Whedon's original 3.5 hour cut, or if it will be trimmed down to 3 hours or so.
Amazon sent out an email inviting people to preorder Age of Ultron and that the Blu-ray would contain the director's cut (it didn't say how long) and lots of bonus features and whatnot. So I'm hoping it's the 3.5-hour-long version. Because from everything I've read about the movie, the editing to get the movie down to a decent runtime has severely impacted the movie itself. edit — Jeremy Renner confirmed he's going to be appearing as Hawkeye in Civil War, and Paul Rudd didn't confirm nor deny that he'll appear as Ant-Man/Giant-Man.
So you're saying there could be another 40-70 minutes in the director's cut? Is it even worth going to see in the theaters? I don't want a lesser version to ruin my enjoyment of a potentially great version.
It's likely. Amazon sent out another email saying their information might be wrong, which many are taking to mean Disney yelled at them for revealing their Blu-ray plans without being given permission.
SPOILER-FILLED THOUGHTS FOR AGE OF ULTRON: I do feel like Age Of Ultron is a superior film to the first, thought it does have lots of problems, one of which is the big one, the editing / pace issue. It was incredibly noticable that a lot of footage had been cut, namely with the development of Ultron, and especially with the introduction of The Twins. I really began to like Scarlet Witch (and really felt for her), but Quicksilver was just wasted potential. They set up his death in a way where it is supposed to be this hugely tragic event, yet I really didn't really care, because he was vastly underdeveloped. Literally the only noteworthy thing I remember him doing is saying a few witty lines, and being a focus of humor. The affect his death had on Scarlet Witch though, really got me. It is also worth mentioning that there was a lot less focus on Cap and Iron Man. Though I do think that was a good thing, so that other charcters could shine, it did seem a bit weird. Along with this, it seems like the last big fight sequence was edited questionably, since major Avenger charcters are not on screen for minutes at a time, leaving you wonder, "what are they doing?" with regards to Thor, Vision, and Iron Man. All of this I feel would be remedied in the footage cut from the film. It may seem like I'm shitting on the film, but I really did like it. The reason I feel it is superior to the first film, despite the flaws listed above, is because it puts a much bigger focus on the characters. The farm section is my favorite part of the film by far. And I actually really dug the Banner / Romanoff romance, much to my suprise. Hawkeye was given great material, and Vision was handeled incredibly well. He's my favorite new Marvel character by far. And now I'm left with only one question, WHERE THE FUCK DID NICK FURY GET THAT HELICARRIER?! Fucking Deus ex machina shit man.