dont know.....and its been two days and know one noes..... " and my crew we stay true, old school or new..?????
"...many were called but the chosen are few." --P.O.D., Boom. Dangers lurking in every corner, minds clouded with mistrust...
" witches for them to burn" (or something similar to that) Weapons Of Mass Deception by The Unseen I love The Unseen, but I have trouble listening to them without having, "Beat It" stuck in my head for hours. Anyway: After all these implements and text designed by intellects so vexed to find evidently there's...
"...just so much that hides." --The Shins, Saint Simon. Diversion and aversion is the flavor of the day...
you know the moon is full and i cant live without you-hawthorne heights, silver bullets could someone deliver us, just send us some kind of sign....... close to giving up, cause faith is so hard to find. --Nickelback, Believe It Or Not You gotta pull the plug when it's time to die...
From Kate's "...To die bottles to the ground" NOFX Bottles To the Ground "But we'll stick to the guns Don't care if it's marketing suicidal..."
Sacred silence and sleep Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep Disorder, disorder, disorder S.O.A.D Toxicity "You called me up last night in tears..." Also if you DON'T know a lyric don't simply reply don't know with in a few hours of them posting it, either wait see if anyone else does or just google it! (If still nothing after a day then start a new one). There is no point in a thread with a load of half song lines and as many "I don't know so,,"
....and said that you missed me after all these years. Reel Big Fish-where have you been? `a decade ago,i never thuoght i would be....`?
"At twenty-three, on the verge of spontaneous combustion." Pardon Me - Incubus Next: "I had a dream I was a vigilante..."
You`re just too good to be true,can`t take my eyes off you-Andy williams `Can`t you see,that I wanna be......?`