I found this somewhere, This site lets you create your own lego figure, and place it where you want, such as on the moon. It's pretty cool, and requires flash plugin, which you should have peps Check it Out
heh...im gonna try makin all members into lego people! lol this is cool, thanx alex -PP:KUt :chemist:
here is chester...i dont know if its perfect or anythin, but they dont have a lot of what i wanted to put on! lol o well, here it is -PP:KUt :chemist:
I hope that wasn't modeled on yourself [/b][/quote] Hehhe.. no. It'd be interesting to look like that, though. Oh yeah, I thought of making myself, but then I couldn't find a hair style that's similar to mine. Last edited by Magick at Aug 4 2002, 12:32 PM
brad, well its supposed be him, its the closest thing to a fro Last edited by LPchick4ever at Aug 6 2002, 05:17 AM