[thumb]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11054464_1084635491553022_525317640585055810_n.jpg?oh=819fd44a5517bccc16add02038559e05&oe=55BB4ABE&__gda__=1434522324_2f7320f63c5fab057fcf05a0ce45d7f9[/thumb][thumb]https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10401364_1084635668219671_240006271528830921_n.jpg?oh=898527df61800bf6b947a49db53c1faa&oe=558CAD63[/thumb] A Vision poster is only a matter of time I think.
I'm kinda hoping Quicksilver ends up with his classic green uniform at the end of the movie. I really like the blue one they made for him for the movie, but his green uniform is just fucking awesome. Elizabeth Olsen is my new crush, I think. She's gonna kill it as Scarlet Witch.
The blue costume is actually an outfit of Quicksilver in the comics. He has a green and a blue outfit. I'm agreeing with you on Olsen as Scarlet Witch. Not only is one of my favorite Marvel characters coming to life, but Elizabeth Olsen, whom I have a crush in since her indie days, is playing her
I knew he'd had a blue uniform in the comics, but I meant the one they'd made for him for the movie specifically. I think it looks cool. But I love the green uniform.
[video=youtube;ltzGfeqWp_M]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltzGfeqWp_M[/video] Also, spoiler-ish TV spot. Quicksilver has a thick European accent. [video=youtube;0WM915QsOyI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WM915QsOyI[/video]
QUICKSILVER'S ACCENT OH MY GOD THAT'S GOING TO BE FUCKING AMAZING Also the scene with Thor hitting Cap's shield – that shit was fucking awesome. For fuck's sake I can't wait for this movie.
Scarlett Johanson first appeared in Iron Man 2 as Black Widow, so the lack of an accent would have not been his decision. He more than likely had not even benn brought aboard to do The Avengers yet.
I hope the rumors saying Quicksilver dies in Age of Ultron aren't true. Not only would it be a colossal waste of an amazing character, but the audience won't even have had any real time to connect with the character, so killing him off would be more for shock value than anything else. I don't think the rumors of a character (or characters) dying in the movie are true anyway. If anything, I think either Hulk will get sent off planet (much like he does just prior to the Civil War in the comics), or Thor will be seriously injured, setting up the events of Ragnarok. We know Cap, Iron Man, and Black Widow (and, possibly, Hawkeye) survive because they'll be in Civil War; that leaves Hulk, Thor, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch. And like I said, it makes no sense to kill off either of the Twins, so, to me, it comes down to Hulk or Thor. (I'm not counting characters like War Machine, who will be in the movie, or Falcon, who I think is rumored to be in the movie; I can't remember if he is or not.) I don't remember where the death rumors even came from, actually. I know it's been said that the Avengers' lineup will be different at the end of the movie, but I think people have misinterpreted that as a character's death. But that's just me being hopeful, I guess.
I think it would be awesome for Hulk to appear in Guardians 2, but it would only make sense for him to appear in Guardians 2 if he had his own solo film first – Planet Hulk. The problem's that James Gunn's been constantly refuting what characters are going to be in Guardians 2, including Hulk (which makes sense). Of course, he's also been adamant about a lot of other characters that won't appear in Guardians 2, which is ridiculous, but that's another conversation. Personally, I think Marvel's going about Hulk all wrong. Only featuring him in The Avengers and Age of Ultron after his first solo film makes no sense. All the fans want to see a Planet Hulk film (or at least some sort of Hulk solo film) but Marvel keeps shooting all the ideas down. In the comics, Hulk goes on a rampage (I'm going to super-summarize here, because I can't remember the exact story off the top of my head) and is trapped aboard a ship that gets sent off-planet and no one can save him. Hulk eventually crash-lands on the planet Sakaar (Saakar?) and is forced into a gladatorial-style thing – the events of the Planet Hulk storyline. This is directly before the Civil War storyline, which is why a lot of people think Hulk is going to somehow end up on a ship battling Ultron that the Avengers decide to blast into space to get rid of Ultron at the expense of Hulk, and it'd lead into the events of Captain America: Civil War, and for Hulk, it'd lead into the events of Planet Hulk and eventually Guardians 2. If Marvel decides to go this route and they simply haven't announced a Planet Hulk movie (just so the events of the endgame in Age of Ultron aren't spoiled, which kind of makes sense), then Hulk could be featured at some point in Guardians 2, meeting up with Star-Lord and the team, because you just know that the Guardians are going to be heading for Earth prior to Infinity War. And this would allow Hulk to return home, too. I could see the Guardians and Hulk arriving on Earth for Infinity War 2. That's what I hope happens anyway. I just hate how Marvel's treating Hulk right now, like he's not one of their most important characters, like he's not a fan-favorite in the MCU. (And don't even get me started on practically ignoring The Incredible Hulk.)
Aaron Taylor-Johnson's contracted for several movies, so he's not dying. I have a gut feeling Rhodey might, though. Falcon's in the movie. I have a gut feeling (I might be dead wrong though) that Rhodey might die because 1) he's waay high up in the credits (even before Aaron Taylor-Johnson), 2) he's only seen so far in the Avengers Tower party scene, and it's probably not a Pepper cameo like the first film, and 3) it can be added guilt/motivation why Stark's desperate to take down Ultron, which could sow the seeds of Civil War.
Hm. Well, I hope War Machine's not killed off, either. He's a wonderful character, and the dynamic he shares with Iron Man's fantastic. Plus, Don Cheadle's a great actor, and losing his presence in the MCU would hurt in the long run, I think. It would also demolish all the other rumors I've been reading about War Machine being one of the main members of the new Avengers following Infinity War. (Although I guess all of these would be great reasons to kill him off, since I said killing Quicksilver off without letting any emotional attachment build up would be silly, and here I am defending keeping War Machine alive because I've got an emotional attachment. ) I wouldn't look too far into the billing, though. A lot of times they're set up so the actors who have the most screen time are listed first; other times, they're set up simply so the "biggest names" are listed first, regardless of how big their part is. It does, however, irk me some that RDJ is listed before the title of the film; if anything, it should be the actors who play the main Avengers team as they exist at the beginning of the film (RDJ, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, Evans, Johansson, and Renner), or none of them at all. (Ever since the first Avengers, it's always bothered me how RDJ thinks Iron Man needs to be the main focus of the film like it's an Iron Man film and not an ensemble superhero team-up film. I know he backed down from that stance for the first film, but it's always bothered me how big his ego is when it comes to Iron Man. At least, that's the way I've perceived him.) One thing that's weird about that billing list is that Tom Hiddleston (Loki) appears to be missing, even though he's been confirmed as being in the film. So that's odd.